Monday, December 30, 2019

Individual Service Request Sr-Rm-022, Part 1 - 1192 Words

Service Request SR-rm-022 Edwin Moreno BSA/375 May 22, 2015 Eric Secrist Riordan Manufacturing Riordan has sent a request for service with to the IT department hoping to benefit their company. The request for service involves changing the HR department for the better. Riordan wants to integrate and change the HR applications with a new state-of-the-art information system. The company wants to have the HR department to have the ability to assesses resources and tools all in one application. Who are stakeholders? In the IT and business field, the stakeholders can be many different people. Talks of tech have a great definition of stakeholders stating that: Any person who has interests in an existing or†¦show more content†¦When performing observations, IT experts can see firsthand exactly what is the issue with the problem. Interviews are great, but they only get one side of the story so to speak. But with observing the system at hand and seeing what the issue is or can be is a different story. IT experts can capture other opportunities to improve the system that the HR representative may not even know. When redesigning a system, it is good to focus on what the customer wants but its even better to focus on what the customer needs. By observing the system at hand experts can see and other opportunities that can improve the system that the HR representatives are going to need. It is highly recommended to observe the system at different times of the day. Instead of picking a 9 to 5 designated time, perhaps checking and observing the system and how it works at different times during a normal business day. Perhaps later in the evening a system can slow down or even experience different types of problem that wouldnt occur during the daytime. Instead ofShow MoreRelatedService Request Sr-Rm-022, Part 1 Essay1514 Words   |  7 PagesService Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 BSA/375 Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 Riordan Manufacturing is a global plastics manufacturer employing 550 people with projected annual earnings of $46 million. There is a plant in Albany, GA that produces plastic beverage containers, a plant in Pontiac, MI that produces custom plastic parts, and a plastic fan parts facility in Hangzhou, China. The corporate office is in San Jose, CA along with the corporations Research and Development DepartmentRead MoreBsa 375 Week 2 Service Request Sr-Rm-004, Part 11205 Words   |  5 PagesService Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 Your name here University of Phoenix Online BSA 375 Insrtuctor Date Service Request SR-rm-004, Part 1 Riordan Manufacturing is an international plastics manufacturer that currently employs 550 people with projected annual earnings totaling approximately $46 million. The company is completely owned by Riordan Industries which is a Fortune 1000 enterprise with revenues of up to $1 billion. The company’s merchandises consists of plastic beverageRead MoreBSA 375 Week 3 Service Request Essay972 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ Service Request SR-RM-022 Part 2 Joe Smith BSA375 January 15, 2014 Dr. John Barrow Service Request SR-rm-022 (Part 2) The new Human Resources Information System (HRIS) architecture will be congruent with the existing Information Technology (IT) infrastructure. Technical support will be directed and implemented from the San Jose office. Our proposal recommends a three phase approach to implementation. In the First Phase (1P), HRIS baseline requirements and increased Human ResourceRead MoreEssay about Individual Service Request SR Rm 022 Pa3284 Words   |  14 Pagesanalysis and design to fundamental business systems within the organization. Complete  Section 3 of the Service Request SR-rm-022 paper for Riordan Manufacturing.. This section incorporates the transition from design to implementation. Consider revising Sections 1 and 2 based on faculty feedback. Resource:  Virtual Organizations link under Academic Resources for Riordan Manufacturing   and Service Request. Note: The content of the Week Four assignment should not be changed because this assignment has beenRead MoreService Request SR-rm-022, Part 11051 Words   |  5 Pages Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 August 25, 2014 BSA/375 The COO of Riordan Manufacturing, Hugh McCauley, wants to combine the current assortment of tools in use into a single integrated application. Riordan Manufacturing wants to take advantage of the most sophisticated, state-of-the art information systems technology that already exists in the human resources department (Riordan Manufacturing, 2006). In the development phase, it isRead MoreService Request Sr-Rm-022, Part 11219 Words   |  5 PagesService Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 Justin Medvic BSA/375 Ken Murphy University of Phoenix Introduction At Riordan Manufacturing the requestor is Hugh McCauley, COO. He wants to integrate existing variety of Human Resources (HR) tools into a single integrated application for all the plant locations. Riordan Manufacturing would like to take advantage of a more sophisticated, state-of-the art, information systems technology in the Human Resources department. The Information Technology (IT)Read MoreBsa 375 Week 2 Ind Paper1085 Words   |  5 PagesService Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 Riordan Manufacturing Key Stakeholders There are several stakeholders at Riordan Manufacturing to gather requirements from to provide a clear picture of the final project. The first stakeholder to gain input would come from the Chief Operations Officer, he was the requestor of the system upgrade, is responsible for the budget, which includes payroll. The Chief Legal Officer oversees the legal aspects of the human resources programs. The individual human resourcesRead MoreBsa 375 Service Request Week 11562 Words   |  7 PagesService Request SR-rm-022 part 1 BSA/375 Christopher Christmon Michael James July 18, 2015 The COO of Riordan manufacturing Hugh McCauley would like to combine the existing variety of tools in use into a single multi integrated application. Riordan Manufacturing wants to take advantage of the more sophisticated state of the art information systems that has already existed in the human resources department (Riordan Manufacturing, 2006). The information gathered in this document the informationRead MoreRiordan Manufacturing Sr 0223121 Words   |  13 PagesRiordan Manufacturing Service Request SR-rm-022 Benjamin Fuhriman BSA/375 April, 21, 2014 John Dunn Riordan Manufacturing Service Request SR-rm-022 Riordan Manufacturing is a plastics manufacturing company that has locations around the world. There are over 500 employees that are part of the company in multiple countries. In order for the company to properly maintain the employee information and other human resource information a service request has been submitted to consolidate all ofRead MoreService Request SR-rm-022 Final Essay2832 Words   |  12 Pagesï » ¿ Service Request SR-rm-022 Final Sharon Foreman, PhD. BSA/375 3/13/15 Trisha Carter Service Request Part 1 With having plastic manufacturer facilities in areas such as China, Michigan, and Georgia; Riordan Manufacturing has produced annual earnings over forty six million. Riordan also has a research and development department over in San Jose California. Riordan Industries are the sole owner of Riordan Manufacturing and they are one of the Fortune 1000 enterprises with their worth being more

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The 3 E S - 1532 Words

The 3 E’s Daniel 6: 6-10 Background: Daniel 1-10 (Explain who the Satraps and Administrators are and how Daniel was one of them but when then had came up with the plan to make it wrong to pray to anyone but the king the decided to attack connection with his God.) Will write in this part†¦ Soon†¦ Introduction of Points: Prayer is the most power thing you have in your toolbox. There are so many things you can do true this thing we call prayer. Prayer can get you out of trouble even when people are trying to put in you trouble. As we look at our text today we see that now the administrators and people over power over the land have produced a law that makes it basically illegal to pray to anyone other then kind Darius for 30days. The†¦show more content†¦He knew that no matter what was going on at the governmental level, he knew what was going on that the Godly level was more powerful. Today we live in world were things have never happened before, we have leaders much like the satraps and administrators. The person in charge of the United States is signing orders and laws that don’t make any sense are often times they do not line up with we as follower of Christ believe. But how many times to we look at these things and immediately turn off the TV and pray about them like we ought ton a s Daniel did? The passages tell us that â€Å"when he knew† the word knew in the tense lets me know that he found out fairly quickly and being as how he was an administrator he would have known almost instantly. But he didn’t call his buddies to complain but he decided to go to God in prayer. Application: When you have conversations with people they don’t mean anything all to often we want to call up people a gossip and just talk about our problems but that does not yield anything you still must go back to what you were doing before the situation occurred, but when you talk to God that is a conversation that has power. That is a conversation that has some backbone, you can pray to King Darrius if you want to but what is he going to do about and plus he can’t hear them all, But God hears every prayer and cad do something about it! When I was in school IShow MoreRelatedEssay on Chem 2c Post Lab1580 Words   |  7 Pagesgram, i.e. 0.302. (Use 3 significant figures.) Your Answer: 0.536 No Points Possible 6) Scoring Scheme: 3-3-2-1 If one had weighed out precisely 0.500 g of KIO3 for the primary standard solution and dissolved it in enough deionized water to make a 250 mL solution, the molarity of that solution would be 0.00935 M. 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U6+ e. U2- 3. Which ion has a noble gas configuration? a. Fe3+ b. Ni2+ c. Sc3+ d. V3+ e. Cr3+ 4. Give the ground state electron configuration and number of unpaired electronsRead MoreProject Week 61687 Words   |  7 Pages$23.11 b. $23.70 c. $24.31 d. $24.93 e. $25.57 2. If D1 = $1.25, g (which is constant) = 4.7%, and P0 = $26.00, what is the stock’s expected dividend yield for the coming year? a. 4.12% b. 4.34% c. 4.57% d. 4.81% e. 5.05% 3. If D0 = $1.75, g (which is constant) = 3.6%, and P0 = $32.00, what is the stock’s expected total return for the coming year? a. 8.37% b. 8.59% c. 8.81% d. 9.03% e. 9.27% 4. Canterberry s preferred stock pays a dividend of $0.75Read MoreNext Day Air Case Essay1065 Words   |  5 PagesChapter 3 (handed out in class and posted to Blackboard) as per the instructions below: A, Complete Question 3 – noting that this is all for using dial-up modems. B. Complete Question 4. C. Complete Question 2 – as if you were were redesigning their network(s). D. Complete Question 5. Post to the Assignments area of Blackboard, and bring a hardcopy to class to turn in. Please turn in hardcopy at start of class in order to not lose any points for being late. Ex e r c isRead MoreFree Cash Flow and Corporate Valuation Model1510 Words   |  7 Pagesat the firm s weighted average cost of capital to find the value of its operations. _F___ 3. Value-based management focuses on sales growth, profitability, capital requirements, the weighted average cost of capital, and the dividend growth rate. _F___ 4. Two important issues in corporate governance are (1) the rules that cover the board s ability to fire the CEO and (2) the rules that cover the CEO s ability to remove members of the board. _F___ 5. If a company s expected returnRead MoreAptitude Test1726 Words   |  7 PagesPage 2 of 7 Cell 1. A. Is the entry before noon? B. Is the entry after noon? C. Customer purchases individual ticket D. Customer purchases a family package E. Customer makes payment Answer: (A) Cell 2. A. Charge $10 per person B. Charge $10 with 20% discount per person C. Charge $8 per person D. Customer makes payment E. Check the time of entry Answer: (C) Sample question 2: ADD 1 TO RESIDENCE COUNT SET RESIDENCE COUNT TO 0 HOUSEHOLD INCOME $ 5,000 SET TYPE A COUNT TO 0 Read MoreQuestions On Derivation Of Equations914 Words   |  4 Pagesexpressions which relate the S-parameters of an SUS, S _ij and error box, S _ijE, to the whole simulation results, S _ijm. Fig. 3 describes the network flow graph of a typical and all-inclusive simulation involving an SUS, shifted (de-embedded) reference planes and wave ports. According to the wave port characteristic (Appendix), the de-embedded sections are non-reflecting transmission lines with the following known S-parameter matrix: S_(L_dmbd )=(ââ€"  (0e^(-ÃŽ ³L_dmb )@e^(-ÃŽ ³L_dmb )0@)) Read MoreMethyl Red Voges-Proskauer Test Lab1338 Words   |  6 PagesTest Lab Tetia Richardson Microbiology DL3: Instructor Newton 3/29/2015 PURPOSE This experiment is designed to become familiar with and perform the MR-VP biochemical test, learn variations in how different organisms metabolize glucose, and to become familiar with and perform the catalase biochemical test. Materials Used 10% bleach solution Hydrogen peroxide Paper towels Saved E. coli culture Stock culture: S. epidermidis Gloves Candle used for a flame source Test Tube TestRead MoreWomen s Role During Society Has Changed Dramatically Throughout History1350 Words   |  6 Pageswomen, leading him to believe that all women are weak and flawed like his mother: â€Å"Frailty, thy name is woman!† (1. 3. 146). Along with Gertrude, Ophelia is seen as a fragile being. This weakness is demonstrated when she is ordered by her Polonius, her father, to end romantic relations with Hamlet, whom she loves: â€Å"From this time Be something scanter of your maiden presence,† (1. 3. 120 ­121), and she is unable to reject his command. By exhibiting a lack of voice and free will, Ophelia proves to be

