Monday, December 30, 2019

Individual Service Request Sr-Rm-022, Part 1 - 1192 Words

Service Request SR-rm-022 Edwin Moreno BSA/375 May 22, 2015 Eric Secrist Riordan Manufacturing Riordan has sent a request for service with to the IT department hoping to benefit their company. The request for service involves changing the HR department for the better. Riordan wants to integrate and change the HR applications with a new state-of-the-art information system. The company wants to have the HR department to have the ability to assesses resources and tools all in one application. Who are stakeholders? In the IT and business field, the stakeholders can be many different people. Talks of tech have a great definition of stakeholders stating that: Any person who has interests in an existing or†¦show more content†¦When performing observations, IT experts can see firsthand exactly what is the issue with the problem. Interviews are great, but they only get one side of the story so to speak. But with observing the system at hand and seeing what the issue is or can be is a different story. IT experts can capture other opportunities to improve the system that the HR representative may not even know. When redesigning a system, it is good to focus on what the customer wants but its even better to focus on what the customer needs. By observing the system at hand experts can see and other opportunities that can improve the system that the HR representatives are going to need. It is highly recommended to observe the system at different times of the day. Instead of picking a 9 to 5 designated time, perhaps checking and observing the system and how it works at different times during a normal business day. Perhaps later in the evening a system can slow down or even experience different types of problem that wouldnt occur during the daytime. Instead ofShow MoreRelatedService Request Sr-Rm-022, Part 1 Essay1514 Words   |  7 PagesService Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 BSA/375 Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 Riordan Manufacturing is a global plastics manufacturer employing 550 people with projected annual earnings of $46 million. There is a plant in Albany, GA that produces plastic beverage containers, a plant in Pontiac, MI that produces custom plastic parts, and a plastic fan parts facility in Hangzhou, China. The corporate office is in San Jose, CA along with the corporations Research and Development DepartmentRead MoreBsa 375 Week 2 Service Request Sr-Rm-004, Part 11205 Words   |  5 PagesService Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 Your name here University of Phoenix Online BSA 375 Insrtuctor Date Service Request SR-rm-004, Part 1 Riordan Manufacturing is an international plastics manufacturer that currently employs 550 people with projected annual earnings totaling approximately $46 million. The company is completely owned by Riordan Industries which is a Fortune 1000 enterprise with revenues of up to $1 billion. The company’s merchandises consists of plastic beverageRead MoreBSA 375 Week 3 Service Request Essay972 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ Service Request SR-RM-022 Part 2 Joe Smith BSA375 January 15, 2014 Dr. John Barrow Service Request SR-rm-022 (Part 2) The new Human Resources Information System (HRIS) architecture will be congruent with the existing Information Technology (IT) infrastructure. Technical support will be directed and implemented from the San Jose office. Our proposal recommends a three phase approach to implementation. In the First Phase (1P), HRIS baseline requirements and increased Human ResourceRead MoreEssay about Individual Service Request SR Rm 022 Pa3284 Words   |  14 Pagesanalysis and design to fundamental business systems within the organization. Complete  Section 3 of the Service Request SR-rm-022 paper for Riordan Manufacturing.. This section incorporates the transition from design to implementation. Consider revising Sections 1 and 2 based on faculty feedback. Resource:  Virtual Organizations link under Academic Resources for Riordan Manufacturing   and Service Request. Note: The content of the Week Four assignment should not be changed because this assignment has beenRead MoreService Request SR-rm-022, Part 11051 Words   |  5 Pages Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 August 25, 2014 BSA/375 The COO of Riordan Manufacturing, Hugh McCauley, wants to combine the current assortment of tools in use into a single integrated application. Riordan Manufacturing wants to take advantage of the most sophisticated, state-of-the art information systems technology that already exists in the human resources department (Riordan Manufacturing, 2006). In the development phase, it isRead MoreService Request Sr-Rm-022, Part 11219 Words   |  5 PagesService Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 Justin Medvic BSA/375 Ken Murphy University of Phoenix Introduction At Riordan Manufacturing the requestor is Hugh McCauley, COO. He wants to integrate existing variety of Human Resources (HR) tools into a single integrated application for all the plant locations. Riordan Manufacturing would like to take advantage of a more sophisticated, state-of-the art, information systems technology in the Human Resources department. The Information Technology (IT)Read MoreBsa 375 Week 2 Ind Paper1085 Words   |  5 PagesService Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 Riordan Manufacturing Key Stakeholders There are several stakeholders at Riordan Manufacturing to gather requirements from to provide a clear picture of the final project. The first stakeholder to gain input would come from the Chief Operations Officer, he was the requestor of the system upgrade, is responsible for the budget, which includes payroll. The Chief Legal Officer oversees the legal aspects of the human resources programs. The individual human resourcesRead MoreBsa 375 Service Request Week 11562 Words   |  7 PagesService Request SR-rm-022 part 1 BSA/375 Christopher Christmon Michael James July 18, 2015 The COO of Riordan manufacturing Hugh McCauley would like to combine the existing variety of tools in use into a single multi integrated application. Riordan Manufacturing wants to take advantage of the more sophisticated state of the art information systems that has already existed in the human resources department (Riordan Manufacturing, 2006). The information gathered in this document the informationRead MoreRiordan Manufacturing Sr 0223121 Words   |  13 PagesRiordan Manufacturing Service Request SR-rm-022 Benjamin Fuhriman BSA/375 April, 21, 2014 John Dunn Riordan Manufacturing Service Request SR-rm-022 Riordan Manufacturing is a plastics manufacturing company that has locations around the world. There are over 500 employees that are part of the company in multiple countries. In order for the company to properly maintain the employee information and other human resource information a service request has been submitted to consolidate all ofRead MoreService Request SR-rm-022 Final Essay2832 Words   |  12 Pagesï » ¿ Service Request SR-rm-022 Final Sharon Foreman, PhD. BSA/375 3/13/15 Trisha Carter Service Request Part 1 With having plastic manufacturer facilities in areas such as China, Michigan, and Georgia; Riordan Manufacturing has produced annual earnings over forty six million. Riordan also has a research and development department over in San Jose California. Riordan Industries are the sole owner of Riordan Manufacturing and they are one of the Fortune 1000 enterprises with their worth being more

