Monday, September 30, 2019

Rockaway pipeline

I do not support radon gas because of its harmful effects that can affect everyone around or using the gas. Radon is second leading cause of lung cancer, the primary adverse health effect associated with chronic exposure to radon is lung cancer typically bronchogenic, squamous cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, large cell carcinoma. Radon also has the potential to generate genotoxic effects higher incidence of chromosomal aberrations. Radon has been linked with erotogenic effects. Radon and smoking displayed a synergistic effect.Increased levels of exposure to radon increase the probability of observing an effect; however, increased levels of exposure do not necessarily influence the type or severity of the effect. There are no zero risk thresholds for radon exposure, but instead, risk increases proportionate to the exposure time. Pipelines can explode at any time for many different reasons, and those reasons can be the cause of why shopping malls, ouses, and schoo ls could be the victims of a fatal fire after the pipelines explode.You state that the pipelines would have periodic checks and be monitored 24 hours a day, every year, but tell that to the campers of Floyd Benet Park, the trees there are prone to fire, and I sincerely doubt that you wish to spend all your profits fixing on the reparation needed to replenish all the trees. Radon decays to equally radioactive and dangerous particles, like polonium and radioactive lead, In addition, before being broken down to regular, non-radioactive lead.When people breathe in, radon is exhaled, but the radon particles ends up inside the lungs, which then will cause cancer. Only because the radon is a heavy, gas and usually gravitates towards the open floor, making in harmful for children, pets and adults The Radon particles and the progeny can plate out the sides ot gas pipelines, which makes the pipelines hot and radioactive, then making them hazardous. I recently found out that in 1986, EPA had s et a limit for exposure to radon in air at 4 picocuries per liter.Being that there is increased exposure to many inds of radiation in the world today. Universities and Organizations like John Hopkins Universities and the World Health Organization have said that 2. 7 picocuries per liter would be a much better standard, but in reality, there is really know safe level of exposure. To Whom is reading this Letter I sincerely hope you take account all of the facts and examples that I have written and explained to you this day, and I hope the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission understands the dangers or this gas and how it can affect our community,

Assess the view that secularisation Essay

There is no agreed definition of the word secularisation- depending on how you define it will determine whether or not it is happening/exists. Some will argue that; secularisation is happening, it never happened, it did happen, or it’s a western issue. The exclusivist definition sees religion as involving beliefs in some supernatural, supra-human being or forces of some kind, which would indicate that secularisation is apparent in modern society as church attendance has declined in the UK from 11.1% of the population in the 1980s, to 6.6% in 2005. The inclusivist definition takes a less traditional approach, and includes beliefs and activities that most wouldn’t define as religious e.g. New Age Movements that look at spiritual therapies; this suggests secularisation isn’t happening and that religion is never likely to decline as alternative activities replace traditional roles of religion. If secularisation is defined as the exclusivist definition, then the UK ca n be classes as experiencing secularisation. Different sociologists have different theories contributing to our understanding of secularisation, for example Webers rationalisation theory. However, opponents of the secularisation debate argue that secularisation is only apparent in modern European societies, as church attendance and religious participation is in the increase in countries like America. Firstly evidence supporting the view of secularisation is only in modern European societies includes the decline of religious participation. In the UK, not only has church attendance decreased in recent years; church marriages, funerals and other religious ceremonies have dropped in attendance, as well as an increase in divorce rates and premarital children (50% of all parents) which suggests a decline in moral beliefs. Bruce suggests that the growth in scientific explanations and the application of technology in modern society has undermined the traditional religious beliefs. However, this decline in religious participation does not apply to the whole of the world. According to the 2004 Home Office Citizenship survey, minority ethnic groups are generally more religious than Whites, as they rank religion as second or third most important indicator of identity- compared to White British who ranked it 10th. Bellah goes against the view that secularisation is only a western European problem and argues that those who attend church in other  countries might not be going for religious reasons e.g to get into certain schools- which Davie refers to as ‘belonging without believing’. Wilson agrees that secularisation is taking place, and argues that churches of modern European societies has recently become disengaged; churches no longer plays a part in important aspects of social life e.g. education, health care, morality or politics, and therefore no longer has influence over the new generation. However in many countries religion still plays a big part in society, as many countries base their culture on religion and many cultural events are still based on traditional religion- this supports the view that secularisation is only a feature of modern European societies. Although, others argue that the decrease in traditional religion influence is not evidence for secularisation, as in modern society religion has resacularised; people are turning from traditional beliefs into spiritual. For example the increase in diversity of New Age Religions e.g. yoga and meditation have an increasing participation rate. Postmodernists argue that religion is not declining its just being reorientated, which gives individuals a chance to pick n mix aspects of society to suit them. Wilsons theory of disengagement of churches could also be criticised as many churches still have connections to modern day society, for example many charities are linked with the church, the Queen is the head of state, and there are 26 Bishops in the house of Lords. This means that secularisation is not actually a feature of modern European society as it is misinterpreted due to the recent change in focus of religion which is moving away from traditional beliefs and taking on spiritual values. Weber believes that the increasing rationalisation of the world has drained the magic and mystery out of religious ways of thinking. Science has provided the basis for the advance in technology that gives humans the power to control nature and undermine the religious worldview that events can be explained by using the will of God. Humans therefore have lost the ability to experience a sense of sacredness and mystery in life. This disenchantment cannot apply in undeveloped, 3rd world countries as this scientific belief and advance in technology hasn’t reached there, and many countries manage to combine science and religion. Religion in places of suffering is still justified by these societies as being a ‘plan’ made by God, and therefore religion acts as a glimpse of hope. Therefore secularisation is only a feature of modern  society, especially in developed counties like European societies. A growth in fundamentalism has returned in many countries, where pockets of the world take religious very seriously and take the literal meaning of religious texts and associated behaviour- so secularisation is a feature of only European societies. Although some would argue that this is only reinserted due to strong socialisation into being very religious (especially through family and education), so being religion is a cultural influence rather than a personal choice/belief. Some sociologists argue that religion has undergone Disneyfication; Lyon suggests post modern society has trivialised religion in order to appeal to the modern society by promoting fun and amusement. In order for religion to survive in the modern European societies, it has to market itself (like a spiritual supermarket). However this does not necessarily count as secularisation, as others argue that this marketing of religion gives a wider choice of religion which technically creates more religion- post modernists argue that disneyfication enhances religion. However, religious pluralism sees power in society spread among a wide variety of interest groups and individuals, which no single one having a monopoly of truth. People in modern society have a huge choice of religion- and can be a part of more than one religious institution. This means it is very hard to measure participation due to the vast amount of religions and therefore secularisation has been misjudged in modern European society. Marxists and Feminists would go against this view as they believe religion is still playing its role in creating conflict between different social classes, and therefore secularisation cannot be taking place. To conclude, the view that secularisation has been a feature of modern European societies is debated by many sociologists, and these theories and contributions are useful in explaining why some countries are experiencing secularisation more than others. It recognises current issues like disenchantment, disneyfication and the new insights of scientific explanations. However it is heavily criticised by other sociologists for ignoring important aspects of society, like religious pluralism and many studies are outdated so no longer apply tp modern societies. Feminists would argue that religion still plays its role in exploiting women, and Functionalists believe religion is still acting as social glue. Postmodernists also disagree and believe that religion is more diverse in  modern society so individuals can have more choice in what they believe.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Privatization of Public Space