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Differentiate Between Different Learning Styles Free Essays

What is learning style:- The various preferences and methods employed by learners in the process of learning. Every individual have different style and techniques of learning. Some people may find that they have a dominant style of learning, with far less use of the other styles. We will write a custom essay sample on Differentiate Between Different Learning Styles or any similar topic only for you Order Now Others may find that they use different styles in different circumstances. There is no right mix. Nor are your styles fixed. You can develop ability in less dominant styles, as well as further develop styles that you already use well. So the best way to learn always depends on the person by finding his own style of learning style. We have different kinds of learning styles. Differentiation between different learning styles:- There are three main types of learning styles: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Most people learn best through a combination of the three types of learning styles, but everybody is different. Auditory Learners: Hear Auditory learners would rather listen to things being explained than read about them. Reciting information out loud and having music in the background may be a common study method. Other noises may become a distraction resulting in a need for a relatively quiet place. Visual Learners: See Visual learners learn best by looking at graphics, watching a demonstration, or reading. For them, it’s easy to look at charts and graphs, but they may have difficulty focusing while listening to an explanation. Kinesthetic Learners: Touch Kinesthetic learners process information best through a â€Å"hands-on† experience. Actually doing an activity can be the easiest way for them to learn. Sitting still while studying may be difficult, but writing things down makes it easier to understand. First is called visual in which we use and prefer mostly pictures and spatial understanding, while second is Aural in which we prefer to listen sounds and music on order to learn something effectively. Third is verbal, in this type of learning we use wordings and speeches. Fourth, Physical, in this type of learning we use a sense of touch and body language. Fifth is Logic, in which we prefer using reason and logic arguments. The sixth kind of learning style is social; this is one of the common types of learning style in which we prefer to learn in groups. Lastly, Solitary is the last kind of learning style in which individuals work and study alone to learn in their own style. www. scibd. com How to cite Differentiate Between Different Learning Styles, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Canterbury Tales Wife Of Bath Essay free essay sample

The Canterbury Narratives: Wife Of Bath Essay, Research Paper The Canterbury Narratives: Wife of Bath In the Hollywood blockbuster Basic Instinct, Sharon Stone plays a oblique, manipulative, sex-driven adult female who gets whatever she wants through her gambits for control. Stone # 8217 ; s portraiture of this character is unforgettable and makes the film. In book or movie, the most memorable female characters are those who interrupt out of the stereotyped? good married woman? cast. When an writer or actress utilizations this technique efficaciously, the adult female frequently carries the narrative. In Geoffrey Chaucer # 8217 ; s Canterbury Tales, he portrays the Wife of Bath, Alison, as a adult female who bucks the tradition of her times with her flashiness and desire for control to show a adult female # 8217 ; s point of position and to arouse some understanding for her. In the writer # 8217 ; s clip, much of the literature was devoted to formalizing the infirmities of adult females. We will write a custom essay sample on The Canterbury Tales Wife Of Bath Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, in this narrative, the Wife is a adult female who has outlived four of five hubbies for? of five housbodes scoleying? ( P50 ) is she. She holds non her lingua, and says precisely what she thinks, even if she contradicts others, even Jesus. For in the Bible it states that Jesus? Spak in repreve of the Samaritan: / ? Thou hast yhad five housbondes, # 8217 ; quod he, / ? And that ilke adult male that now hath thee/Is nat thyn housbonde # 8217 ; ? ( P16 ) . Despite this quotation mark from the sanctum writ, the Wife provinces that ther are no other statements? Eek wel I woot he [ Jesus ] saide that myn housbonde/Sholde lete fader and moder and take me, /But of no nombre mencion made he [ Jesus ] # 8211 ; /Of bigamye or of octagamye? ( P30 ) . She maintains her place and dismisses the one contention in the Bible by saying in relation to the above quotation mark? Wat that he mente therby [ she ] can nat sayn, /But that I axe why the fifthe man/Was noon housbonde to the Samaritan? /How manye mighte she han in mariage? /Yit herde I nevere tellen in myn age/Upon this nombre diffinicioun? ( P20 ) . A true history of her flashiness is when she states that sex variety meats are for pleasance every bit good as map. She states that? In wifhood wol I use myn instrument/As freely as my Makere hath it sent? ( P155 ) . She displays her pitiless side when she makes her rip offing hubby, the 4th, think that she is rip offing and revels in this triumph by stating? in his ain Greece I made him frye? ( P493 ) . It is obvious that the Wife of Bath is no submissive adult female who thinks what she is tol vitamin D to believe. She is opinionated and blunt, qualities which present her positions consequently. As she is non docile, the Wife must be something to the contrary, and of class she is, to a great grade. The Wife strives to derive complete command over her hubbies. And derive command she does as? [ she ] hadde hem hoolly in myn hand/And sith that they hadde yiven me al hir land/What sholde I take maintain hem for to plese/But it were for my net income and myn ese? ( P217 ) . The Wife # 8217 ; s secret is simple, ? For half so boldely can ther no man/Swere and prevarication as a adult female can? ( P234 ) . She does something to every hubby to keep her control. However, Jankyn, her 5th hubby, believes in everything that disparages adult females, which is precisely what Alison detests. She lashes out with all she has left: ? [ she ] with [ her ] fist so took him on the cheeke/That in oure fir he fil bakward adown? ( P799 ) . Her delusory strategy is to feign to decease from the blow dealt by Jankyn. ? And with his fist he smoot [ her ] on the heed/That in the floor I lay as I were deed./And whan he sawgh how stille that I lay, /He was agast, and wolde have fled his manner, /Til atte laste out of my swough I braide: / ? O hastou slain me, false stealer? # 8217 ; I saide, / ? And for my land therefore hastou modred me? /Er I be deed yit wol I kisse thee # 8217 ; ? ( P801 ) . Obviously, this if really effectual for Jankyn is so distraught that he pleads? Myn ain true wif, /Do as thee lust the terme of Al thy lif ; /Keep thyn honor, and maintain eek myn estat? ( P825 ) . And after he gives her control, ? we hadde neer debat? ( P828 ) . She has won this conflict of marbless, but it seems as though Jankyn has none. One manner or another, Alison has made her marionettes dance, wholly under her rule. Her narrative backs up her doctrine, as the chief point is that? Wommen desire to hold sovereinetee/As wel over hir housbonde and hir love, /And for to been in maistrye him above? ( T1044 ) . The Narrative dorsums up the Prologue and pleads for the emancipation of adult females. Alison is her ain ideal of what a adult female should be. By deriving sovereignty, she has the power. Chaucer has presented us with a fresh position of adult females, uncharacteristic of his clip. The Wife of Bath is alone, and her shaping qualities allow what the writer thinks of adult females to uncover itself clearly. She is an immoral adult female who has done whatever she has needed to make to acquire what she wants, and the writer makes no apologies.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Healthcare History Essays - Healthcare Reform In The United States

Healthcare History The historic payment system for reimbursing hospitals both by insurers and by Medicare has been Retrospective Cost Based Reimbursement(RCBR). This system of reimbursement encourages hospitals to over charge in order to cover the costs of the uninsured who utilize the hospital. Charges have continued to rise year after year eventually putting the employers at a point where they could no longer afford the payments. For physician reimbursements, both insurers and Medicare employed the Usual and Customary(U+C) approach to reimbursement. This practice, which averaged the charges for a procedure in a region, also encourages doctors to over-charge in order to raise the average amount paid to them for a procedure. These two systems, RCBR and U+C eventually started to suck too much money out of the insurers, employers, and the Medicare/Social Security trust fund so that interventions were deemed necessary. Perhaps the biggest intervention adopted by the private sector to reduce medical service costs was the trend toward businesses self-insuring. By doing so, they avoided state-mandated benefits that were required if they hired a third-party insurer. In addition, the money was now paid to claims as they arose rather than prospectively so income could be earned on this capital as it sat in the bank. Other intervention to reduce medical service costs mainly involved private insurers as it was difficult for small businesses to self-insure because of low-capitol. Underwriting was a typical practice of insurance companies; that is, excluding some employees from coverage if they have preexisting conditions or if they are employed in ?high-risk? areas. Payment caps are were also employed by insurers as a way to save medical costs. This practice meant setting limits for the total amount paid for selected diagnoses. These interventions ultimately led to segmentation in the insurance market. A shift occurred in the way that insurers calculated premium charges. Community rating used to be the norm. It involves placing all beneficiaries into a large group and projecting their claims. Premiums were then spread across the entire group as were risks. However, as a result of the historical hospital and physician payments schemes, insurers shifted to experience rating. That is, a rating that bases a group?s premiums on its experienced cost. Therefore, by only including low-risk, low- cost individuals under coverage, premiums for those individuals may be minimized. This effect leaves small groups behind, paying much more in premiums. These interventions mentioned as well as increased experience-rating adopted by insurers and the subsequent phenomena of market segmentation have had effects on many levels of the health care system: ?Premiums for small employers have skyrocketed for two reasons. First, administrative costs for small employers are proportionally higher than those for larger firms(Congressional Research Service) and secondly, larger firms have more market clout and are so able to seal the contracts that provide lower premiums to their employees. Larger firms are also able to spread the risks of their insured employees across a larger beneficiary base with lots of capitol to absorb any abnormality in claims from one year to the next. Small firms don?t have this luxury and as a result their premiums have increased. ?As health care costs grew, many larger businesses opted to self-insure and take the risks of their employees rather than paying an insurance company to perform this role. These employers also avoided the state mandated benefits and could use capital not prospectively paid to earn interest. ?It was in the 1980's, when employers were becoming increasingly concerned about soaring health care costs, commercial insurers were concerned about the future of traditional health insurance, and physicians were increasingly joining health plans to guarantee a steady flow of customers, that managed care really expand dramatically. As diagram 1 shows(see attachments), the number of people enrolled in HMO's in 1976 was 6 million and by 1991 had reached 38.6 million. The higher costs of medical care forced different groups into HMO's for different reasons. Doctors enrolled in HMO's gave up some autonomy but were guaranteed a steady flow of patients. The patients enrolled were guaranteed care for a fixed monthly premium at the expense of visiting only providers covered in their plan. ?The draining of the Social Security trust fund by traditional hospital RCBR method