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The 3 E S - 1532 Words

The 3 E’s Daniel 6: 6-10 Background: Daniel 1-10 (Explain who the Satraps and Administrators are and how Daniel was one of them but when then had came up with the plan to make it wrong to pray to anyone but the king the decided to attack connection with his God.) Will write in this part†¦ Soon†¦ Introduction of Points: Prayer is the most power thing you have in your toolbox. There are so many things you can do true this thing we call prayer. Prayer can get you out of trouble even when people are trying to put in you trouble. As we look at our text today we see that now the administrators and people over power over the land have produced a law that makes it basically illegal to pray to anyone other then kind Darius for 30days. The†¦show more content†¦He knew that no matter what was going on at the governmental level, he knew what was going on that the Godly level was more powerful. Today we live in world were things have never happened before, we have leaders much like the satraps and administrators. The person in charge of the United States is signing orders and laws that don’t make any sense are often times they do not line up with we as follower of Christ believe. But how many times to we look at these things and immediately turn off the TV and pray about them like we ought ton a s Daniel did? The passages tell us that â€Å"when he knew† the word knew in the tense lets me know that he found out fairly quickly and being as how he was an administrator he would have known almost instantly. But he didn’t call his buddies to complain but he decided to go to God in prayer. Application: When you have conversations with people they don’t mean anything all to often we want to call up people a gossip and just talk about our problems but that does not yield anything you still must go back to what you were doing before the situation occurred, but when you talk to God that is a conversation that has power. That is a conversation that has some backbone, you can pray to King Darrius if you want to but what is he going to do about and plus he can’t hear them all, But God hears every prayer and cad do something about it! When I was in school IShow MoreRelatedEssay on Chem 2c Post Lab1580 Words   |  7 Pagesgram, i.e. 0.302. (Use 3 significant figures.) Your Answer: 0.536 No Points Possible 6) Scoring Scheme: 3-3-2-1 If one had weighed out precisely 0.500 g of KIO3 for the primary standard solution and dissolved it in enough deionized water to make a 250 mL solution, the molarity of that solution would be 0.00935 M. 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Complete Question 5. Post to the Assignments area of Blackboard, and bring a hardcopy to class to turn in. Please turn in hardcopy at start of class in order to not lose any points for being late. Ex e r c isRead MoreFree Cash Flow and Corporate Valuation Model1510 Words   |  7 Pagesat the firm s weighted average cost of capital to find the value of its operations. _F___ 3. Value-based management focuses on sales growth, profitability, capital requirements, the weighted average cost of capital, and the dividend growth rate. _F___ 4. Two important issues in corporate governance are (1) the rules that cover the board s ability to fire the CEO and (2) the rules that cover the CEO s ability to remove members of the board. _F___ 5. If a company s expected returnRead MoreAptitude Test1726 Words   |  7 PagesPage 2 of 7 Cell 1. A. Is the entry before noon? B. Is the entry after noon? C. Customer purchases individual ticket D. Customer purchases a family package E. 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According to the wave port characteristic (Appendix), the de-embedded sections are non-reflecting transmission lines with the following known S-parameter matrix: S_(L_dmbd )=(ââ€"  (0e^(-ÃŽ ³L_dmb )@e^(-ÃŽ ³L_dmb )0@)) Read MoreMethyl Red Voges-Proskauer Test Lab1338 Words   |  6 PagesTest Lab Tetia Richardson Microbiology DL3: Instructor Newton 3/29/2015 PURPOSE This experiment is designed to become familiar with and perform the MR-VP biochemical test, learn variations in how different organisms metabolize glucose, and to become familiar with and perform the catalase biochemical test. Materials Used 10% bleach solution Hydrogen peroxide Paper towels Saved E. coli culture Stock culture: S. epidermidis Gloves Candle used for a flame source Test Tube TestRead MoreWomen s Role During Society Has Changed Dramatically Throughout History1350 Words   |  6 Pageswomen, leading him to believe that all women are weak and flawed like his mother: â€Å"Frailty, thy name is woman!† (1. 3. 146). Along with Gertrude, Ophelia is seen as a fragile being. This weakness is demonstrated when she is ordered by her Polonius, her father, to end romantic relations with Hamlet, whom she loves: â€Å"From this time Be something scanter of your maiden presence,† (1. 3. 120 ­121), and she is unable to reject his command. By exhibiting a lack of voice and free will, Ophelia proves to be