Privatization and Advertising in Public Space The fight to take over the world has begun. This fight is between big corporate companies and their race to take over the most public space and plaster it with their advertisements or just simply control it. In this paper I will examine a variety of opinions on how they have invaded public space and if this invasion is benefiting the public or not. In some cases when big companies come take over in a public location it can be positive.Shea Stadium, although it was not exactly public, was greatly improved when Citigroup bought it and rebuilt the park. It improved the viewing experience at the Mets games and Citigroup gets publicity because people associate the park with them. Many people say that this sort of privatization by a big company can have numerous positive effects for people who use the space. Boston’s South Station has also been privatized in recent years. â€Å"The MBTA entered into a ground lease with Beacon South Stat ion Associates, a wholly owned entity of Beacon Properties Corporation, on January 28, 1988†.The MBTA still uses the station for the trains and buses but the company that leases it can set its own rules for within the space and has the right to sell advertising space within the station. Although commuters can still use the space for travel purposes the space is no longer public. During Occupy Boston the protesters peacefully assembled in South Station when the weather became colder but were asked to leave by police because there were not allowed to congregate there per rules of the company leasing the space.According so Una Spencer, an activist and protester during the occupy movement, â€Å"everywhere we are encountering â€Å"public† spaces which we are told are under control of private companies†. She also mentions that’s our taxes are being used to police these areas that are owned by private companies. Spenser is â€Å"seeing is a chipping away of ou r civil rights from many directions† and our tax dollars are paying the police who keep us from practicing these rights.David Morris, co-founder and vice president of Institute for Local Self-Reliance, brings forward the idea that companies should â€Å"compete on an equal footing, and where those with the most money do not necessarily speak in the loudest voice. † Sometimes companies with the most money are able to get their name out more that a smaller company through advertising. By having ads plastered around a city, a consumer is more likely to choose that company’s product than a smaller company. He believes that by seeing ads for specific companies stifles our ability to choose freely between different things.Morris believes in having public spaces where people within a community can congregate that is free of commercialism where people can share ideas. In Sao Paulo, Brazil people are in agreement with ideas similar to Morris’s and laws are being pu t into place to remove advertising. Larry Rohter, American journalist, covered the decision in Sao Paulo, Brazil to remove all advertising from the city. Sao Paulo is South America’s largest and most prosperous city and there has been much controversy over the law.Rohter quotes Brazilian columnist Roberto Pompeu de Toledo saying the law â€Å"is a rare victory of the public interest over private, of order over disorder, aesthetics over ugliness, of cleanliness over trash. † One controversy over this law is that people who work for companies creating advertising may lose jobs. Big companies who’s advertisements will be taken down are claiming â€Å"consumers will be less informed in their purchasing decisions and even that streets will be less safe at night with the loss of illumination from signs. Not only would the law ban billboards, but it would also ban ads on buses, blimps, and plains, and restrict the size of signs that stores would be allowed to have. Ro hter reported one women in Sao Paulo saying â€Å"the truth is that there are so many banners, billboards, placards, signs, and posters all over the place that they’ve lost their impact. † The mayor or Sao Paulo talks about bringing advertising back in the future, but with many restrictions and limitations. The city will become â€Å"an outdoor metropolis with no outdoor advertising. The Internet is another place that has become a common ground for advertising. Facebook used to be a free online community created by a group of college kids. Initially Facebook was supposed to be free of advertisements and that set it apart from other social networking sites. Now, not only does Facebook have advertisements, the advertisements are tailor made to each user based on that person’s likes and activities posted on their profile. On my Facebook is see ads for snowboard websites because I have the posted as one of my activities.Facebook says it needs to have ads because it keeps Facebook free for users. They say it’s also beneficial for advertisers because the right group of people will see their ads. The Internet is just another place where companies are fighting to broadcast to more customers. Along with the Internet, companies also have influence in restaurants, a place where we may not have even suspected it. Have you ever been to a restaurant and when you ordered a coke and the waitress asks, â€Å"is Pepsi ok? This is because restaurants have deals with soda companies and they â€Å"receive additional benefits when they decide to be exclusive. † By having restaurants that are exclusive the soda company theoretically has won that restaurant over and all the customers in that restaurant. It’s like a war to see which soda companies can have the most restaurants exclusively sell their soda. After careful consideration of all these opinions I cannot say I have come to a final conclusion on advertising in public space. I can see how in some cases advertising and privatization have gone overboard.Losing our ability to congregate in South Station seems a little absurd to me because our tax dollars are paying to enforce laws that are keeping us out of a once public space. However, what would a place like Time Square in New York City be without its huge glowing billboards and signs? And in Sao Paulo they are outlawing blimps as a part of the anti-billboard law, and I think of Boston’s Hood blimp that I can see on the skyline from my dorm room window. Is it really such an obstruction to public space? I don’t think so. And it also doesn’t affect what milk I choose to drink because I still am not a big fan of hood milk.In my opinion the best solution would be to haves stricter laws about advertising and privatization. I think Time Square would lose all its magic if the ads were to be taken off the buildings but in places like schools advertising should really be obsolete. As for privatization , I think if a public space is going to be privatized then public dollars should not be used in that space in any way. In South Station the Transit Police should not be enforcing rules put in place by a private organization when it is tax dollars paying the transit police, not the company.I think it’s a pretty fine line and it is the responsibility of government officials to get the balance between public space, advertising, and privatization right. Bibliography â€Å"Advertising on Facebook. † Facebook. 2 Oct 2012. https://www. facebook. com/about/ads/ Morris, David. â€Å"Curbing the Commercialization of Public Space. † Institute for Local Self-Reliance. 15 Jan 2009. 2 Oct 2012. http://www. ilsr. org/curbing-commercialization-public-space/ Rohter, Larry. â€Å"Streets are Paved with Neon’s Glare, and City Calls a Halt. † New York Times. 2 Dec 2006. 2 Oct 2012. ://www. nytimes. com/2006/12/12/world/Americas/12paulo. html? pagewanted=print&_r=0 Spe nser, Una. â€Å"Occupy Boston: the Privatizing of Public Spaces. † Daily Kos. 30 Oct 2011. 2 Oct 2012. http://www. dailykos. com/story/2011/10/30/1031512/-Occupy-Boston-the-privatizing-of-public-spaces â€Å"Why Aren’t Coke and Pepsi Sold Together at Restaurants? † Xatal. 12 Mar 2009. 2 Oct 2012. http://xatal. com/miscellaneous/why-arent-coke-and-pepsi-sold-together-at-restaurants/ ——————————————– [ 1 ].Una Spenser. â€Å"Occupy Boston: the Privatizing of Public Spaces. † Daily Kos. 30 Oct 2011. 2 Oct 2012. http://www. dailykos. com/story/2011/10/30/1031512/-Occupy-Boston-the-privatizing-of-public-spaces [ 2 ]. Una Spenser. â€Å"Occupy Boston: the Privatizing of Public Spaces. † Daily Kos. 30 Oct 2011. 2 Oct 2012. http://www. dailykos. com/story/2011/10/30/1031512/-Occupy-Boston-the-privatizing-of-public-spaces [ 3 ]. Ibid [ 4 ]. David Morris. â€Å"Curbing the Commercialization of Public Space. † Institute for Local Self-Reliance. 15 Jan 2009. 2 Oct 2012.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Summary of IS Roles Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summary of IS Roles - Research Paper Example The CIO plays a vital role of virtual information organizer therefore it needs to coordinate the sources regarding information service providers in order to widespread these services throughout the organization. The CIO has to deal with a number of issues as compared to other managers because as the Chief Information Systems Strategist a major responsibility evolves constantly along with corporate information necessities of information technology. The role of Chief Information Officer (CIO) is divided into two parts according to organizational requirements. The primary role is to enhance accountability regarding particular executive manager formation for the organizations procedures needs. The final creation of the CIO includes the positions that need to facilitate the closing â€Å"gap† among organization and IT strategies that are considered as the core measures for business concerns. The alliance between Information Technology and business not only provides limitless advant ages but it is also necessary for organizations survival in competitive environment. Moreover, the benefits of IT in every field have been accepted globally therefore, it is also beneficial for the fast IT implementation in less cost. The IS organizations plays a vital role in understanding the potential of IT. ... The primary architecture incorporates Data centers, networking, systems, database, servers, storage devices and desktop workstations. Moreover, secondary architecture incorporates email configuration and application administration deployed on desktops. The core applications play a critical role in running the organization’s business for example as Entity Resource Planning and Core banking Applications in a Banking System, Crew Management information System in any Airline are integrated in Enterprise Applications. The Business Intelligence products can be purchased from any Business Intelligence vendor. They will provide executive services in order to build a outsource platform for better services. The Data Centers can be relocating along with third party according to your needs and can obtain an Infrastructure Services from any company to manage the applications. If we consider that the CIO has outsourced all the IT functions, what will the staff do then from 9am to 5 pm? This is not considered a good idea, as the procurement group is in coordination at all times. There is a variety of advanced approaches in the field of IT applications. The application can be obtained via development in-house, outsource or lease or any mixture of these two. For instance, website can be developed in-house of any company by utilizing HTML, JAVA or other web programming languages available. The core reason for the IT applications acquisition is to provide an effective and efficient support to any organization and their businesses procedures. In order to start the process of acquisition, the detailed related to the whole procedure must be defined previously (Information Resources Management Association, International Conference & Khosrowpour, 2001). In addition, the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Personal Finance Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Finance Assignment - Essay Example The kinds of credit available can be categorized into two; short term credit and long-term credit depending on the repayment period (Chandra 56). Purchasing of a new camera and a wardrobe for business does not require a lot of cash; Sam and Judy can opt to take a short term loan for purchase of these two items. On the other hand, they can take long term credit for the purchase of a new 52 inch television and a car. Another credit available to them is personal savings. While budgeting, it is vital that things that need to be purchased be arranged in order of priority (Chandra 27). Without arranging the purchases in order of priority, a person ends up buying the wrong commodity not required within the period. It is noteworthy that Sam and Judy should consider buying what is necessary to them at the moment. Suitable clothing for business wear is the most vital commodity to consider buying. They should purchase clothing immediately since they need them when in business. In purchasing clothing, they can use personal savings or short term loans. A camera, car and television, should be purchased later after purchasing clothing. This is because a camera, car and television are luxury commodities that the two can live without (Chandra 44). If the two were to take a loan in purchasing the commodities, then they would have an extra monthly budget of the following: camera $ 900, car $11000, television $ 2500, and clothing $ 3000. These new expenses add up to $ 17,400. These expenses cannot be payable once. Hence, Sam and Judy have to appropriate the total cost into a period of twenty four months; so as to determine how much they will term as expenses per month in purchasing the items. Dividing $ 17,400 by 24 months, $ 725 is the new, additional monthly expense. From the old budget, it was estimated that total monthly expenses totaled to $ 2778. With the purchase of the new items, the old monthly budget will expand. The items that are to be purchased using loan can be