Monday, November 25, 2019

Consecuencias de mentir para visa o a Inmigracin

Consecuencias de mentir para visa o a Inmigracin Si mientes o cometes fraude para obtener una visa u otro beneficio migratorio y te agarran las consecuencias son muy graves.  ¿Quà © puede pasar? ¿Es posible salir del problemà ³n? Pero,  ¿quà © es mentir para las autoridades de inmigracià ³n? En el contexto de Inmigracià ³n, mentir es decir- en forma hablada o por escrito- algo que no se corresponde con la verdad con el fin de conseguir un beneficio de Inmigracià ³n cuando tal beneficio no serà ­a concedido de haberse conocido la verdad. Esa mentira es lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como material misrepresentation. Por otro lado, el fraude de migratorio, conocido en inglà ©s como visa fraud es muy similar a la mentira de la que estamos hablando. Y las consecuencias son iguales. Adems, una mentira puede ser considerada como prueba de tener un mal carcter moral, lo cual es importante porque para algunos beneficios es un requisito ser considerado una persona con buena moral.  ¿Para quà © se miente o se comete fraude migratorio? Para conseguir un beneficio migratorio, que puede ser de muy diversos tipos, por ejemplo: Visas tipo turista, de trabajo temporal o de estudianteSacar la ciudadanà ­a mediante la naturalizacià ³nTarjeta de residencia (tambià ©n conocida como visa de inmigrante o greencard)Ingresar a Estados UnidosAsilo, accià ³n diferida, etc.  ¿Cules son ejemplos de mentiras o de acciones que constituyen fraude migratorio? Entre otras, cualquiera de las siguientes acciones: Mentiras relacionadas con el estado civil (soltero, casado, divorciado, etc)Utilizar un nombre falso o que corresponde a otra persona.No declarar el nà ºmero exacto de hijos.Negar tener familiares en EEUU o que son ciudadanos americanos.Presentar documentos falsos sobre cuentas bancarias, propiedades, etc.Mentir sobre trabajo, estudios, etc.Mentir sobre el tiempo de estancia fuera de los Estados UnidosMentir sobre pago de impuestosMentir sobre pago de pensià ³n de manutencià ³n (child support)Presentar tà ­tulos acadà ©micos que no son falsos.Cartas falsas sobre experiencia laboral.Contar a un oficial de Inmigracià ³n en una frontera o aeropuerto que la intencià ³n es visitar temporalmente Estados Unidos como turista cuando el objetivo verdadero es casarse con un ciudadano y quedarse o simplemente entrar a vivir con el cà ³nyuge ciudadano y pedir un ajuste de estatus sin esperar fuera del paà ­s por la residencia permanente.Sobornar -incluso en grado de tentativa- a un ofici al consular para obtener la aprobacià ³n del visado. Alterar una visa autà ©ntica o falsificarla.Comprar, vender, transferir o procurar a otra persona una visa u otro documento legà ­timo, como por ejemplo, un pasaporte.Entrar a EEUU con una visa de turista o sin visado (paà ­ses en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas) con la intencià ³n de trabajar para una empresa americana.Ingresar a Estados Unidos como turista con la intencià ³n de estudiar a tiempo completo - ms de 19 horas a la semana) en una universidad o academia. (Este es un problema con los espaà ±oles y posiblemente lo vaya a ser con los chilenos que por tener mala informacià ³n vienen a estudiar inglà ©s en EEUU a tiempo completo en verano creyendo que no necesitan visa de estudiante por tener la ESTA. Pero esa es una autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica para turistas y poco ms. No para estudiar).  ¿Cules son las consecuencias de mentir en asuntos de Inmigracià ³n o para sacar una visa? Los efectos de la mentira o del fraude migratorio -inadmisibilidad conocida oficialmente como INA seccià ³n 212 (a)(6)(C)(i)- son los siguientes: El problema original por el que mentiste sigue ahà ­. No ha desaparecido.Te has convertido en inadmisible por razà ³n de haber cometido un fraude migratorio (visa fraud). Esto quiere decir que no vas a poder conseguir visas no inmigrante ni tampoco una de inmigrante. Tampoco vas a poder ajustar tu estatus ni obtener cambios de visa. Tampoco se podr obtener beneficios migratorios como la accià ³n diferida, si eres un Dreamers, o incluso asilo.Adems, si ests en Estados Unidos una vez que el gobierno se entera de que hay un problema de fraude inmigratorio iniciar un procedimiento para deportarte. Incluso en ocasiones graves puede iniciar un proceso penal, enviarte a la crcel y al salir, deportarte.Asimismo, tendrs ya siempre un problema de falta de credibilidad con todas las personas del gobierno americano que tratan temas migratorios (oficiales consulares, oficiales de aduanas, USCIS, CBP, jueces de cortes migratorias, etc.)Finalmente, si se ha obtenido un beneficio migratorio duran te una tramitacià ³n en la que se ha mentido, es posible revocarlo. Y esto afecta a situaciones tan diversas como una visa de turista e incluso la green card o la ciudadanà ­a. En muchos de estos casos hay que destacar que el hecho sobre el que se miente no es razà ³n suficiente para denegar un beneficio migratorio o una visa. Es la mentira en sà ­ la que causa todos los problemas.    ¿Cà ³mo se enteran de que has mentido? Por diversos cauces. Por ejemplo (hay muchos ms): En algunos paà ­ses con un alto nà ºmero de mentiras detectadas los consulados investigan si los documentos que se presentan son verdaderos, si los reportes bancarios son fabricados por un abogado corrupto.En el curso de una entrevista pueden darse cuenta de que hay inconsistencias notorias y hacen una comprobacià ³n de los hechos.Puede que todo se descubra ms tarde cuando en el curso de la peticià ³n de otro beneficio migratorio se destapa la mentira original. Por ejemplo, si se le miente al oficial del aeropuerto presentndose con una visa de turista cuando la intencià ³n es quedarse a vivir con el cà ³nyuge americano en Estados Unidos puede ocurrir que cuando a continuacià ³n se pide el ajuste de estatus à ©ste se niegue por fraude migratorio (visa fraud).Por una denuncia anà ³nima. Por ejemplo, no tienes a mano el certificado de divorcio y dices en una planilla de inmigracià ³n que nunca has estado casado. Y resulta que tu ex se entera y asà ­ lo hace saber a la autorid ad que corresponda. Etc.  ¿Quà © hacer? Lo ms importante es pararse antes de contar la mentira. Y valorar muy bien las posibles consecuencias. Incluso consultar con un abogado especialista. Siempre es mejor no obtener momentneamente un beneficio migratorio (como por ejemplo una visa), que obtenerlo a travà ©s de una mentira y que ms tarde te lo quiten y que no te lo vuelvan a dar, posiblemente por el resto de tu vida. (Estas son tarifas promedio de lo que cobran los abogados de inmigracià ³n, incluido costo de consulta). Ten mucho cuidado con toda esa gente que se llama consultores y ofrecen documentos falsos o llenan tus planillas con informacià ³n no verdadera. Ya que si se descubre quien se queda con el problema eres tà º. No ellos. Y no vale de nada decir que te aconsejaron, que no entiendes bien inglà ©s, que te dijo tu familia, etc. Tà º eres el à ºnico responsable de lo que presentas y de lo que firmas.  ¿Es posible pedir un perdà ³n en los casos de inadmisibilidad por fraude inmigratorio o de visa? En casos muy especà ­ficos sà ­ es posible, hay una tramitacià ³n distinta para visas de inmigrante y para las de no inmigrante. Pero, honestamente, son pocos los que se conceden. Si tienes un problema de inadmisibilidad por INA 212(a)(6)(C)(i) y quieres plantearte solicitar un perdà ³n, habla con un abogado de inmigracià ³n especialista en este tema en concreto. Para valorar si tienes una chance antes de gastar mucho tiempo y dinero. Pero primero asegà ºrate que tu inadmisibilidad es realmente esa. Si tienes papeles del consulado, USCIS, la CBP, etc, mira siempre quà © ponen y en algà ºn lado ha de poner la causa del problema. Pero si no sabes exactamente cul es tu causa de inadmisibilidad, es decir, la razà ³n por la que te niegan una visa o cualquier otro beneficio migratorio, siempre puedes solicitar tu historial.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Literature Review of Alimony Reform Research Paper