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Differentiate Between Different Learning Styles Free Essays

What is learning style:- The various preferences and methods employed by learners in the process of learning. Every individual have different style and techniques of learning. Some people may find that they have a dominant style of learning, with far less use of the other styles. We will write a custom essay sample on Differentiate Between Different Learning Styles or any similar topic only for you Order Now Others may find that they use different styles in different circumstances. There is no right mix. Nor are your styles fixed. You can develop ability in less dominant styles, as well as further develop styles that you already use well. So the best way to learn always depends on the person by finding his own style of learning style. We have different kinds of learning styles. Differentiation between different learning styles:- There are three main types of learning styles: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Most people learn best through a combination of the three types of learning styles, but everybody is different. Auditory Learners: Hear Auditory learners would rather listen to things being explained than read about them. Reciting information out loud and having music in the background may be a common study method. Other noises may become a distraction resulting in a need for a relatively quiet place. Visual Learners: See Visual learners learn best by looking at graphics, watching a demonstration, or reading. For them, it’s easy to look at charts and graphs, but they may have difficulty focusing while listening to an explanation. Kinesthetic Learners: Touch Kinesthetic learners process information best through a â€Å"hands-on† experience. Actually doing an activity can be the easiest way for them to learn. Sitting still while studying may be difficult, but writing things down makes it easier to understand. First is called visual in which we use and prefer mostly pictures and spatial understanding, while second is Aural in which we prefer to listen sounds and music on order to learn something effectively. Third is verbal, in this type of learning we use wordings and speeches. Fourth, Physical, in this type of learning we use a sense of touch and body language. Fifth is Logic, in which we prefer using reason and logic arguments. The sixth kind of learning style is social; this is one of the common types of learning style in which we prefer to learn in groups. Lastly, Solitary is the last kind of learning style in which individuals work and study alone to learn in their own style. www. scibd. com How to cite Differentiate Between Different Learning Styles, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Canterbury Tales Wife Of Bath Essay free essay sample