Marketing of University of Wollongong in South Korea Research Paper

Marketing of University of Wollongong in South Korea - Research Paper Example The report tries to analyze the different aspects of launching this new service and to study the market elements to identify the feasibility and the success possibility. Also, the report is trying to analyze the socio-cultural environment of South Korea to understand the market size and the current opportunities. A multiplicity of marketing strategies of the country need to be studied and the resultant changes in legal policies need to be identified. The country overview of this report is meant to understand the historical development, the geographic and demographic overview, government structure and economic strategies. Also, the marketing feasibility plans is based on the marketing mix, and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. South Korea is Asia’s one of the most affluent nations. It was a part of unified Korea until 1948. But after 1948 the two countries separated to be named as South Korea and North Korea. North Korea, a communist nation fell into the trap of totalitarianism and also poverty. The two Koreas went into war after their partition which ended in 1953. But there was no peace agreement. South Korea or Republic of Korea has a population of around 50 million. The capital of the country is Seoul, a vibrant and modernised city. The area of the country is around 100,000 sq km. The country follows two major religions Buddhism and Christianity (BBC News, 2010). The monetary currency of the country is Won. The country is a nation with vast knowledge and technical skills. They export products like electronic products, transport equipment and machinery. They have a technical know how and superior technical product developing skills which has made them into one of Asia’s most technically superior nation. South Korea has grown into a major economy and also has transformed into a democracy. The standard of living in Korea is very high. The

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Accounting Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Accounting Assignment - Essay Example The culprit can be seen to be the ballooning of expenses. It should be noted that depreciation and amortization registers 165% growth while other selling and administration expense records higher growth of 178%. To make matters worse, finance costs more than tripled at 355% from 2003 to 2007. Turning to the balance sheet accounts of the business organization, it should be noted that the mounting finance costs can be traced to the ballooning of assets which is unmatched by the growth in equity. This indicates that the company’s acquisition of asset is financed by the more costly liabilities. Logically, when Best resort to its creditors to finance the acquisition of its assets, it incurs the obligation to pay interest at specific intervals thus boosting its finance cost. The company’s cash account grew weakly at 18% during the seven-year period. Table 2 highlights the financial ratios of Best from 2003 to 2007 utilizing the selected data provided. In terms of profitability, the year 2007 saw a decline both in return to assets and return to ordinary shareholders. It should be noted that this decline indicates the company’s inability to create net income which adds to shareholder wealth and value to its assets. From the high return of shareholder’s equity ratio of .25 in 2006, this slumped to .12 in 2007 meaning that for every dollar invested in the company’s stocks, a shareholder gets 12 cents in 2007 compared to the 25 cents in 2006. Asset turnover also declined from 0.53 to 0.47 signaling lower asset utilization and possibly an inability to maximize the company’s resources. Profit margin ratio is also in decline from .18 to 0.09. The decrease in profitability ratios from the good performance in 2006 can be an indication of company’s difficulty of providing profits to its stakeholders. Consistent with the observation above, the company’s debt to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Education Problems ( The Risk ) Research Proposal

Education Problems ( The Risk ) - Research Proposal Example It was advocated as a way to insure that students were receiving the education they were entitled to, and not just pushing them through the motion of graduation. However, critics have contended that it is ineffectual, punitive, inflexible, and hurts minority students the most, the very one's the Act was purported to help. An evaluation of the important markers of achievement scores, drop out rate, and performance gap will show that the NCLB has left minority students farther behind, and in fact is fundamentally discriminatory in its implementation. The NCLB was enacted with good intentions and targeted the legitimate educational problems in the public school system, but the unintended consequences have prohibited the ACT from realizing its goals. The Act was passed with bipartisan support amid much fanfare with then President Bush stating, "These reforms express my deep belief in our public schools and their mission to build the mind and character of every child, from every background, in every part of America" (cited in US Department of Education, 2002, p.9). The fundamental principles of the NCLB came after decades of debate and stress that "schools and districts work best when they have greater control and flexibility, when scientifically proven teaching methods are employed, and when schools are held accountable for results" (US Department of Education, 2002, p.9). However, after 6 years of data it appears that schools and teachers have lost their autonomy and the results are being masked and hidden through unethical accou nting practices. Issues such as bilingual education are being used as a political hot button, with little regard for the students that the policies impact. Data is falsified, drop out rates soar, and the real problems go unnoticed in an air of false confidence. The situation has degenerated to the point that some states have considered abandoning the NCLB and forfeiting federal funding for education. It is of extreme importance to look at the latest data available and make an evaluation as to the future of the NCLB. It is the obligation of the citizens and legislature to assure we have an Act that works as designed and fulfills the lofty, and worthwhile, goals set by the NCLB. Literature Review One of the most focused upon characteristics of student data is what is called the 'Achievement Gap'. It is the performance gap that exists between the white students and the minority students. Traditionally, since the 1960s white students have outscored minorities at almost every level and subject due to socio-cultural and economic reasons, and the NCLB has a goal of closing this gap (Smith, 2005, p.513). However, this aspect of the NCLB is almost immeasurable. For the recent 4-year period beginning in 2004, the data required to evaluate the achievement gap only exists for 10 of the 50 states (Anderson, Medrich, & Fowler, 2007, p.549). To be measured as a minority sub-group, such as Hispanic, the school needs a minimum number of the minority students to be required to include them in the data. If the number of minority students is small, such as in a rural school, they are not required to disaggregate them in the data. Schools and districts can set this number arbitrarily and may be using it to hide minority results. According

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Radical Idea of Marrying for Love Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Radical Idea of Marrying for Love - Essay Example In the past, just like it is today, love reigned in the lovers’ hearts. However, unlike today, it was always seen as a phenomenon very distant from love and mostly a threat to the â€Å"societal order.† Precedence was given to the people’s obligation to not only their extended families, but also to the society in general and the creator. As such, love was perceived as a big interference. For instance, during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries in Europe, there was a strict distinction between love and marriage. Those with desires to express their true love or intimacy could only do that through adultery since marriage was purposefully instituted to fulfill obligations. There is a good example in one love story that involved a theologian (Peter Aberlard) and a mistress (Heloise). Heloise declined Aberlard’s proposal to marry her in secret because that would put her reputation in jeopardy. For her, â€Å"marriage would not only harm his career but also und ermine their love† (Coontz, 132). In most societies (for example, Greeks, Romans, Christians, and Muslims), people despised those lovers who publicly expressed their love for each other. Such an act was not only sinful but also drew people away from God. For Christian theologians, married partners who had too much love and affection for each other were seen idol worshippers. In addition, it is still considered bad, in Cameroon, to express intense love for your partner, since it is believed that this isolates couples from the rest of the society (Coontz, 132). And for those societies in India as well as Europe, it was believed that love could only exist after marriage. A well-matched couple and one with financial stability would eventually see partners experiencing a perfect love for each other. Love was considered as a benefit, and therefore, any marriage built on it would inevitably lead to sadness in life. Today, an ideal marriage is totally different.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Decision Making in an Addicted Brain Essay Example for Free

Decision Making in an Addicted Brain Essay Decision making is a mental process of selecting a course of action. We exercise this right to free will on a very regular basis. We often think this right comes easily to us, however in individuals with neurological addictions decision making can be a difficult process. With individuals who are addicted to a substance or habit decision making is abnormal (Fecteau, 2010). When an addict partakes in the substance they are addicted to there is often a rush or feeling of relief. If an addict is attempting to quit using a substance, they often attempt to obtain a similar feeling of satisfaction. Typically recovering addicts turn to risky decision making due to the fact that when one makes a risky choice the two experiences share similar behavioral sensations (Fecteau, 2010). Understanding how addicts make decisions based on their addiction is crucial in planning treatment options in order to suppress drug cravings in substance abusing patients. Through certain testing, scientists have discovered that specific, noninvasive brain stimulation can aid in the suppressing of drug cravings in addicts. The inference was made that if we can stimulate a portion of the brain that controls decision making in the average human, we can aid in the suppression of cravings. This portion of the brain is called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Fecteau, 2010). It is located in the frontal cortex of the brain which controls other things such as mannerisms, social and sexual behavior, as well as decision making. With this technique of addiction suppression, there are many things to take into consideration. These things could be possible implications with the therapy, moral values as to whether testing this method on humans is humane, as well as whether or not there could be possible health risks in the future. This method of addiction suppression is an interesting one that could potentially make shaking an addiction much less difficult if the risks turn out to be minimal. References Fecteau, S., Fregni, F., Boggio, P. S., Camprodon, J. A., Pascual-Leone, A. (2010). Neuromodulation of Decision-Making in the Addictive Brain. Substance Use Misuse, 45(11), 1766-1786.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Theory Of Career Construction Psychology Essay