Literature Review of Alimony Reform - Research Paper Example It is apparent that alimony fees can be paid for a lifetime. This mainly takes place when one is at retirement period, and their level of income reduces significantly. For this reason, it is evident that there is need for amendment of the policies. A few changes will result in lower alimony payments. The reduction and more flexible distribution of matrimonial resources will see both parties benefit from the same while at the same time limiting the judge’s and magistrate’s situation of favoring the other party. Clearer stipulations and regulations put in place will enable the jury to come up with appropriate decisions. Literature review Alimony laws emerged in England as a part of divorce laws in around 1857. The objective of the alimony laws is to ensure continuous provision and care for the divorced parties (Jackson, 2012, February). Research shows that there is need to come up with a law that takes center stage in dealing with the divorce issues (May, 2012, November). This is in actual fact helpful in maintaining an equal ruling in couples pushing for divorce. In the recent past there is no division of matrimonial property and the payments are periodical. This according to most observers is not fair, as it give an upper advantage to some parties while it disadvantaged the other parties. Informed by this, there is a significant need to review the Alimony law in Florida. Statistics indicate that Florida ranks as 8thhighest in divorce rates in the United States of America (May, 2012, November).In the year 2010, 4.3 divorces occurred per 1000 people. In 2011, it rose to 4.5 divorces, demonstrating a 2.7% increase. The majority of those involved in divorce fall around the age of 20-24 years. Those getting married at older ages, especially between ages 35-39, indicate fewer divorces (Worell 2002). It is legal that after divorce,50% of the spouse’s income remains with the other divorced party, according to the jury’s decision (Morgan, 201 2). According to Jackson (2012) in the Alimony arithmetic. ABA Journal, dissolution of marriage in Florida can happen under many circumstances. However, enough proof and evidence that warrants a divorce requires significant consideration. This ensures that one does not just file a case, but has a solid evidence to seek for the divorce. Therefore, the once established family does not suffer in vain. One has to prove that he or she has been in marriage, he or she is a resident in the country, and whether either of the spouse is or has been incompetent for the last three years. Proof of mental incapacitation of one spouse is also enough to warrant a divorce (Jackson, 2012). One can file a petition in the attorney’s office. The partner has to answer the petition in twenty days’ time. Submission of financial documents and affidavits occurs within 45 days before an official hearing. Couples may also sign an agreement on who is to look after the children and the property mana gement schedule (Wardle & Nolan, 2011). The court also receives a written agreement. The situation is a traumatic one as the two parties to discuss the way forward until they agree. Sometimes couples dissolve their marriage in an unofficial method, and therefore the attorney’s services is contraindicated (Starnes, 2011). Division of the marital assets becomes the significant factor in divorce. It is usually the hardest part when settling divorce. Florida laws provide an aspect of equitable distribution of the resources. The two

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Human Rights in Vietnam Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Rights in Vietnam - Research Paper Example Every country has to abide with human rights laws. Every constitution has to focus on human rights. Rights have been described by the United Nations in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. There are also many other accounts of human rights that are present in other countries' governments and organizations. Vietnam is considered to be a country that is poor in human rights. The Communist Party of Vietnam governs the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. "Vietnam insists that human rights are a part of its own internal affairs and are inherently connected with the country's history, culture, tradition, and socioeconomic conditions" (Alagappa 457). There are no other legal political parties. The elections of 2002 were considered unfair as all candidates were chosen by the CPVs Vietnam Father Front or the VFF. The VFF was a group that monitored the country's popular organizations. The control of the security forces was maintained by the civil authorities. The Vietnamese government's human rights record has remained unsatisfactory. Abuses committed by local government official continued despite efforts made by the central authorities to monitor abuse concerns, particularly religious freedom. The Vietnamese people could not change the government, though several organizations that fought for this cause were not suppressed completely. The government wanted to enforce its control over the internet and press. "Human Rights Watch (HRW) has condemned Vietnam for its witch-hunt of those trying to disseminate information about democracy via the internet and urges the release of cyber prisoners" (Boobbyer, Spooner and O'TAilan 245) There were instances when police officials abused people during arrests, interrogation, and detention. Prison conditions were harsh but yet did not terrorize the lives of prisoners. Many prisons faced problems like insufficient diets, overcrowding, and poor sanitation. Prisoners were made to work but did not receive any wages for their duties. Prisoners were also reported to be moved to solitary confinement. The government did not grant permission to international organizations like the Red Cross or other non-governmental organizations to visit the prisons. Many citizens were detained for political activities at random. Citizens were deprived of the right to fair trials. Many other human rights were constantly monitored by the government and the government placed their limitations on human rights. Some of these rights included the right to freedom of press, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and association. The government also maintained its ban on human rights organizations. Women in Vietnam suffered many threats; they faced plenty of discrimination and violence. Trafficking of women and children, and child prostitution remained prevalent, though the government made efforts to fight trafficking. Government monitored workers' rights, in particular organization that functioned independently. The Vietnamese government officially grants the freedom of religion. However, non-sanctioned groups usually face plenty of harassment. Additionally, the government constantly monitors these groups, justifying the act saying it is for the benefit of national unity. The Vietnamese government also lacks in the process of political trials, like, persecution of unauthorized religious organizations, independent journalists, labor union activists, land

Monday, November 18, 2019

Emergency Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Emergency Management - Essay Example Vol. 27, Issue 5, pp 1265-1281, October 2007. 5. In considering the challenges in implementing disaster mental health programs described by Elrod et al. which of the following is not true? Answer should be A. Source is CL Elrod, 2006, â€Å"Challenges in Implementing Disaster Mental Health Programs. The premise of this article is that risk to a system, as well as its vulnerability and resilience, can be understood, defined, and quantified most effectively through a systems-based philosophical and methodological approach, and by recognizing the central role of the system states in this process. A universally agreed-upon definition of risk has been difficult to develop; one reason is that the concept is multidimensional and nuanced. It requires an understanding that risk to a system is inherently and fundamentally a function of the initiating event, the states of the system and of its environment, and the time frame. In defining risk, this article posits that: (a) the performance capabilities of a system are a function of its state vector; (b) a systems vulnerability and resilience vectors are each a function of the input (e.g., initiating event), its time of occurrence, and the states of the system; (c) the consequences are a function of the specificity and time of the event, th e vector of the states, the vulnerability, and the resilience of the system; (d) the states of a system are time-dependent and commonly fraught with variability uncertainties and knowledge uncertainties; and (e) risk is a measure of the probability and severity of consequences. The above implies that modeling must evaluate consequences for each risk scenario as functions of the threat (initiating event), the vulnerability and resilience of the system, and the time of the event. This fundamentally complex modeling and analysis process cannot be performed correctly and effectively

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Relationship Between Savings and Inflation

Relationship Between Savings and Inflation Savings help cushion the business cycle as the economy faces hard economic situations (Syden, 2014). To have a sustainable economic growth, there is a need for sustainable resources to support it. That is why savings are needed to finance capital spending. These high savings rate levels have allowed the economy to gain high levels of investment (Horioka Terada-Hagiwara, 2011). China’s domestic savings rate is one of the highest in the world (Loayza, Schmidt-Hebbel, Serven, 2000). Inadequate savings would leave the economy vulnerable to shocks in income uncertainty and unexpected rise in prices. At 52% of the national GDP, China’s domestic savings rate is among the highest in emerging markets inadequate savings leave households vulnerable to shocks in income and rising prices, add burden to government in providing retirement assistance, constrain individuals in accumulating wealth inadequate savings leave households vulnerable to shocks in income and rising prices, add burden to government in providing retirement assistance, constrain individuals in accumulating wealth. Many factors come into play with regard to how much to spend and how much to ‘keep’ for future spending. REVIEW LITERATURE There have been a lot of theoretical and empricical research studies about the relationship of savings on different factors like inflation rate, unemployment rate, and interest rate. It has been argued that savings are important, and when the economy is hit hard, having money in the bank can ease the problem (Elmerraji, 2010). Saving rates around the world differs widely. (Loayza, Schmidt-Hebbel, Serven, 2000) stated that China, world’s fastest growing economy, had one of the largest national saving rates in the world. Those at Sub-Saharan Africa save less than 15% of their gross national disposable income while East Asia saves more than 30%. In recent years, saving rates have doubled in East Asia while those in Latin America were stagnated. What people do not spend after consuming part of their income is called personal savings. People tend to put their savings on bank accounts or partly invested (Piana, 2003). Given a certain income, the decision of consuming a good negatively affects savings. Postponing such consumption would increase savings and in contrast, savings can rise due to negative expectations for future income. As economic shocks occur on business cycles, households experience hard time in unexpected reduction in income. According to the Life-cycle hypothesis by Milton Freidman, people would eventually save more and minimize consumption to avoid future uncertainty. (Zaman, Carannate, Ferra, 2013) In times of economic crisis like the recent financial crisis on 2008, policy measures and uncertainty affects household consumption and saving decisions. In the Spanish economy, after the great recession, there has been an evolution of saving rates (Bande Riveiro, 2012). The behavior of households has changed after the great recession, through increasing saving rates. Large increase in savings rates is connected to the increased uncertainty in the future (Bande Riveiro, 2012). EMPLOYMENT Macroeconomic instability which is measured by inflation, causes an upward trend in saving. The season of high inflation and high unemployment, as well as cutting public benefits have raised income uncertainty and changed the expected future income of the economy (Chowdhurry, 2014). When an economy has a crisis, it leads to unemployment, and the risk of future uncertainty in income makes households save more (Zaman, Carannate, Ferra, 2013). When part of the households are affected with future uncertainty of income, it stimulates to low demand and consumption which would worsen the economic situation of the country. Financial crisis happens when labor market is distorted with high unemployment, changing households’ structure of saving portfolio. Any sort of financial crisis leading to a recession would have a significant effect on household savings. ECONOMIC GROWTH Growth models includes Harrod (1939), Domar (1946) states that economic growth is highly dependent on level of savings and output ration. These models indicate that increase in saving means high investment which stimulates economic growth. The availability of funds for investment increases as effect of having higher savings (Sothan, 2014). The higher the level of saving rate leads to increased capital stock that in progress leads to a high level of output. Business Cycle Different economies go through different patterns of ups and downs in the value of its Gross Domestic Product (Riley, 2012). This business cycle has four phases namely boom, recession, depression, and recovery. Economic boom has high consumer spending, profits, and investment. Unemployment tends to be low in this economic situation. Economic Recession has low level of consumer spending, income, and investment, and has a rising unemployment as businesses cut costs. Economic depression is when there is a declining GDP, showing weak level of consumer spending and investment, rapid rise of unemployment and prices starting to fall. Economic recovery is when economic situation starts to get better and consumers begin to increase spending and investment. Every country’s goal is for an economy to achieve a sustainable level of growth (Riley, 2012). Trend growth rate is what helps assess and compare the growth of the different economies. (Lequiller Blades, 2007) REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE EFFECT OF INFLATION ON SAVINGS RATE Almost all the past literatures that were found concerning the relationship of the variables inflation rate and savings rate concluded that the relationship between the two are positive and significant. In a cross-sectional data on inflation rates and savings rates of various countries in the world, both developed and developing, the results obtained in the recent study showed that inflation rates of all the countries positively impacts each of the countries’ savings rate (Cheng Li, 2014). El-Seoud (2014) conducted a study on the effect of Gross Domestic Product, interest rate, and inflation rate on the national saving rate in the kingdom of Bahrain over the past 20 years. The researcher found that inflation rate has a positive relationship and significant impact on Bahrain’s saving rate in both the long run and short run. Similarly, Syden (2014) also found that in their study of South Africa’s 48 years of household savings data, inflation significantly creates a positive impact on the continent’s saving rate. As for the case of Turkey, Er, Tugcu, Coban (2014) used the Autoregressive Distributed Lag approach and the study’s results indicated that there that inflation positively affects inflation rate and savings but there was no relationship of significance between inflation and savings in the short run. Using two stage least squares model, the study of Chaturvedi, Kumar Dholakia (2009) on the relationship between economic growth, inflation, and saving rate in Asia revealed that inflation rate has a positive effect on the interest rates of the Asian countries as well. On the other hand, Heer Suessmuth (2006) utilized data of the inflation and saving rates from United States postwar period in order to analyze the monetary policy regimes of the three eras, namely the Pre-Volcker Era (’65-’78), Volcker Era (’79-’87), and the Greenspan Era (’88-’98). There appeared to be ambiguous resu lts on the effect of inflation on the saving rates. In the Pre-Volcker Era and Greenspan Era, inflation negatively affected the saving rates. In the Volcker Era, on the other hand, inflation is positively associated with saving rates (Heer Suessmuth, 2006). EFFECT OF INTEREST RATE ON SAVINGS RATE El-Seoud (2014) concluded from his previously mentioned study that the interest rate in Bahrain, just like inflation, has a positive and significant effect on the national saving rate in the short run. However, in the long run, El-Seoud (2014) saw that while the interest rate still has a positive relationship on Bahrain’s saving rate, this effect is now insignificant. On the other hand, in the results acquired from the study of Syden (2014) on South Africa, it showed that interest rate has a negative relationship and significantly impacts the saving behavior of South Africa. In a study on the Turkish economy, the researchers found that there was no significant relationship between interest rates and saving rate found in the long run (Er, Tugcu Coban, 2014). (Challe Ragot) (Romer) References El-Seoud, M. S. (2014). The Effect of Interest Rate, Inflation Rate And GDP On National Savings Rate. Retrieved from Syden, M. (2014). Trends and Determinants of Household Saving in South Africa. Economic Affairs: 59(2): 191-208 Cheng, Q. Li, X. (2014). Cross-Country Effects of Inflation on National Savings. Retrieved from Effects of Inflation on National Savings(ECON3161).pdf Chaturvedi, V., Kumar, B. Dholakia, R. H. (2009). Inter-Relationship between Economic Growth, Savings and Inflation in Asia. Journal of International Economic Studies, No.23, 1–22. Retrieved from Heer, B. Suessmuth, B. (2006). The Savings-Inflation Puzzle. Retrieved from Working Papers 2006/CESifo Working Papers January 2006/cesifo1_wp1645.pdf Er, P. H., Tugcu, C. T. Coban O. (2014). Investigating The Link between Savings, Inflation and Economic Growth: An ARDL Analysis for The Case of Turkey. Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting. Vol. 1, Issue 2. Wachtel, P. (1977). Inflation, Uncertainty, and Saving Behavior since the Mid-1950s. Retrieved from Bibliography Bande, R., Riveiro, D. (2012, October). Private Saving Rates and Macroeconomic Uncertainty: Evidence from Spanish Regional Data. Iberian Regional Economics Network. Retrieved March 2015, from Challe, E., Ragot, X. (n.d.). Precautionary Saving over the Business Cycle. Retrieved March 2015, from!/ChalleRagot.pdf Chowdhurry, A. (2014, December). Terms of Trade shocks and Private Savings in the developing Countries. Journal of Comparative Economics. Retrieved March 2015, from Elmerraji, J. (2010, February 28). How Savings Are Saving the Economy. Retrieved February 2015, from Horioka, C. Y., Terada-Hagiwara, A. (2011, November). The Determinants and Long-Term Projections of Saving Ratesin Developing Asia. National Bureau of Economic Research. Retrieved from Lequiller, F., Blades, D. (2007). Understanding National Accounts. 415. doi:10.1787/9789264027657-en Loayza, N., Schmidt-Hebbel, K., Serven, L. (2000). Saving in Developing Countries: An Overview. The World Bank Economic Review, 14, 393-414. Piana, V. (2003). Savings. Economics Web Institute. Retrieved February 2015, from Riley, J. (2012, September). Economic Environment. Retrieved March, 2015 Romer, C. (n.d.). Business Cycles. The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. Retrieved March 2015, from Sothan, S. (2014). Causal Relationship between Domestic Saving and Economic Growth: Evidence from Cambodia. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 6. doi:10.5539/ijef.v6n9p213 Syden, M. (2014, June). Trends and Determinants of Household Saving in South Africa. Economic Affairs. doi:10.5958/J.0976-4666.59.2.018 Zaman, R., Carannate, M., Ferra, E. (2013, June 17). Effects of Uncertainty on Household Saving Rate. Munich Personal RePEc Archive. Retrieved March 2015, from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Jackie Robinson Essay -- essays research papers fc