The Canterbury Narratives: Wife Of Bath Essay, Research Paper The Canterbury Narratives: Wife of Bath In the Hollywood blockbuster Basic Instinct, Sharon Stone plays a oblique, manipulative, sex-driven adult female who gets whatever she wants through her gambits for control. Stone # 8217 ; s portraiture of this character is unforgettable and makes the film. In book or movie, the most memorable female characters are those who interrupt out of the stereotyped? good married woman? cast. When an writer or actress utilizations this technique efficaciously, the adult female frequently carries the narrative. In Geoffrey Chaucer # 8217 ; s Canterbury Tales, he portrays the Wife of Bath, Alison, as a adult female who bucks the tradition of her times with her flashiness and desire for control to show a adult female # 8217 ; s point of position and to arouse some understanding for her. In the writer # 8217 ; s clip, much of the literature was devoted to formalizing the infirmities of adult females. We will write a custom essay sample on The Canterbury Tales Wife Of Bath Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, in this narrative, the Wife is a adult female who has outlived four of five hubbies for? of five housbodes scoleying? ( P50 ) is she. She holds non her lingua, and says precisely what she thinks, even if she contradicts others, even Jesus. For in the Bible it states that Jesus? Spak in repreve of the Samaritan: / ? Thou hast yhad five housbondes, # 8217 ; quod he, / ? And that ilke adult male that now hath thee/Is nat thyn housbonde # 8217 ; ? ( P16 ) . Despite this quotation mark from the sanctum writ, the Wife provinces that ther are no other statements? Eek wel I woot he [ Jesus ] saide that myn housbonde/Sholde lete fader and moder and take me, /But of no nombre mencion made he [ Jesus ] # 8211 ; /Of bigamye or of octagamye? ( P30 ) . She maintains her place and dismisses the one contention in the Bible by saying in relation to the above quotation mark? Wat that he mente therby [ she ] can nat sayn, /But that I axe why the fifthe man/Was noon housbonde to the Samaritan? /How manye mighte she han in mariage? /Yit herde I nevere tellen in myn age/Upon this nombre diffinicioun? ( P20 ) . A true history of her flashiness is when she states that sex variety meats are for pleasance every bit good as map. She states that? In wifhood wol I use myn instrument/As freely as my Makere hath it sent? ( P155 ) . She displays her pitiless side when she makes her rip offing hubby, the 4th, think that she is rip offing and revels in this triumph by stating? in his ain Greece I made him frye? ( P493 ) . It is obvious that the Wife of Bath is no submissive adult female who thinks what she is tol vitamin D to believe. She is opinionated and blunt, qualities which present her positions consequently. As she is non docile, the Wife must be something to the contrary, and of class she is, to a great grade. The Wife strives to derive complete command over her hubbies. And derive command she does as? [ she ] hadde hem hoolly in myn hand/And sith that they hadde yiven me al hir land/What sholde I take maintain hem for to plese/But it were for my net income and myn ese? ( P217 ) . The Wife # 8217 ; s secret is simple, ? For half so boldely can ther no man/Swere and prevarication as a adult female can? ( P234 ) . She does something to every hubby to keep her control. However, Jankyn, her 5th hubby, believes in everything that disparages adult females, which is precisely what Alison detests. She lashes out with all she has left: ? [ she ] with [ her ] fist so took him on the cheeke/That in oure fir he fil bakward adown? ( P799 ) . Her delusory strategy is to feign to decease from the blow dealt by Jankyn. ? And with his fist he smoot [ her ] on the heed/That in the floor I lay as I were deed./And whan he sawgh how stille that I lay, /He was agast, and wolde have fled his manner, /Til atte laste out of my swough I braide: / ? O hastou slain me, false stealer? # 8217 ; I saide, / ? And for my land therefore hastou modred me? /Er I be deed yit wol I kisse thee # 8217 ; ? ( P801 ) . Obviously, this if really effectual for Jankyn is so distraught that he pleads? Myn ain true wif, /Do as thee lust the terme of Al thy lif ; /Keep thyn honor, and maintain eek myn estat? ( P825 ) . And after he gives her control, ? we hadde neer debat? ( P828 ) . She has won this conflict of marbless, but it seems as though Jankyn has none. One manner or another, Alison has made her marionettes dance, wholly under her rule. Her narrative backs up her doctrine, as the chief point is that? Wommen desire to hold sovereinetee/As wel over hir housbonde and hir love, /And for to been in maistrye him above? ( T1044 ) . The Narrative dorsums up the Prologue and pleads for the emancipation of adult females. Alison is her ain ideal of what a adult female should be. By deriving sovereignty, she has the power. Chaucer has presented us with a fresh position of adult females, uncharacteristic of his clip. The Wife of Bath is alone, and her shaping qualities allow what the writer thinks of adult females to uncover itself clearly. She is an immoral adult female who has done whatever she has needed to make to acquire what she wants, and the writer makes no apologies.