Theory Of Career Construction Psychology Essay The purpose of this case study is to apply Savickas Theory of Career Construction to a volunteer client Yelonda J. Complete a narrative interview using the structured interview questions in the Career Style Interview, and employing the six steps. Discuss interpretations, observations and obtain her feedback. The theoretical foundation of Career Construction theory (CCT) has its beginnings from Constructivism, and according to Sharf (2009) Constructivism is a psychological approach that has developed out of a postmodern philosophical position. It has been stated the Postmodernism period was a reaction to modernism, in that it highlighted differences in individual views rather than a one-sided, rational scientific view of modernism. (Sharf 2009) Constructivist saw individuals as creators of their own destiny, and constructivist counselors sought to help clients discover that meaning and resolve any discrepancy. (Sharf 2009) According to (Sharf 2009, p316) the constructivism approach was greatly affected by the changing of the work environments in the 1970s. Employees were no longer staying with one position for their whole work life, as companies were becoming less loyal to employees and watching out for own bottom-line by downsizing their workforce to part-time. Employees soon discovered they needed to take charge of their future and looked to career counselors for help. According to (Busacca, 2007) constructivist career counseling attempts to answer one question how can an individual negotiate a lifetime job changes and not lose a sense of self? Career construction theory (CCT) came about to help individuals develop meaning out of their career choices and actions. CCT address how an individuals career is made from its personal and social constructs. These constructs are not actual real reality, but an individuals representation of that reality. CCT defines career as an objective and subjective construct. Objectively speaking, career is a listing of positions from the past to present. Subjectively, career is the personal meaning or a pattern of experiences form past, present, future. (Savickas, 2005, p43) CCT is made of three distinct perspectives and each seeks to determine how the individual views their life and career working together. (Busacca, 2007) These perspectives also help career counselor see how each individual views, makes adjustments and creates from their life experiences. These perspectives are life theme, career adaptability, and vocational personality. The Purpose and the Suppositions The purpose of CCT is to help the individual discover the subjective meaning in their work. In helping the individual discover this type of meaning, Career construction approach (CCA) stress the importance of the relationship between the individual and the counselor. Life themes In the previous career development theory we covered, Hollands inventories were used to obtain critical information about the individual, and make predictions of a career path and likely hood of success. Career Construction theory takes advantage of individual narrated stories to discover meaning behind the content. (Busacca, 2007) It has been stated pattern is the primary unit of meaning. By consciously organizing and binding together these discrete experiences, a unifying life theme patterns (Savickas 2005, p 58) pattern becomes a fundamental and essential way of being because it provides a way for individuals to see themselves and what is important in the world. (Savickas, 2005 p58) During a session an individual is encouraged to tell of work positions, experiences and develop a story linking career related experiences from the past to the present. The individual becomes the focus of attention as they narrated the counselor through their work and life stories. The counselor plays a less active role and listens for patterns in the individuals stories and life theme should begin to surface. (Busacca, 2007) Career Adaptability Once an individual has discovered a life theme, how they go about coping with the process of connecting with social expectations and how they construct their careers is the next step. (Savickas, 2005) Career counselors begin to ask questions of the individual such as How did you decide on that career? This is an important question to ask, because it relates to how the individual is choosing to cope or react to their social expectations. (Savickas 2005) stated adaptation was the interaction of self and society and it is this interaction where an individual develops their attitudes, beliefs, problem-solving and coping mechanisms. He went on to discuss four stages of adaptation resources. These resources are concern, control, curiosity and confidence. (Savickas, 2005) During the career concern stage, a career counselor focuses on whether an individual was concern about their future. A statement commonly made by individuals in this stage would be Do I have future. A lack of career concern has a likelihood of becoming indifference which usually reflects a feeling of pessimism about the future. Career concern is important because I it helps the individual to relate their current activities to future endeavors. The goal of this stage is the building of continuity of past and future career activities. (Savickas, 2005) (Busacca, 2007) The career control stage, a career counselor focuses on whether the individual feels or believes they are responsible for their careers. A statement commonly made by individuals in this stage would be Who owns my future? The lack of career control has a likelihood of becoming career indecisiveness and can lead to attitudes of indecision. The goal of this stage is deciding by clarifying choices. (Savickas, 2005) (Busacca, 2007) The career curiosity stage, a career counselor focuses on whether the individual discovered fit between self and the world of work. A statement commonly made by individuals in this stage would be What do I want to do with my future? The lack of career curiosity has the likelihood of becoming naÃÆ'Â ¯ve about work options. The goal of this stage is exploration, learning about self and clarifying values. (Savickas, 2005) (Busacca, 2007) The career confidence stage, a career counselor would focuses on whether the individual displayed self esteem, self efficacy and encouragement. A statement commonly made by an individual in this stage would be Can I do it? A lack of career confidence has a likelihood of becoming unmotivated and unwilling to obtain goals. The goal of this stage is increase self acceptance, develop problem solving abilities and encourage the willingness to try even when things look dark. (Busacca, 2007) (Savickas, 2005) Vocational Personality According to (Savickas, 2005) an individuals personality begins in the family, neighborhoods, and school. As that individual grows up, their characteristics are displayed everyday while doing housework, completing hobbies and playing games. CCT views these characteristics possibilities or hypothesis to explore for the discovering meaning. Unlike Hollands RAISEC which use an objective person-environment fit, CCT uses a subjective approach in demonstrating to the individual how they are similar to others in a given field, and share common feelings and ideas about work related activities. Account of Session with Yelonda J. Observations of Yelonda J. Counseling Session with Yelonda J.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Open Source Software for Creating 3D Visuals

Open Source Software for Creating 3D Visuals An open Source Software for creating 3D Visuals and example for possibility of using Smartphone for Physics Education Abstract There are many students who cannot understand concepts and ideas in physics only with plane static diagrams. The understanding of processes, dynamic phenomena or geometric relations can be enhanced with the use of computer animations POV-Ray is a freely available 3D rendering open source package which has the potential of creating animations not only for physics education but in general for science and technology education. The focus of this paper is the use of POV-Ray to create 3D animations and 3D static illustrations to visualize the packing arrangements, voids and crystal structures which are compulsory in solid state physics curriculum in undergraduate physics and explore the possibility of introducing them to use in smartphones. INTRODUCTION Computers today play an important role in acquiring and applying scientific knowledge, facilitating the learning process. There has been growing research interest in studying the impact of ICT on educational processes, in parallel with the expansion of easy access to many learners around the world [1-4]. Animation plays a major role in ICT based education and it has been demonstrated that animations serves several instructional roles such as attracting and directing attention; simulating dynamic processes and complex phenomena [5,6].As many students are not able to understand 3D environment properly, it very common, crystal structures are explained using commercially available plastic models in many classrooms. Solid State Physics (Condense Matter Physics) course which is compulsory for physics students throughout the world, one of the learning outcomes is underrating crystal structures. Students often fail to understand close packing arrangements, shape and nature of the existing vo ids, number of atoms around and separation of layers by looking at a plane static diagrams accommodated in text books. These particular animations have been chosen not just because of their solid state physics curricular interest, but also to highlight the potential of integrating the POV-Ray rendering package for physics education and science education. As the smartphones are no longer unaffordable luxury gadget for the students, educators embrace the smartphonesto engage with their students and encourage new learning strategies[7-9].The smartphones users are rapidly growing among Sri Lankan undergraduates 3D visual created in this study were checked on smooth playing on smartphone with the intension of distributing among the students in the future. 1.1 POV-RAY OPEN SOURCE POV-Ray stands for the Persistence of Vision Ray-tracer, a tool for producing high-quality computer graphics[10].Ray-tracing is a rendering technique that calculates an image of a scene by simulating the way rays of light travel in the real world. In the real world, rays of light are emitted from a light source and illuminate objects. The light reflects by the objects or passes through transparent objects. This reflected light can form images in human eyes or in a camera. The user specifies the location of the camera, light sources, and objects as well as the surface texture properties of objects, their interiors and environment. POV-Ray scenes are created in a special text language called a â€Å"scene description language (SDL)†. POV-Ray can be used for animation too. Computer animation is the process of drawing objects on a computer screen, that then appearto move around the screen. It can be done displaying a series of stationary scenes with very short time between two scenes. 2. METHOD The production of a 3D images has mainly two stages; writing and debugging source files and rendering. One has to choose the positions to locate the required objects, light source to illuminate the scene and appropriate camera position to capture, more technically called render,the scene. POV-Ray uses a simple Cartesian coordinate (Fig 1) system making easy to identify the suitable location. Figure 1. Pov-ray coordinate system (+Z axis into the computer screen) There are simple Pov-Ray SDL codes to generate almost all geometrical objects such as, box, sphere, and cylinder etc. The object â€Å"sphere† is the most appropriate object to represents the atoms while â€Å"cylinders’ to represent the atomic link.For the creation of scenes and animation described in this paper, exact coordinates of the object locations were simply calculated considering the dimension of the objects. Positioning light source to illuminate the scene, camera was located to get the suitable view. As an example following codes capture the scene, locating the camera at looking at origin, . camera { location look_at } Animations were created generating series of scenes, called frames, looking at the scene from various angles. Movie maker software such as Windows Film Maker, VirtualDub etc.can be used to play the frames continuously to make animation. Animation can be created as either animated jip or as AVI movie.A basic illustration of the process is shown below (Figure 3). Figure 3. Schematic Diagram of Software used to Create Animations 3. SAMPLE CREATIONS The first example portrays the hexagonal close packing (HCP) arrangement of spheres in the space (Figure 4.a). Hexagonal and cubic close packing arrangement (CCP)are explained to the student with the help of static plane diagrams. Many students are failed to understand these arrangements clearly. Even if they are able to explain the nature of alternative layering of the two arrangements, HCP and CCP, few students understand the nature of the voids available in such arrangement. This is valid for any average student, but of cause there may students who can understand those arrangements without any visual aid. The visual are made not for the aforementioned few students but for the majority to strengthen the understanding. These particular animations have been chosen not just because of their curricular interest, but also to highlight some of the features of the POV-Ray rendering package. The first example portrays the hexagonal close packing arrangement (figure 1). As the arrangement is slowly rotates about the vertical axis which passes through the central sphere axis shown, the viewer can interactively explore the symmetry and geometric details for these configurations. (a)(b) Figure 4. Side view of HCP arrangement (b) Top view CCP arrangement Visuals below (Figure 5) illustrate, Body Centered Cubic unit cell (a), and diamond type structure (c)and NaCl structure respectively. These creations are also possible to view from different angles, facilitating to learner to explore the structures. (b)(c) Figure 5: (a) Body Centered Cubic unit cell (b) diamond type structure (c) NaCl structure respectively. Figure 6 shows an interstitial atom which is at an octahedral site, scenes were generated from different visual angles. Figure 6 : An interstitial atom which is at an octahedral site Author has introduced these animations for university undergraduate’s and received positive feedback. Introducing the animations for smartphone users have many advantages than using them only in computers (8). Student can use them freely, anytime any place with their own desire rather using computers. 4. CONCUSION Since 3D visual aid transcends the limitations of static diagrams, it is promising tool to strengthen the understanding of various crystal structures. The animation examples that have been created in this work demonstrate that it is possible to create high quality 3-D animations using open source POV-Ray. POV-Ray visualization provides free access to sophisticated 3-D graphics rendering that could cost thousands of rupees commercially. It is worth explore the potential of Pov–Ray to simulate other complex concepts in physics to make the process of learning more independent and , student oriented. It has been confirmed that there is no any technical incompatibilities embedding these creation on smartphones. The evolution of the modern technology has to be integrated to physics teaching and make learning process more attractive. 5. REFERENCES Muller,D.A, Designing Effective Multimedia for Physics Education (2008), Ph. D thesis Michael R. Gallis, Ping Wang, Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference Exposition, American Society for Engineering Aravind, VR and Tangrirala, S Open source software for visualization in condensed matter Physics, Lat. Am. J. Physics (2012) vol 6, No, 4, pp 538-540 Poddar, A, Teaching of the phenomena of free, damped and forced oscillations in physics through an all-inclusive java applet,Physics Education, Vol 29, No. 1, Park, O. C., Gittelman, S. S. (1992). Selective use of animation and feedback in computer-based instruction. Educational Technology, Research, and Development, 40 (4), 27-38. Park, O. (1998). Visual Displays and Contextual Presentations in Computer Based Instruction. Educational Technology Research Development, 46 (3), pp. 18-32. Woodcock, B Middleton, B and Nortcliffe,AConsidering the Smartphone Learner: an investigation into student interest in the use of personal technology to enhance their learning, Student Engagement and Experience,, Journal Volume 1, Issue 1 (on line journal) JISC,Multimedia learning with mobile phones. Innovative Practices with E-learning. Case Studies: Anytime, Any Place Learning. [Online] Online at: Coca, D,M and Slisko, J. Software Socrative and Smartphones as Tools For Implementation of Basic Processes of Active Physics Learning in Classroom: An Initial Feasibility Study With Prospective Teachers, European J of Physics Education,Vol.4,Issue,2,2013 Wikipedia,