Jackie Robinson   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jackie Robinson and integration are two phrases that cannot be segregated. Whether he liked it or not, he played the star role in the integration of society during the time that he played Major League Baseball with the Brooklyn Dodgers. His heroic journey that landed him in the Majors shows, “how integration has come to baseball and how it can be achieved in every corner of the land'; (Robinson 16). But this amazing triumph over the Jim Crow laws could only have been possible in New York as Robinson says, “Cooperstown, New York, and Birmingham, Alabama, are both in the Unites States. In Cooperstown I had been the guest of honor in the company of three other new Hall of Famers: Bill McKechnie, Edd Roush and Bob Feller. In Birmingham I was ‘that negrah who pokes his nose into other peoples’ puddin’'; (14).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jackie Robinson was born in Cairo, Georgia on January 31, 1919 and was raised by his mother in Pasadena, California. He attended UCLA, where he was a baseball, basketball, football and track star. He played semi-professional football for a short time in an integrated league with the Honolulu Bears before being drafted into the army. He was honorably discharged in 1945 with the rank of second lieutenant. Robinson then started to play in the Negro National League and was eventually seen by a scout for the Brooklyn Dodgers. The scout brought Robinson to the attention of team president Branch Rickey, who wanted to try out his “noble experiment'; of integrating the Major League. The Major League was closed to black players at the time because no owners would sign a black man to their teams. Even a year after Robinson’s historic signing, the owners of the teams voted 15 to 1 (with Rickey dissenting) against integrating the league (Rampersad 160). Jackie Robi nson, however, did sign a contract with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1945 and debuted in the Majors in April of 1947. He was only paid the league minimum of $5,000 a year.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although Jackie was finally signed with a Major League team, the discrimination didn’t stop cold turkey and couldn’t in some ways. It just wasn’t realistically possible. For instance, Branch Rickey moved spring training for the Jim Crow Sout... ... him because he was a just superb baseball player.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New York is where it all starts. It is a city of diversity, new ideas, and radical thought. Is New York the center of the universe? It just might be. Integration of Major League Baseball, and by extension the whole American social culture, started here. “Integration in baseball has already proved that all Americans can live together in peaceful competition'; (Robinson 11). The “noble experiment'; of Branch Rickey obviously worked, probably even beyond his wildest dreams. Thank you Mr. Rickey and Mr. Robinson, from us all. Works Cited 1. Rampersad, Arnold. Jackie Robinson. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997. 2. Robinson, Jackie. I Never Had It Made. As told to Alfred Duckett. New York: Putnam, 1972. 3. Robinson, Jackie. Baseball Has Done It. Ed. Charles Dexter. Philadelphia and New York: J. B. Lippincott, 1964. 4. Robinson, Rachel, and Lee Daniels. Jackie Robinson, An Intimate Portrait. Ed. Sharon AvRutick. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1996. 5. Tygiel, Jules. Baseball’s Great Experiment, Jackie Robinson and His Legacy. New   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  York: Oxford, 1997.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Maintaining Race and Ethnic Identity Essay

The world we are living is very dynamic and exhibits various types of movements for both plants and animals including humans. History insinuates that man practiced considerable movements from one place to another since its first existence. This movement from one locality to another is referred to as migration. Migration can be 1) internal which is within the country, state or continent and maybe 2) international which crosses boundaries to other country, state or continent. With the development of technology and globalization, international migration continues to increase over the past decades. In 1960, there were 76 million international migrants and increased to 191 million international migrants in 2006. It was noted that a relatively high migration rate is from 1985 to 1990. Generally, ethnic identity diversifies according to the length of distance and therefore international migration increases the gap of connectivity in relation to ethnicity. Human migration can be classified as permanent or semi-permanent depending on their reasons which maybe voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary migration is generally practiced in search for a â€Å"greener pasture† and satisfaction of one’s preferences. This includes employment, climate, food supply, self development like education, religion and family. Involuntary migration, on the other hand, includes migration due to calamity, political conditions like when in war or in exile, slave trades or human trafficking and ethnic cleansing. (Boyd, 2003) Refugees can eventually be immigrants. Based from Human Migration Guide of the National Geographic Society, â€Å"A refugee is a person who is residing outside the country of his or her origin due to fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. † (â€Å"What is Human Migration? † 2005) . This involuntary migration results to a hefty impact on self identity rather than voluntary migration. Human migration has taken a major participation in shaping and honing the present status of the population. It allows the diffusion and combination of the structures, cultures, beliefs, ideas, principles, religion, and other traits which results to the modification of each others traits. Rejection of the integration, however, sometimes results to conflict that may cause decline of socio-cultural capital and values. Although immigrants tend to maintain their ethnic identity and cultures at home, the children of the second, third generation is common or comparable with generations of the host country. This means that these generations are highly acculturated to the host community and country. Intentional or not intentional, this is in response to their quest for belongingness. On the other hand, some immigrants give high regard to their culture which is linked to nationalism. Some may even believe that there is no other culture than theirs and fail to recognize cultures of other immigrants within the community. Some host countries like Western European nations and Japan are deeply concern about the effect of these immigrants on their culture and ethnic identity which can be compromised. Oftentimes, conflict such as racial discrimination exist and become the subject of debates. Different countries have their own policies regarding immigration. Other countries begin to recognize immigrants with different race and cultures. They are respected in preserving their respective cultures and interact peacefully within one nation. This official policy is known as multiculturalism and can be seen in Canada, Australia and the U. K. It is also called as the cultural mosaic of different ethnic groups. Nevertheless, immigrant groups are still encouraged to learn the language of the host country and participate in the activities of the major society including labor force. However, this policy gained many criticisms such as it divides the people even there is a need to be united on certain social issues and justices. Debates on immigration law and racism are still on-going issues of every host country.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Haplology - Definition and Examples in Language