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Shining :: essays research papers

The Shining The story take place in Colorado and begins with Jack Torrence, going to a place by the name of "The Overlook Hotel" to be the caretaker over the winter month's, because of coast of keeping a twenty-five mile road, in which it take to get to the hotel open, because of all the snow. To get the job as the caretaker of the hotel, he would be alone for five months, and have free food, and also free stay at the hotel, all Jack has to do is mantiance and handyman work around the hotel. He arrives for the interview and meets Lloyd (the manager of the Overlook Hotel) they discuss certain duties and jobs that will be needed around the hotel, and then Lloyd brings up a certain account that happened a couple of years back at the hotel, about a man that murdered his family from what you call "cabin fever" caused by seclusion and away from everything. Jack is stuned by what he hears and then quickly say's something to the effect of not having to worry about something like that happening, and that he needed the months off to get started on a book he was writing. Lloyd decides to let him have the job, and asked him to come back the next day. The next day Danny (his son) and wife Wendy and Jack left for the hotel. They arrive and get there bags dropped off, it is the last day the hotel is open for the season, and people are checking out, and workers cleaning up, so they can leave for the spring. Jack and Wendy goto meet up with Lloyd, and Danny leaves for the game room. Lloyd takes them around the hotel to look around and get a feel of were they will be staying, and shows them their rooms. They stop and meet up with the head cook Dick Hallorann, Lloyd ask Dick to show Wendy and Danny around the Kitchen as he takes Jack to see the rest of the hotel. Dick Hallorann goes threw the kitchen and shows Wendy what to do, and what to use, etc... all threw this time of the tour Dick keeps on using a mind signal, a voice to communicate, at first Danny does not realize it, but then as the tour wraps up, the family meets back up, and Dick offers Danny some ice cream as Lloyd takes Wendy and Jack to another part of the hotel. As Danny is eatting his ice cream, Dick is talking to him, and then talks about, what he was doing

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

If I Cant Have Her, No One Can :: essays research papers

Most people, when forced to give up the one thing they truly love, would rather see it be destroyed than in the hands of another person. In “Old Woman Magoun,'; by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, the old woman is in that position. She is burdened with relinquishing custody of her granddaughter, Lily, to the child’s father. Throughout the story, the old woman faces an inner struggle over caring for and, ultimately, losing her granddaughter. She deals with her struggle in a very realistic, human response.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Old Woman Magoun is a woman who refuses to be disobeyed or disagreed with. She has a peculiar command over all those in her company. “No one had dared openly gainsay the old woman'; (Freeman, 362). The only person she cannot make “visibly cower'; (361) is Nelson Barry, Lily’s father. He is the only one that shows any disregard towards the old woman. Old Woman Magoun and Nelson Barry never agree with each other in any way. The old woman has been especially cautious of Barry ever since her daughter died and she had to take care of Lily. After an undesired and unforeseen encounter between the girl and Barry, the old woman is informed that she must hand over the girl. Feeling helpless and having no control over the situation, she feels forced to make a major decision to prevent the young girl from, what she feels, would be a grave predicament.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Old Woman Magoun most likely feels responsible for Lily’s situation and her own daughter’s demise and has learned to fear men as a result of it. She fears the girl’s father because he represents the part of herself that she cannot control, Lily. She has no choice but to give up her granddaughter and she cannot bear to lose her to the man she despises, Nelson Barry. Facing the reality of losing Lily is more than the old woman is readily prepared for. In many of her stories, Freeman “invests the women with power and yet simultaneously limits their power'; ( 2). Old Woman Magoun has a mysterious command over people, but it doesn’t help her when it comes to keeping Lily. She still has to relinquish her control over the child and she has no power to change the circumstances. Freeman makes the old woman suffer the “realities of nineteenth-century New England'; (2). These realities are that a woman must abide by her socially defined and accepted role and if she does not abide, she will suffer the consequences that result.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Fight for Integration

Martin Luther King Jr. once said, â€Å"I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls,† (â€Å"goodreads†). His â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech took place in 1963 during the March on Washington. It was there that he established his reputation as one of the greatest orators in American history. Martin Luther King Jr. ’s American dream was that all men should have god-given rights and have equality. To achieve this American dream, Martin Luther King Jr. faced many obstacles to overcome discrimination. Before Martin Luther King Jr. chieved his American dream, there were many obstacles in the way; it was not all fun and games. The first one was the difficulty to convince African Americans because they believed that they should fight back against discrimination. The police were also another obstacle Martin had to face. During the civil rights movement, the police would use dogs and fire hoses towards the blacks to settle boycotts that were conducted. However, Martin would never use violence back. Another problem that he faced was prejudice ideas. Many whites had opinions about African Americans that kept opportunities for them very limited.Martin never let any of these obstacles stop him from achieving his dreams of equality. Through all the difficulties Martin Luther King Jr. had to face, his American dream never changed. Martin wanted all men to have god-given rights and equality. He had to prove to his own people, the police, and the rest of America that it was possible to stand up for themselves without being violent. With this belief, Americans realized that the white society was in the wrong when it came to discrimination and violence because African Americans were not harming anybody. This helped Martin’s dream become a reality.Work cited: Quote by Martin Luther King Jr. † goodreads. Otis Chandler. 28 Aug. 1963. Thur. 8 Nov. 2012. Haberman, Frederick.  "Martin Luther King-Biography. † Nobleprize. org. Les Prix Nobel. N. d. Web. 6 Nov. 2012. Roland, Allen. â€Å"Martin Luther King/ The Voice That Can’t Be Silenced. † Thepeoplesvoice. ord. n. d. 17 Jan. 2011. Web. 6 Nov. 2012. â€Å"Quote by Martin Luther King Jr. † goodreads. Otis Chandler. 28 Aug. 1963. Thur. 8 Nov. 2012. Carson, Clayborne. â€Å"Life. † Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History. Ed. Colin A. Palmer. 2nd. Ed. Vol. 3. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2006. 1239-1243. Gale U. S. History In Context. Web. 7 Nov. 2012.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Merton Truck

MERTON TRUCK COMPANY Sol 1 : Given : Selling Price od Model 101 truck : 39000 Selling Price of Model 102 truck : 38000 We know, Contribution C = SP – VC VC for Model 101 : Direct Material + Direct Labor + Variable Overhead : 24000 + 4000 + 8000 = $36000 VC for Model 102: Direct Material + Direct Labor + Variable Overhead : 20000+ 4500+8500 = $33000 Let no of Model 101 produced be X Let no of Model 102 produced be Y Z= (39000-36000)X + (38000=33000)Y Z=3000X + 5000Y So objective is to Maximize Z Constraints : 1| Engine Assembly | X + 2Y