Haplology s in Language Definition A sound change involving the loss of a syllable when its next to a phonetically identical (or similar) syllable. Haplology is a type of dissimilation. Perhaps the best-known example is the reduction of Anglaland in Old English to England in Modern English. The reverse process is known as dittologythe accidental or conventionalized repetition of a syllable. (Dittology also means, more broadly, the double reading or interpretation of any text.) The counterpart of haplology in writing is haplographythe accidental omission of a letter that should be repeated (such as mispell for misspell). The term haplology (from the Greek, simple, single) was coined by American linguist Maurice Bloomfield (American Journal of Philology, 1896). Also Known  As   syllabic syncope Examples and Observations Haplology . . . is the name given to the change in which a repeated sequence of sounds is simplified to a single occurrence. For example, if the word haplology were to undergo haplology (were to be haplologized), it would reduce the sequence lolo to lo, haplology haplogy. Some real examples are:(1) Some varieties of English reduce library to libry [laibri] and probably to probly [prÉ”bli].(2) pacifism pacificism (contrast with mysticism mysticism, where the repeated sequence is not reduced and does not end up as ​mystism).(3) English humbly was humblely in Chaucers time, pronounced with three syllables, but has been reduced to two syllables (only one l) in modern standard English.(Lyle Campbell, Historical Linguistics: An Introduction, 2nd ed. MIT Press, 2004)The words library and necessary, especially as spoken in Southern England, are often heard by foreigners as libry and nessary. But when they repeat the words as such, they do not sound right, since there should be a lengthened r and s, respectively, in those words. It shows that foreigners notice the beginning stages of haplology in those words, when there is as yet no complete haplology.(Yuen Ren Chao, Language and Symbolic Systems. Cambridge University Press, 1968) I have often noted that Americans, in speaking of the familiar Worcestershire sauce, commonly pronounce every syllable and enunciate shire distinctly. In England it is always Woostershr.(H.L. Mencken, The American Language, 2nd ed. Alfred A. Knopf, 1921) Also See What Is the Correct Pronunciation of February?AssimilationDissimilationElision

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Difference Between Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clauses

The Difference Between Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clauses The Difference Between Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clauses The Difference Between Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clauses By Mark Nichol An essential, or restrictive, clause is a part of a sentence that provides integral context for the reader. A nonessential, or nonrestrictive, clause is parenthetical, presenting additional information that is not necessary for reader comprehension. Writers are, with increasing frequency, neglecting to appreciate the distinction, thereby undermining the effectiveness of the language they use. The following sentences illustrate how this carelessness (or ignorance) adversely affects meaning. Discussion and revision of each sentence responds to the fact that each of the following sentences erroneously treats optional material as required content. 1. Phyllis Schlafly, the conservative political activist who devoted much of her energy in the 1970s to stopping the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment that would have banned discrimination on the basis of sex in the United States, has died. The phrase â€Å"The Equal Rights Amendment that would have banned discrimination . . .† implies that more than one such amendment was proposed and that this one in particular, and no others, was intended to ban the specified discrimination. However, â€Å"would have banned . . . United States† is helpful but nonessential information about the one and only amendment, and that phrase should be included parenthetically: â€Å"Phyllis Schlafly, the conservative political activist who devoted much of her energy in the 1970s to stopping the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment, which would have banned discrimination on the basis of sex in the United States, has died.† 2. Smith was referring to the Columbian mammoth which roamed the continent of North America before migrating to the Channel Islands. The sentence seems to imply that more than one species of Columbian mammoth existed, and that the one in question was native to North America but ended up on adjacent islands (with which substituting for the preferred pronoun that). However, the phrase â€Å"which roamed the continent of North America before migrating to the Channel Islands† is additional information attached to the main clause, â€Å"Smith was referring to the Columbian mammoth,† so it should be set off with a comma: â€Å"Smith was referring to the Columbian mammoth, which roamed the continent of North America before migrating to the Channel Islands.† 3. The two dwarf planets are in the asteroid belt that’s littered with rocky debris from the formation of the sun and planets some 4.5 billion years ago. The implication here is that more than one asteroid belt exists, and the one under discussion is littered with the described rocky debris; one or more others, presumably, has no such detritus. But the part of the sentence that follows â€Å"asteroid belt† is nonessential information that should be appended to the main clause parenthetically, with a comma separating the two sentence segments: â€Å"The two dwarf planets are in the asteroid belt, which is littered with rocky debris from the formation of the sun and planets some 4.5 billion years ago.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Incorrect Pronunciations That You Should AvoidCapitalization Rules for the Names of Games90 Verbs Starting with â€Å"Ex-†

Monday, November 4, 2019

Definition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Definition - Essay Example I have been conducting myself in a descent manner in order to set a good example to them. Since I have always wanted them to be morally upright people when they grow, I have always mentored and cultivated values in them. This involves offering the required advice and supporting them psychologically. In another dimension, I have been involved in making them accept the fact that life is all about dedication and being focused. Issues that revolve around personality ruining and bad character have always been outlined in our several discussions. This allows them to come up with judgment on what would face them whenever they go astray. This way, they are able to evaluate between wrong and right thus enabling them to make best choices in life. My definition of how being a father is has not changed. In fact, my role as a father has been improved by numerous challenges that have faced me with time. My ordeals as a father have always helped me to adjust my tactics on how to face such challenges in future thus strengthening my role as a

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Corporate Governance and Ethical Responsibility Essay

Corporate Governance and Ethical Responsibility - Essay Example Internal stakeholders in a hospital include the patients, the medical staff and management of the hospital and the board of governors or trustees. External stakeholders are those parties that have minimal often indirect influence on the management of the hospital. External stakeholders may include the relatives of the patients and other potential patients to the hospital. Other external stakeholders include the federal government and other hospital of the same class and category (Lebeer, 2002). The most basic function a medical executive should perform in regard to satisfying al stakeholders is controlling, directing staffing and organizing. For the patients, however, Doctor DoRight has the role of democratizing medical services so that all the patients get equal treatment. Equal treatment encompasses equitable distribution of the hospitals resources. For instance, in the case of organ transplant, hospitals can device methods such as receiving an organ in regard to the severity of th e situation. The board of trustees expects that the medical executive prevents the occurrence of law suits, which may tarnish the name of the hospital and cost it a lot of money, that result from the action of hospital employees. Trustees also expect that the president maintains low labor turnover and an excellent cooperate image is paramount. The staff of the hospital expects respect from patients and fellow staff despite their position. Also, the staff expects fairness in remunerated, and adequate timely pay and a safe, conducive working environment (Lebeer, 2002). Potential customers need to feel welcomed to the hospital hence the need for an operational call centre and an efficient customer service. Recently hospitals have also taken on the craze of advertising their products to potential customers. Though an external stakeholder, the federal government, has a strong influence on the running of hospitals. The governments influence is greater when it comes to the legal obligation s of the hospital. For instance, the government may insist that a hospital only use FDA approved drugs. The government, in America, may also specify the types of procedures that a hospital cannot carry out for instance euthanasia is illegal in most states. Competition between rival hospitals is inevitable, with their current status as potential business entities. However, there are certain procedures that must remain intact so as to maintain peaceful coexistence. For instance, a hospital can seek transfer of a patient to another hospital even if they are competing. Doctor DoRight should ensure that there is no slandering of another hospital by his staff through words or actions (Lebeer, 2002). There are six guiding principles that doctor should adhere to in their disbursement of services. These principles include a) Honesty and truthfulness b) Respect for persons c) Justice d) Autonomy e) Beneficence and f) Non-maleficence. These principles mostly guide doctor patient relationships but can also act as a basis for the actions of medical executives. In trying to satisfy the various stakeholders, the manager of the hospital, may experience conflict of interest when the needs of the two stakeholders clash. A good example of a clash of interest is on the issue of euthanasia. The reality of the effects of diseases such as Alzheimer’s is real and devastating. Most patients and families prefer

Thursday, October 31, 2019

How to change the world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

How to change the world - Essay Example They therefore see the realization of national vision and goals of their respective nations. The individuals who have been discussed in â€Å"How to Change the World† are from countries such as brazil, United States, India, Hungary, Burkina Faso, and Bangladesh (Bornstein 28). These people have advanced systemic change and shifted perceptions and behavior patterns. They have innovated massive ideas for solving problems; and they are determined and yearn to spread the ideas throughout the society. One of the social entrepreneurs that have been profiled by Bornstein is Gloria de Souza, a 45-year-old elementary school teacher in Bombay (Bornstein 29). In 1981, she was inspired to transform education across India; this was stirred up by her observation of 20 years of rote learning, a thing she desired to change (Bornstein 34). Souza adapted her teaching ideas to India’s specific circumstances and founded an organization to build a team to spread her ideas. Her project got stipend from a social entrepreneur organization, named Ashoka. She managed to disseminate her Environmental Studies (EVS) approach to teaching. By the end of the 1980s, Souza’s success was very eminent; the Indian government had incorporated EVS into its curriculum, and it was reported that this approach had significantly increased student performance. The lessons I have learned from Souza’s case is that change requires an intrinsic motivation, coupled with action steps; Souza acts upon her observation by taking step to set up her own organization. There is also need to secure for some source of human resource and funds to institute a transformative project; Souza gets stipend from Ashoka-a social entrepreneur organization and builds a team to realize her goal. In addition, it is important to create a relevant project for easy adoption and integration; Souza adapts her teaching ideas to India’s specific issues, a thing that saw the incorporation

Monday, October 28, 2019

All Stressed Out Essay Example for Free

All Stressed Out Essay This activity examines the way that psychologists conceptualize stress, emphasizing that stress is a biopsycho-social process. You will explore the sources of stress in your own life, review your body’s response to stress, and then learn how cognitive appraisal dramatically affects how much stress you actually experience. Checking the Level of Stress in Your Life †¢ What was your â€Å"Stress Test† score? _______30_____ †¢ Do you think that such a test accurately captures your experience? What other stressors should be included? I do not feel that it rates high enough on some aspects that are heavily weighing on a person’s chest. I think they should add an area for personal responsibilities and problems with children. Stress, Stressors, and Coping †¢ Psychologists differentiate stressors, strain, and stress. What does each of these terms mean? Stressors- an external event, situation, or other demand that triggers coping adjustments in a person. Strain- the outcome of stress such as loss of sleep, headaches, and lack of concentration. Stress- the process by which we perceive and respond to a certain event that we appraise as threatening or challenging. The General Adaptation Syndrome †¢ Describe Selye’s general adaptation syndrome. When something occurs that takes your body away from its original homeostasis state, into fear or rage, and then into exhaustion. The Biology of Stress †¢ Although both men and women experience the fight-or-flight syndrome, some scientists argue that women also can experience stress differently (tend-and-befriend). Briefly explain this hypothesis. This is because natural selection developed stress relieves differently as they grow of different ways and situations. †¢ Can you think of why this alleged gender difference in fight-or-flight and tend-and-befriend may â€Å"make sense† from an evolutionary perspective? Because natural selectionwas developed in ways that the fittest was more successful than the weaker people. †¢ Outline the body’s two-part endocrine response to stress. Hypothalamic, pituatary adrenocortical system is a delayed response that function to restore body to normal, and the Cortisol which affect glucose metabolism. Stress Harms Your Body’s Organ Systems †¢ List the effects of stress on: o the heart: Raise the heart pressure o the digestive tract: Reduction in enzyme digestions in blood flow. o the brain: It can damage the neurons involved in learning and in memory, hypocampus is smaller in stressed patients. Cognitive Appraisal The Filter Through Which Stressors Are Processed †¢ According to the transactional model, what triggers the process of stress? By considering it as a transaction in which each person makes continual adjustments to everyday circumstances. It is triggers when we exceed the ability to cope with all our problems in life.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Looking At John Okadas No No Boy English Literature Essay