Sunday, September 15, 2019

National Cranberry Cooperative

NATIONAL CRANBERRY CO-OPERATIVE CASE STUDY * Nishi Sharma In 1971, National Cranberry Cooperative faced recurring operational problems that affected the productivity and relationship of NCC to growers. This analysis will discuss how NCC can improve its operation before the peak-season comes in. The analysis was based from facts cited in the case, using tools such as but not limited to process flow diagram, cost, benefit and utilization analysis, and work-force scheduling. The author recommends solution that will not just improve NCC's operations but will also increase plant's capacity and decrease its cost thereby leading to long-term savings for the growers. Problem Statement/Key Issues This case analysis will investigate two primary problems faced by NCC (1) Long waiting period of trucks during unloading of berries at RP1 and (2) Too much overtime cost. This case will also look at a secondary problem, specifically, the inaccuracy of grading of berries. Supporting Argument It is necessary to address the truck's queuing problem in 1970 in order to attain NCC's planned increase in output of water harvested crop from 58% to 70% the following year. The queuing/idle time during unloading also creates unnecessary costs particularly the cost of leasing trucks and hiring drivers. Also, Cranberries' market price is influenced by the government regulation Cranberry Marketing Order 1070, which mandates owners to scrap 10% or 200,000 bbls of harvested crops, thereby reducing income for the same resources used. With this, it is important that NCC manage its resources properly including scheduling of workforce (seasonal ; full-time) to reduce the costs like the overtime pay. With the cost amounting to $112,500 ($450,000/2Ãâ€"0. 5) incurred for paying extra premiums to second graded berries, it is important to look at the grading process and assess the need for installing an equipment that can help reduce the said cost. Alternatives The following are the alternatives proposed by Mr. Williston: 1. To buy and install new dryers 2. Convert dry berry holding bins to store water harvested or dry berries 3. Install Light Meter System for color grading PROCESS DIAGRAM – NATIONAL CRANBERRIES CO-OPERATIVE Assumptions:    We have assumed that: †¢ There is a cost associated with trucks waiting to be unloaded and it is $5 per hour. †¢ We have not considered per hour operating    cost of plant †¢ Overtime for both regular and part time worker has been taken to be $ 6. 50 per hour. †¢ In calculating the payback time, the same cost saving will occur every day. It is given in case that wet berries will make 70 % of total berries and that normal running hours for plant is 11 (12-1) hours. Case 1: 10000 bbl/day Wet Berries (WB) ( 7000 bbl/day Dry Berries (DB) ( 3000bbl/day Total Time = 11 Hrs WB feed=7000/11 = 637 bbl/hr DB feed= 3000/11 = 273 bbl/hr Minimum processing rate for WB is at dryers, which is = 600 bbl/hr Minimum processing rate for DB is = 1500 bbl/hr Hence, after 11 hours total accumulation of WB = (637-600)*11 = 407 bbl Overtime = 407/600 = 0. 7 hrs Now, assuming this is not a peak season, we have considered only 27 workers. Since plant is working suboptimal level during overtime , only two-third of the work force will be working on wet berries drying process. =2/3 work force = 20*(2/3) = 12 Savings per day = 12 * 6. 5= 78 Savings for season = 78* 90 = 7020 If we add another dryer, to save overtime cost, cost will be = 40000 Analysis Considering the cost of depreciation and cost of investment in dryer(8-10%) it will not be economical to buy another dryer. National Cranberry Cooperative Case Report: National Cranberry Cooperative Fill in your name in the header. Please read the Assignment Collaboration Guidelines in Course Syllabus: Collaboration between groups is not allowed; however, if you hear something from some other group, please give a reference. Below, write your answers to Questions 1-4 (on BB/Cases). Your analysis should be based on the assumptions listed in the Syllabus. If you need to make additional assumptions to answer a question, clearly state them, logically defend them, and then proceed to answer the question accordingly.The idea is to answer the questions concisely. Double spacing is preferred, 1. 5-line spacing is the minimum (consider the reader’s eye strain). 1. Mark the capacity and utilization of each resource in the process flow diagram at the end of this document. Briefly describe how you calculate the capacity and utilization here. [20 points] On average, 18000 barrels arrive over the 12hr span that the business is open. This means approximately 1500 barrels of berries are input into the process per hour (18000barrels/12hrs). The capacity of the Kiwanee dumpers was given as 3000 b/hr. and I was able to calculate the implied utilization by dividing the berry input rate by the capacity(1500bbl/hr divided by 3000bbl/hr). To calculate the actual utilization of the dumpers, you must first determine the flow rate of the system. Only 25% of the berries are dry and 75% are wet. This sums to 375 dry berries per hour (1500 input/hr x. 25) and 1125 wet berries per hour (1500 input x . 75). The dry berries have 16 bins that hold 250 barrels a piece, adding up to a total of 4000 berries that can be stored. The wet berries have 8 bins that hold 250 barrels and 3 bins that hold 400 barrels, adding up to 3200 barrels total for storage.The capacity of the DeStoners was given as 1500bbl/hr. The implied utilization would be the input rate (1500bbl/hr) divided by the capacity (1500 bbl/hr). Since the bottleneck does not impact t he dry berries, the actual and implied utilization will be the same for the dry berries in all facets of the operation. The capacity of the Dechaffers for the dry berries was also given as 1500 bbl/hr and once again the implied and actual utilization will be 1. 0. Switching to the Wet Berries, we see that there are two Dechaffers that can each store up to 1500bbl/hr, which will add up to a capacity of 3000bbl/hr.We can calculate the implied utilization of the wet berry Dechaffer by dividing the input rate (1500bbl/hr) by the capacity (3000bbl/hr) and the actual utilization by dividing the Flow Rate (600bbl/hr) by the capacity (3000bbl/hr). The Dryers set the standard for the wet berries because they are the bottleneck of the operation. There are three dryers that can process 200bbl/hr, giving us a total capacity of 600bbl/hr. The implied utilization is not very realistic because it takes the 1500bbl/hr input rate and divides it by the 600bbl/hr capacity. The actual utilization of a bottleneck is always 1. because it is operating at maximum capacity. Lastly, there are three separators that have a capacity of 400bbl/hr each, giving us a total of 1200bbl/hr. The implied utilization will be discovered as 1. 25 because you are taking the 1500bbl/hr input rate and dividing it by 1200bbl/hr capacity. The actual utilization can be found by 600bbl/hr (wet berries) plus 375bbl/hr (dry berries) and using them as your input rate. So you will divide the 975bbl/hr by 1200bbl/hr capacity and get . 8125. 2. Enter your answer and supporting arguments for question 2 here. [10 points] The current maximum throughput rate is 975bbl/hr. 75bbl/hr can be processed by the dry berries because they have the ability to operate at maximum capacity. On the wet berry side, the process is slowed by the dryers, which represent the bottleneck of the operation. Since the dryers can only process 600bbl/hr, we will add the 600bbl/hr and the 375bbl/hr to get a total of 975bbl/hr. 3. Enter your ans wer and supporting arguments for question 3 here. [30 points] *See attached diagram 4. Enter your answer and supporting arguments for question 4 here. [40 points] The possible capital investments I used were adding one more dryer, and swapping one bin from the dry berry operation to the wet berry.Buying the fifth Kiwanee dumper was a misguided investment because the real object should be to increase your bottleneck to speed up the operation. The capacity of the dumpers is 600bbl/hr, so having one less dumper would only drop this to 2400bbl/hr. The throughput rate of the entire system is only 975bbl/hr, so the focus ultimately should be turned to increasing the capacity of the dryers instead of the capacity of the dumpers. The attached excel spreadsheet will explain the ultimate benefits of the proposed capital investments I have offered. Bulk and Bag Separators C = 1200b/hrU = 1. 25, . 8125 Dryers C =600 b/hrU = 2. 5, 1. Destoners C =1500b/hrU =1. 0, 1. 0 Kiwanee Dumpers C = 3000b/h rU = . 5, . 325 Trucks in Queue Bins 1-16 storage =4000 Bins 17-27 storage = 3200 Dechaffers C = 1500b/hrU = 1. 0, 1. 0 Dry berries 375†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. bbl/hr Wet berries 1125†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ bbl/hr Dechaffers C = 3000b/hrU = . 5, . 20 Bulk and Bag Separators C = 1200b/hrU = 1. 25, . 8125 Dryers C =600 b/hrU = 2. 5, 1. 0 Destoners C =1500b/hrU =1. 0, 1. 0 Kiwanee Dumpers C = 3000b/hrU = . 5, . 325 Trucks in Queue Bins 1-16 storage =4000 Bins 17-27 storage = 3200 Dechaffers C = 1500b/hrU = 1. 0, 1. 0 Dry berries 375†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. bbl/hr Wet berries 1125†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ bbl/hr Dechaffers C = 3000b/hrU = . 5, . 20 National Cranberry Cooperative Case Report: National Cranberry Cooperative Fill in your name in the header. Please read the Assignment Collaboration Guidelines in Course Syllabus: Collaboration between groups is not allowed; however, if you hear something from some other group, please give a reference. Below, write your answers to Questions 1-4 (on BB/Cases). Your analysis should be based on the assumptions listed in the Syllabus. If you need to make additional assumptions to answer a question, clearly state them, logically defend them, and then proceed to answer the question accordingly.The idea is to answer the questions concisely. Double spacing is preferred, 1. 5-line spacing is the minimum (consider the reader’s eye strain). 1. Mark the capacity and utilization of each resource in the process flow diagram at the end of this document. Briefly describe how you calculate the capacity and utilization here. [20 points] On average, 18000 barrels arrive over the 12hr span that the business is open. This means approximately 1500 barrels of berries are input into the process per hour (18000barrels/12hrs). The capacity of the Kiwanee dumpers was given as 3000 b/hr. and I was able to calculate the implied utilization by dividing the berry input rate by the capacity(1500bbl/hr divided by 3000bbl/hr). To calculate the actual utilization of the dumpers, you must first determine the flow rate of the system. Only 25% of the berries are dry and 75% are wet. This sums to 375 dry berries per hour (1500 input/hr x. 25) and 1125 wet berries per hour (1500 input x . 75). The dry berries have 16 bins that hold 250 barrels a piece, adding up to a total of 4000 berries that can be stored. The wet berries have 8 bins that hold 250 barrels and 3 bins that hold 400 barrels, adding up to 3200 barrels total for storage.The capacity of the DeStoners was given as 1500bbl/hr. The implied utilization would be the input rate (1500bbl/hr) divided by the capacity (1500 bbl/hr). Since the bottleneck does not impact t he dry berries, the actual and implied utilization will be the same for the dry berries in all facets of the operation. The capacity of the Dechaffers for the dry berries was also given as 1500 bbl/hr and once again the implied and actual utilization will be 1. 0. Switching to the Wet Berries, we see that there are two Dechaffers that can each store up to 1500bbl/hr, which will add up to a capacity of 3000bbl/hr.We can calculate the implied utilization of the wet berry Dechaffer by dividing the input rate (1500bbl/hr) by the capacity (3000bbl/hr) and the actual utilization by dividing the Flow Rate (600bbl/hr) by the capacity (3000bbl/hr). The Dryers set the standard for the wet berries because they are the bottleneck of the operation. There are three dryers that can process 200bbl/hr, giving us a total capacity of 600bbl/hr. The implied utilization is not very realistic because it takes the 1500bbl/hr input rate and divides it by the 600bbl/hr capacity. The actual utilization of a bottleneck is always 1. because it is operating at maximum capacity. Lastly, there are three separators that have a capacity of 400bbl/hr each, giving us a total of 1200bbl/hr. The implied utilization will be discovered as 1. 25 because you are taking the 1500bbl/hr input rate and dividing it by 1200bbl/hr capacity. The actual utilization can be found by 600bbl/hr (wet berries) plus 375bbl/hr (dry berries) and using them as your input rate. So you will divide the 975bbl/hr by 1200bbl/hr capacity and get . 8125. 2. Enter your answer and supporting arguments for question 2 here. [10 points] The current maximum throughput rate is 975bbl/hr. 75bbl/hr can be processed by the dry berries because they have the ability to operate at maximum capacity. On the wet berry side, the process is slowed by the dryers, which represent the bottleneck of the operation. Since the dryers can only process 600bbl/hr, we will add the 600bbl/hr and the 375bbl/hr to get a total of 975bbl/hr. 3. Enter your ans wer and supporting arguments for question 3 here. [30 points] *See attached diagram 4. Enter your answer and supporting arguments for question 4 here. [40 points] The possible capital investments I used were adding one more dryer, and swapping one bin from the dry berry operation to the wet berry.Buying the fifth Kiwanee dumper was a misguided investment because the real object should be to increase your bottleneck to speed up the operation. The capacity of the dumpers is 600bbl/hr, so having one less dumper would only drop this to 2400bbl/hr. The throughput rate of the entire system is only 975bbl/hr, so the focus ultimately should be turned to increasing the capacity of the dryers instead of the capacity of the dumpers. The attached excel spreadsheet will explain the ultimate benefits of the proposed capital investments I have offered. Bulk and Bag Separators C = 1200b/hrU = 1. 25, . 8125 Dryers C =600 b/hrU = 2. 5, 1. Destoners C =1500b/hrU =1. 0, 1. 0 Kiwanee Dumpers C = 3000b/h rU = . 5, . 325 Trucks in Queue Bins 1-16 storage =4000 Bins 17-27 storage = 3200 Dechaffers C = 1500b/hrU = 1. 0, 1. 0 Dry berries 375†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. bbl/hr Wet berries 1125†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ bbl/hr Dechaffers C = 3000b/hrU = . 5, . 20 Bulk and Bag Separators C = 1200b/hrU = 1. 25, . 8125 Dryers C =600 b/hrU = 2. 5, 1. 0 Destoners C =1500b/hrU =1. 0, 1. 0 Kiwanee Dumpers C = 3000b/hrU = . 5, . 325 Trucks in Queue Bins 1-16 storage =4000 Bins 17-27 storage = 3200 Dechaffers C = 1500b/hrU = 1. 0, 1. 0 Dry berries 375†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. bbl/hr Wet berries 1125†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ bbl/hr Dechaffers C = 3000b/hrU = . 5, . 20

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Analysis of the Article: “The New Psychology of Leadership” Essay

Analysis of the Article: â€Å"The New Psychology of Leadership† Scientific American Mind Journal, August 2007   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The article by Stephen D. Reicher tells us about how the definition of â€Å"Leaders† has been changed over time, and how it transformed to suit today’s society (Reicher, Platow and Haslam). It tells about how this effective leadership contradicted the conventional notion of what a leader should be, how a leader should act. It gave the September 11 bombing, where President George W. Bush has stepped up to give us a clear definition of what today’s leaders are like. Bush was merely an example, and that there are other aspects that would give a meaning to the â€Å"leaders† of today, redefining the belief that it only takes willingness and character to become a successful leader.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first point that was stressed, and that was manifested by President Bush during the 9/11 bombing was that leaders have been remodeled by the society today. It is not only willingness and character that the people need. Today’s leaders should also be able to act or be like them, be one with the people. Through that, there will be unity; and with a unified following, the leader can then mobilize these people to achieve the changes, as for the time of the bombing, was the call for America to act as one against terrorism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the article, there are several changes that have been shown when it comes to a characteristic that a leader should possess. The first of these changes was about charisma, evolving to a consensus. The notion about how leaders should possess charisma in order to attain success have been slowly shadowed by the fact that charismatic leaders are not effective leaders if they wont be able to get something going. It was then replaced by how well a leader adapts to his situation, and how he is able to lead people, which defines him as a leader. He should not be defined as how many people he can convince, instead he should be defined by how many people he was able to mobilize and bring out changes with his leadership.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another defining character that an effective leader should possess is to be able to blend in with the crowd, the very people he is leading and supervising. He should be one of the gang, and not to be seen as the high-and-mighty sovereign ruler of the land. This is to gain the confidence and the respect of the people. If he is able to be seen as someone like them or someone who understands them, then the leader would definitely have their trusts and be able to mobilize these people toward the goals and objectives of the leaders which are also for the people’s interests.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The leader should also be fair with his constituents or to those who are in lower positions from them. This is to maintain the trust and the positive outlook from these people, for them to think that these leaders are not taking advantage of their position, or that these leaders do not deserve their position at all. It is through their followers that the leader will be able to determine what to do, which is usually dependent on how the group thinks. Fairness can be observed by effective leaders in resolving problems between members, wherein there should be no favoritism shown. The leader should also be able to verbalize their leadership, being able to wield words and deliver them correctly to the people. This is one way of strengthening his command and building the respect of his followers, so that they can be effectively mobilized by the leaders.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This article is a useful source of information on how a person can be an effective leader. This also updates us of how the society today defines an effective leader. This is because an effective leader doesn’t have a constant or concrete definition, of what should possess to become an effective leader. It still lies on his constituents, in his followers, that would define him on how a leader should be. This is because a leader is also a servant, and that is why a leader also has to be of service to others, which are the general public. Reicher, Stephen D., Michael J. Platow, and S. Alexander Haslam. â€Å"The New Psychology of Leadership†.   2007.   Scientific American Mind. August 9 2007. .