Looking At John Okadas No No Boy English Literature Essay Right from the beginning of John Okadas No No Boy there is the juxtaposition of the Japanese-Americans returning from internment camps at the end of World War II and the Japanese-Americans that pledged themselves to the U.S. Military returning from service overseas. Ichiro Yamada, the protagonist, is facing a personal dilemma of national identity. He blames his stubborn Japanese heritage for him getting locked up, and the Americans were the ones that did the locking. His parents speak only Japanese in defiance to American influence. Despite being born and raised in America, Ichiro claims to be a Japanese nationalist and is consequentially imprisoned. His mother claims that the entire family is wholly Japanese, although Ichiro has never been to Japan. This generational conflict thats common in immigrant families is the spur for Ichiros identity crisis throughout the novel. The one exception to the hostility of the generational split lies in Ichiros friendship with Kenji. Kenji is a decorated war hero that was rewarded for his military efforts with material possessions from the federal government. He doesnt condemn Ichiro for his decision. He instead provides Ichiro a valuable glimpse at the extravagant reward of assimilation, but the image is tainted with the gangrenous injury he sustained in the service. Kenjis character is polarized by that of Freddie. He is an old friend of Ichiros and a fellow No No Boy that is determined to run from his problems with society and his family instead of dealing with them rationally like an adult. Okada associates everything maternal in the story with Japanese loyalty. Ichiro blames his Japanese nationalist mother as the reason that he became a No No Boy in the first place. She is a nationalistic elitist in every sense of the word. She refuses to learn English during the thirty years that she lives in Seattle and doesnt even believe the numerous reports that mighty Japan has lost the war to the Americans. To her, assimilation equals death. By contrast, Ichiros example of successful integration, Kenji, has a superb family life without a mother. When Mrs. Yamada finally comes to terms with Japans loss in the war, she drowns herself in the bathtub. The rest of the family is relieved from the alleviated expectations. Ichiro identifies his mother early on as the solitary force preventing him from reproachfully integrating into popular American culture, but her death provides a passing of the torch in Japanese nationalism and he soon finds out that his problems are of his own making . When Ichiro comes back to Seattle, things are not what he expects. Since he was so abruptly rounded up and shipped off to an internment camp, to proveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦that they werent American enough to be trusted, he anticipates discrimination among mainstream culture, but he is met with what is developing into the most accepting era in American history (p. 153). The civil rights movement is just around the corner. The hostility that he expects from white Americans doesnt happen. The only bullying he meets is at the hands of other Japanese-Americans. Every powerful white man that Ichiro runs into receives a good impression from him. His old Professor Brown urges him to come back to the university. Mr. Carrick offers him a job on the spot at an engineering office in Portland. Both of them are very sympathetic for what he has endured and disagree with the injustice of the whole affair, yet Ichiro rejects all them. He could assimilate if he wanted to, but he doesnt because he is convinced that since he once rejected the United States that he is forever intolerable to it. He could have been an engineer in Oregon and ascend the social ranks. No longer would he have been a lower-class immigrant, but a shining member of the middle class. Instead, he chooses to maintain his social immobility and cultural isolation. This was a common feeling during this time, as Kenji puts it: They bitched and hollered when the government put them in camps and put real fences around them, but now theyre doing the same damn thing to themselves. (p. 164) Post-war Japanese-Americans are forcing segregation upon themselves. Most Americans, at least in this novel, prove entirely compliant in moving forwards from the past from which they came. They are willing to bring cultural diversity into their schools and workplaces, but the Japanese-Americans seem insistent on continuing their oppression. Early in the novel, Ichiro cites the guilt of his disloyalty to the United States as a reason for not accepting any of these offers. He hasnt fought for the country and doesnt feel like hes earned such lavish opportunities, so he leaves them for truly Americanized people to capitalize on. This reverence exhibited by Ichiro for American culture and those that it approves counteracts his attempts to remain loyal to his Japanese ancestry. He externalizes his need to be devoted to Japan onto his mother, but it doesnt end when she dies. He realizes that her strict codes of Japanese loyalty were not the only thing keeping him from assimilating. Ichiro turns down another promising job offer at the Christian Reclamation Center where the owner had already hired another No No Boy. It is no coincidence that Mrs. Yamadas suicide is juxtaposed with Kenjis death. The chapter in which both events are contained is the turning point in the novel. Mrs. Yamada dies because of her refusal to integrate into American society and Kenji dies from gangrene in an injury he suffered during his attempts to integrate into American society. The two extreme examples of national identity can no longer survive. Kenji tells Ichiro on his death bed that ethnic differences should be transcended to blur the lines of racial distinction, and therefore prove categorization difficult. Ichiro seems to take Kenjis advice to heart when he plans on becoming a true American with a house and a wife and kids, only to put himself on trial moments later for his treasonous intentions. He has also inherited the voice of his mother in his brain in addition to Kenjis a rampant incompatibility. These opposing viewpoints eventually begin to balance each other out, and Ichiro realizes that he is neither J apanese nor American. Ichiro began the novel concerned with improving his public image, and he gradually changes his concern to self-respect. The problem with his initial mindset is that self-esteem is determined by the will of the state. Nations create their own hegemonic value systems in this way to establish cultural standards. The notion of free choice is illusory. It is misery to continually cater to the evaluations of anonymous strangers. To project the lives of others onto oneself is to completely hide ones own personality. Ichiro is ashamed of his disloyalty to America. He acts as if every white American thinks that he is a traitor for not demonstrating himself to the country, but his fixation is evidence that he cares more on the matter than any white character in the story. With the deaths of his mother and Kenji, Ichiro becomes startlingly aware of the importance of his self-respect, since he no longer has his mother to blame his problems on or Kenji to live out his Americanized daydreams. Ichi ro begins to resist integration because, to him, it would mean forfeiting his identity in lieu of conformity. He concerns himself only with his own opinions and thinks independently of the cultural groups which surround him, as Kenji suggested he do. The symbolism of Ichiros altered ideals is apparent when comparing the start and end scenes of the novel. It starts with Ichiro walking out into the downtown Plaza as he contemplates his own path of nationalism, and ends with Ichiro ducking down a dark narrow alley. That path less travelled is precisely the path that Ichiro has chosen to take in his life. He chose not to blaze the beaten paths of American ideals or Japanese elitism that everyone seemed to be treading on, but rather a small hidden passageway tucked in between the two avenues. Throughout the novel, Emi remains an image of normalized American domesticity, and yet another failed opportunity at Americanization for Ichiro. Much like his wasted job offers, Ichiro thinks that he doesnt deserve Emi because her husband is in the military. When she devotes herself to him, they go out dancing and Ichiro fancies the thought of being with a woman that other men want. His fixation on the men that find her attractive rather than the attractive girl herself gives the scene masculine undertones. Emi alone is not enough to sway Ichiro to commit himself to her, but the sheer interest of other men provokes Ichiro think that he has a real catch on his hands. This is a prime example of Ichiro succumbing to the opinions of the general public in America instead of listening to his own self-respect and his own opinions.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Archery Vocabulary :: Archery Sports Bow and Arrow Essays

Archery Vocabulary Adaya: An arrow which has missed it's target, Japan. Alborium: A bow made from hazel, 11th century. Anak, Panah: An arrow, Malay. Anchor: The location to which the hand that draws the bow string is positioned to when at full draw. Anchor point: The place where an arrows nock is drawn to before release, usually the chin, cheek, ear or chest. Used to help aiming. Aquande-da: The leather bracer of the Omaha. Arbalest, Arbalete, Alblast, Arblast: The European crossbow of the Middle Ages. Arbalete a Cric: A crossbow drawn by a rack and pinion. Arbalete a Jalet, Pellet crossbow, Prodd: A crossbow set up to shoot stones instead of bolts. Arbalest a Tour: A crossbow drawn by a windlass. Arbalestina: A cruciform aperture in a wall of a fortification from which a crossbow was shot. Arbrier: The stock of a crossbow. Archer's guard: See bracer. Archer's paradox: In period bows (without a shelf or centre shot) the arrow which is properly shot will fly in the line of aim although the string propelling the arrow moves directly to the centre of the bow. The arrow in fact bends around the bow after release but after passing the bow returns to its proper line of flight. See Spine. Archer's ring, Thumb ring: An effective Eastern method of drawing the bow string while using the thumb protected by a ring. Archer's Stake: A sharpened wooden stake driven into the ground pointing away from an archer to protect against cavalry. Arcuballista: The ancient form of ballista. Arcubalista unis pedis: A crossbow which only needs one foot to assist drawing the string. Arrow: The missile shot by an archer from a bow. Arrow guide: See Majrà £, Solenarion. Arrowhead: The striking end of an arrow, usually made of a different type of material from the shaft such as iron, flint or bronze, depending the purpose of the arrow. Arrowsmith: A maker of metal arrowheads. Ascham: [1] A tall narrow cupboard for storage of bows and arrows. [2] Roger Ascham, 1515 - 1568, author of Toxophilus (1545). Arrow spacer: A circular piece of leather pierced by 24 holes used to keep the shafts of a sheath of arrows apart from each other and prevent damage to the flights during transport. Azusa-yumi: A small bow used in magic, Japan. Top B Back of the bow: The surface of the bow furthest from the archer when they hold the bow in the firing position. Archery Vocabulary :: Archery Sports Bow and Arrow Essays Archery Vocabulary Adaya: An arrow which has missed it's target, Japan. Alborium: A bow made from hazel, 11th century. Anak, Panah: An arrow, Malay. Anchor: The location to which the hand that draws the bow string is positioned to when at full draw. Anchor point: The place where an arrows nock is drawn to before release, usually the chin, cheek, ear or chest. Used to help aiming. Aquande-da: The leather bracer of the Omaha. Arbalest, Arbalete, Alblast, Arblast: The European crossbow of the Middle Ages. Arbalete a Cric: A crossbow drawn by a rack and pinion. Arbalete a Jalet, Pellet crossbow, Prodd: A crossbow set up to shoot stones instead of bolts. Arbalest a Tour: A crossbow drawn by a windlass. Arbalestina: A cruciform aperture in a wall of a fortification from which a crossbow was shot. Arbrier: The stock of a crossbow. Archer's guard: See bracer. Archer's paradox: In period bows (without a shelf or centre shot) the arrow which is properly shot will fly in the line of aim although the string propelling the arrow moves directly to the centre of the bow. The arrow in fact bends around the bow after release but after passing the bow returns to its proper line of flight. See Spine. Archer's ring, Thumb ring: An effective Eastern method of drawing the bow string while using the thumb protected by a ring. Archer's Stake: A sharpened wooden stake driven into the ground pointing away from an archer to protect against cavalry. Arcuballista: The ancient form of ballista. Arcubalista unis pedis: A crossbow which only needs one foot to assist drawing the string. Arrow: The missile shot by an archer from a bow. Arrow guide: See Majrà £, Solenarion. Arrowhead: The striking end of an arrow, usually made of a different type of material from the shaft such as iron, flint or bronze, depending the purpose of the arrow. Arrowsmith: A maker of metal arrowheads. Ascham: [1] A tall narrow cupboard for storage of bows and arrows. [2] Roger Ascham, 1515 - 1568, author of Toxophilus (1545). Arrow spacer: A circular piece of leather pierced by 24 holes used to keep the shafts of a sheath of arrows apart from each other and prevent damage to the flights during transport. Azusa-yumi: A small bow used in magic, Japan. Top B Back of the bow: The surface of the bow furthest from the archer when they hold the bow in the firing position.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nativism: Race and Immigrants

Nativism is the feeling that immigration and foreigners are detrimental to native-born Americans. Unfortunately, nativist’s feelings are not based on political convenience or logical theories, but on ignorant assumptions that produce religious, racial, and cultural discrimination. Many nativist groups or individuals, both in the past and presently, have one thing in common- the fear of not being in control. The basic thing one has to see is that misinformation and short-sighted fear can often produce the absence of fairness and human dignity.The Ku Klux Klan was a racist group who also committed atrocities in the name of nativism. The KKKs were formed because many people were started to get afraid of the â€Å"rising power of the blacks† and also hated immigration and Jews. â€Å"What was the rising power of the blacks? † Is it because they were not slaves or maybe because they simply wanted to vote, a constitutional right! African Americans were still treated li ke property in the South under the Jim Crow Laws.African Americans were denied their constitutional right to vote by various ways of intimidation; but yet the KKKs could do whatever they wanted and be protected by the â€Å"constitutional† idea that they had the right to express themselves. The KKKs were also anti-Semitic and anti-Semitism was prevalent in the U. S. To understand immigration better one has to see the factors that produced and produce immigration to America. Industrialization and social changes in Europe produced mass immigration from countries like Germany, France, and Ireland.The Industrial Revolution transformed the small, agricultural society into a manufacturing economy which helped the U. S. to prosper and excel. Social changes were another major factor that stimulated immigration. Political upheavals, religious persecution, and a search for adventure were the basic reason for the relocation of these people. Why would they come to the U. S. to purposely try to create a political or cultural upheaval, if the whole reason they left their homelands was escape these problems?The truth of the matter is that they just wanted to seek a peaceful setting that they could create a family and contribute to American society. There were two types of immigrants- the old and the new. The old immigrants of the past( which consequently was also divided into old and new immigration categories) and the new immigrants of today; mostly the Hispanics and Asians. Most of the old immigrants were Europeans- French, Irish, German, Italian, and Polish. Although the new immigrants of that time were discriminated by the native† Americans and the older immigrants ( British, French, and German) there was not the same animosity that is seen between present immigrants and native Americans. In the present, 86% of the newest immigration comes from Latin America and Asia while Europe only contributes 10%. The main difference between present immigration and past immigration is that most immigrants from Europe were male and white; however, present immigration is that most of today’s newcomers are from Developing Countries ; therefore, most are colored people who, either are married or have a family.Some may say that new immigrants are less skilled than the old immigrants and that furthermore, they do not want to â€Å"Americanize† but actually most of the newest immigrants are educated and professionally trained. The problem with the American government is that they don’t give Hispanics or Asians any opportunities because they know that these immigrants will succeed! In fact what they do is oppress these immigrants until these people get fed up and retaliate for survival; then the Americans say how much a problem immigrants are without knowing that in time of vulnerability any human being is going to act irrational.This is a day to day event in the U. S. ; one could say it is â€Å"political drowning of an immigrant. â €  Why is it that these immigrants cannot have equal jobs as the people who have been educated here? The idea that new immigrants cannot effectively contribute to the American economy just because they are culturally different is simply naive. Why is it that the old immigrants did contribute to the advancement of the American economy and the newer immigrants are people who are just useful for menial jobs? One hopes that society’s judgment of present immigration is not determined just on their color of skin.The problem with American society is the pessimistic attitude they obtain when things are not going their way. As Harry Truman wisely said, â€Å"A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties! † Economically speaking, immigration is beneficial for the American economy. Several arguments are given to try to prove this wrong. Some may say that immigrants take away jobs from Americans . But what jobs? Most immigrants work as maids or janitors, jobs that Americans do not want to do.What would the U. S. do without immigrants who are willing to do humiliating jobs for scarce amounts of money? Or maybe these critics of immigration are talking about the few amount of immigrants who want to excel and become successful? The anti-immigration people feel threatened and fear that these â€Å"minorities† will surpass the â€Å"native† Americans and they will no longer be able to control and manipulate these â€Å"ignorant, gullible immigrants. † Another argument is that immigrants receive more than their fair share of welfare benefits.But yet again in actuality immigrants pay their fair share of taxes. Julian Simon, an economist states, â€Å" immigrant families typically pay more taxes than their native counterparts do. † Also according to Julian Simon, immigrants arrive young and healthy and use fewer services on the average than do native fami lies. New waves of young immigrants do not receive expensive Social Security, Medicare, and other aid to the aged. Finally a common argument is that for the U. S. , immigration is not an economic necessity but a luxury. And like all luxuries, it can help- or it can hurt.The American economy is vital for the existence of the values that this democratic nation was based on. It’s ignorant to say that immigrants do not boost or stimulate the American economy! James Carter, Jr. once said,† Our American values are not luxuries but necessities—not the salt in our bread, but the bread itself. Our common vision of a free and just society is our greatest source of cohesion at home and strength abroad—greater than the bounty of our material blessings. † The common vision that Carter was talking about was and is the most important thing of all- moral values!Currently there are some myths that blind American society concerning immigration. For instance the myth t hat most immigrants are illegal; eventhough, no one really knows how many illegals there are, it is estimated that 300,000 people enter the country illegally each year compared more than a million people who are entering the U. S. legally. Another myth is that most immigrants have less education than native-born Americans. Actually of African-born residents, 88% have had a high school education or better compared with the 77% of native-born who have had a high school education or better.Lastly, the myth that the newer immigrants refuse to learn English. Most of the new immigrants want to learn English but since their so busy trying to survive and work, they don’t have the time or money to have English classes. It seems that at of all the disliked races, the Hispanics and Asians are probably the worst discriminated class. Since blacks have become appeased with what they have, they really don’t create much of a problem. The whites can use them as their puppets and give t hem â€Å"little treats† such as an â€Å"almost important† job.The African- American community is complacent, besides a few black leaderS, they just want to leave things the way they are. Unfortunately the blacks have gone so far and advanced so much that they don’t want to risk losing it all; eventhough, the dream that powerful people such as Dr. Martin Luther King had has not yet been accomplished. It seems that everything that goes wrong is blamed on the Hispanics and Asians. The Asians have always been discriminated somehow in American History beginning from California discriminating the Chinese to the Japanese internment camps after Pearl Harbor.The U. S. has never really had a solid relationship with Asia. But what about Hispanics? In the Immigration Act of 1921 their was no limits put on Latin American countries because the U. S. wanted a good diplomatic relation with Latin America and because cheap labor from Mexico was needed on the farms of California . One could argue the throughout American history immigration has been validated by American society if it is beneficial for the natives in America just as long they don’t feel threatened.For instance the Bracero Program, in 1942 when America needed the labor of aliens to help it with its war effort they allowed Mexicans to work temporarily in America’s industries. It appears that the volume of immigration seemed to rise sharply during periods of prosperity and to sink rapidly during periods of prosperity. The question still remains the same- is it really because of cultural differences or racial differences? But is it really a racial thing? Or does transcend just a simple racial problem? Are we really seeking racial equality?For so long The Nordic theory has told us that the white man deserves to be in power. For so long the white man has thought himself as the majority and all the other races see the white people as the dominant race. But in reality the white race is a minority, they in essence have psychological domination in that everybody thinks they are the supreme race. All the minorities of the world resent the domination that white people have exerted for so long. This resentment turns into hate and eventually the minorities are going to do the same thing the whites did and sometimes even unconsciously do — hate another human being.If one condemns the oppression of the â€Å"white man† than one is in danger of establishing his own form of pride in equality as a substitute for the racism he rejects. Furthermore he becomes arrogant over his own lack of arrogance and becomes prideful over his own lack of pride. To escape from this danger, he needs to cease arguing for the equality of all races, and just assume that racial identity makes no difference. There has always been the delusion of white supremacy based on the fact the white culture is vastly superior than any other culture.The genesis of the dogma of white superiority reveals a fundamental confusion between supremacy and superiority. The first is an undeniable fact of the present world; the second is an invention of the mind to defend the first. Basically the conclusion is that because he is supreme, he is also superior. For so long the colored man has had to submit to white control and pretty soon they are going to get fed up. This could lead to a racial war which would be pointless because this whole racial problem is spiritual not physical!In conclusion nativism belongs to something deeper than just immigration or even racism. Most of the nativists in the Know-Nothings and the KKK did not know that they were blindly proclaiming that the white race is the supreme race. America was built on the basis of freedom and unalienable rights that most countries could not offer. The racial problem will never go away because of the nature of a human being. A human being is individual and only cares about himself and unfortunately the U. S. is a capitalist ic nation who only cares about its interests.One could wish that the social injustices, racial discrimination, and different stereo-types will cease to exist, but as long as humans live on this earth there will always be injustices. The U. S. government will never be perfect no matter how democratic the principles are. Unfortunately, democracy has its flaws and deficiencies just like and other government. Harry Truman wisely said,â€Å" No government is perfect. One of the chief virtues of a democracy, however, is that its defects are always visible and under democratic processes can be pointed out and corrected. We will never live in a just and faultless world because it is both spiritually and psychologically impossible. And history will just keep repeating itself in a continuous cycle, history is a very powerful tool to acclimate one’s self with the human race or the human identity. But one has to remember that one of the best things about good history is its power to red uce national arrogance and to promote reflection and caution for later on. Until we start looking at the human history through the world’s perspective and not just â€Å"American History,† then we will truly excel not only as American people but as a human kind!