Friday, September 13, 2019

International business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

International business - Assignment Example Face book provides and creates and effective platform for developing and improving the partnership between the development of the business and the non-profit organization for conducting good social programs. Face book alone serves and includes 1.11 billion users across the world. Facebook can be considered potentially for providing business to the millions of users in the new and emerging market. The development of the face book across the world has increased the complexity of the world. The complexity comprises of the opportunities and the obstacles for carrying out international business that are challenged continuously. Face book has failed to enter and penetrate in the Chinese market because of the rumour which in indicates that it may enter into partnership with Baidu which will penetrate the Chinese market and will overcome the barriers that have settled or established the internet brands of US in China. But it is likely that face book may face the censorship which is practiced by all Chinese websites. The changes and modification in the technology have developed the mechanism towards the growth and development of the international business. The reduction of the barrier in the movement of the trade and the capital has resulted in the flow of the import, export and the foreign direct investment. The multinational organization has developed as the prime agent of the coordination of the international economies. The international business promotes and improves the ability for generating innovations and delivering the goods and services in the market. The growing and development of the new industrialized countries such as China has lead to the development of the activities related to international business. At the firm level the productivity, cost and the market share are all considered as the prime indicator for increasing the competitiveness in the international business. The economies have widened and expanded in the recent years due to the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Application Nursing Care and Practice for patients with Irritable Essay

Application Nursing Care and Practice for patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - Essay Example The scope of nursing further identifies functions such as provision of care, educative roles, counseling, administration, and clinical specialist services. Proper background of health issues is fundamental to a practicing nurse and such knowledge bases as causes of a health problem, its symptoms, and preventive and control measures are therefore necessary for a practicing nurse. This paper demonstrate this competence through exploration of irritable bowel syndrome, its signs, symptoms, and causes, medical and alternative interventions, nursing care assessment and considerations in acute care settings, and plans for community follow up and support systems for management of irritable bowel syndrome. Signs, symptoms, and causes of IBS Irritable bowel syndrome is symptomatic, offering a basis for prediction among the public and diagnosis by care personnel. The primary symptom of the syndrome is pain in the victim’s abdomen. ... A slight variation in either direction may initiate discomfort wile extremely lower or higher changes in movements may lead to extreme levels of pain. Observable changes are also made on stool that may be adverse and change with variations in bowel motions. Some cases of irritable bowel syndrome report loose stools that worsen to be more watery while others report harder stools that normally experienced by patients. A number of secondary symptoms also exist to suggest existence of the syndrome. The loose or watery stool may be experienced frequently to define diarrhea, more tat three watery stools per day, and may be associated with sudden need for bowel movement. Frequent hard stools in a week are another secondary indicator of the syndrome and victims may have trouble with bowel movement. Another symptom is the â€Å"feeling that a bowel movement is not complete† and this may lead to longer periods of trying to pass out stool (Digestive, 2012, p. 1). Other symptoms are †Å"passing mucus† and â€Å"abdominal bloating† (Digestive, 2012, p. 1). The symptoms must however have been reported for a minimum of three days in a month in order to suggest existence of irritable bowel syndrome in a patient. The exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome is not yet ascertained but many health complications are believed to initiate the syndrome, either individually or collectively. â€Å"Brain-gut signal problem,† impaired coordination between the brain and nerves in the small intestines is one of the factors. Coordination between the brain and the nerves regulate the intestines’ functionality and poor coordination initiates variation in movements towards changed bowel behavior and associated pain (1). Complications with gastrointestinal

Human Involvement in Hazardous Evolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human Involvement in Hazardous Evolution - Essay Example Number of species that evolved resistance to a minimum of one insecticide had gone beyond 500 by the year 1990. It takes on an average 10 years for a species to develop resistance to a particular drug (1786, 7 September 2001, Science's Compass). The evolution is caused by the change in traits of an insect that were susceptible to a particular insecticide. As a natural adaptation to the drug by genetic variation in its offspring, it supports the survival of that particular species. It appears as a genetic directional change to overcome the lethal influence of the drug. Thus evolution triggered by excessive human activities gives way to undesirable and more resistant type of insects that would put forth a new challenge that is much more difficult to overcome. I believe human activities need to have controlled commercialisation to reduce the speed of such evolution.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

An investigation into the services provided by the National Insurance Coursework

An investigation into the services provided by the National Insurance Board in the Bahamas - Coursework Example ............ 6 The Urgent Need for Reforms †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦... 7 The NIB Restructure Explained †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 11 The National Insurance Fund is not in a â€Å"Crisis† †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...13 Personal Analysis of the NIB Services †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...14 Conclusion and Recommendation: The Need for Privatization †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..15 Works Cited †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.17 Appendix †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã ¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..19 Introduction Started in 1972, the National Insurance Board (NIB) of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas is an organization in charge of the management of the Bahamian social security system. It was established based on a Parliament Act - the National Insurance Act which was signed into law by the Minister of Labor and Welfare, Clifford Darling, on December 12, 1972. The National Insurance Act is an act to institute a national insurance system for the provision of income replacement against contingencies, such as in sickness, maternity, retirement, invalidity, death, work injury or involuntary income loss (â€Å"Chapter 350: National Insurance†). ... Moreover, the Commission aimed to evaluate the viability of unemployment benefits (â€Å"Better Social Security for Bahamians†). In 2009, following the 8th Actuarial Review of the National Insurance Fund, recommendations were made by the Social Security Reform Commission to guarantee the long-term sustainability of the NIB Funds and to ensure the protection of the aging and insured population by increasing revenues and reducing operational costs (Ward). This paper aims to investigate the services rendered by the National Insurance Board to the Bahamian people; to explain the NIB losses; and to assess the need for increased contributions, reduced benefits, improved compliance and reduced administrative costs for securing long-term sustainability of the National Insurance Fund. This author will give personal analysis of the NIB services and will give recommendations for the solution of its present dilemma. The National Insurance Board In 1972, the NIB was established in accordan ce with the 1972 National Insurance Act, aimed at providing social security coverage to the insured Bahamian members and their dependents through Benefit Payments in such cases as sickness, funeral, invalidity, maternity, retirement, unemployment, and the death of the family's bread-winner survivorship, work injury comprising disablement, death and medical care. Moreover, the NIB offers a minimum level of social security coverage for persons unqualified for such benefits as of right; and provides efficient administration of the National Insurance Programme and Fund compliant with the judiciary rules of the National Insurance Act; and supports the country’s socio-economic growth and development (â€Å"The National Insurance Board†). Benefits and Assistance The National Insurance Board provides

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Cultural communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cultural communication - Essay Example iously, the politician was attempting to tap into the cultural code of the working class, less educated sort of people that regularly use the term â€Å"redd up.† Since he was running for local government, he was able to use this very regional term, whereas a politician running for state senate or any higher position wouldn’t dare use this term, especially considering that people outside of this region would have no idea what this term meant. By using this term, the politician was saying, â€Å"hey, look at me, I’m just an ordinary person, not like the typical fancy pants politician that you can’t trust as far as you can throw.† One of my friends told me that he tried very hard to lose his â€Å"eh† that he was used to employ in his speech. His family had just moved from Canada, and one of the first things that the kids in his school noticed was his tendency to end sentences with the word â€Å"eh.† It identified him as an outsider, somebody that did not belong to where he currently was. Being a new comer at a new place was difficult enough for him and he worked very hard on assimilating to the local dialect. Beyond dropping â€Å"eh†, he also worked to reduce the drastically different vowel sounds, he used for words like â€Å"coach.† Especially considering the clique-ish nature of schoolchildren, my friend was trying to fit into the cultural code of his new school and country. The author notices acutely the extent to which his parents struggle with English, when speaking with white people. They seem very strained whenever they have to speak English and hypersensitive to any mistakes they might be making, at least to the five-year-old author. Their inability to speak English fluently places them in a different cultural code form their neighbors. The author has a hard time thinking of Spanish as a language as anything other than what is spoken at home. He refers to it as a â€Å"private† language, a language that is only spoken at home and never in public

Monday, September 9, 2019

Intelligence Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Intelligence Studies - Essay Example territories that a government runs and have a permanent population.3 Nation-states are the most important actors in the international relations, but non-states actors strongly influence them. Hence, nation-states actors are entities or organizations, which a government runs.4 Some of the state actors include elected leaders, diplomats, bureaucrats, militaries among others. Non-state actors have a responsibility of checking state parties in all their actions. For instance, non-state actors such as NGOs which comprises of civil societies scrutinizes government policies to make sure they comply with provisions of human rights. Similarly, these non-state actors play the role of influencing policies and pressurizing the government to implement policies towards meeting its agenda.5 This is contrary to the role of the government, which has a role in making national policies and executing them for the benefit of the people.6 The two actors are different because of the role they play for the people. In the past decades, different civil societies have echoed their voices on the actions of state actors to influence change. For instance, civil societies echoed their voices when the death toll was rising in Egypt. As much as the Egyptian government was condoning and comfortable with the developments, non-state actors comprising on international civil societies opp osed the actions. This is an indication of the differences between the two actors. State actors have their media that influences and pass information regarding developments as well as the activities of the nations. This is normally biased, as various governments do not want to expose the wrongs to the public or in the international area. Therefore, most of the wrongdoing of the government goes unreported. Nearly every country has its national broadcasting, which the government influences to get favor. On the other hand, non-states actors such as media expose the nations concerning their wrong doings. They have

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Assignment Example One of the various changes experienced by the health care system is the change of continuum of care. Continuum of care refers to involvement of integration of various systems of care that assists patients from time to time through various means of services of health (Columbia University Medical Center, 2012). For example: in the past care was restricted to health care organizations and settings, but now health care providers are needed to provide services at different settings such as home and community centers. Now nurses are required to be culturally competent so they can deal with different patients coming from different cultural backgrounds and understand issues in the context of patient’s culture. The focus of health care systems used to be on helping patients get better, now the focus has shifted to disease prevention and individual well being. Accountability of the health care service providers have even changed. In the past, care providers were paid for their services on the basis of fee for each service. This promoted health care professionals to increase the number of services and they started focusing on quantity of service rather than quality of service. One method used to fix this issue is creation of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs); such organizations have been promoted and accepted by insurance companies who cover health care and by the government. ACOs are created in such a way that certain amount of service providers obtain responsibility of caring for a batch of patients and focus is on treating and providing health service to the entire batch (Dickerson, 2011). Compensation is paid to these service providers by Medicare and insurance companies in return for saving the expenditure and cutting down the cost of treatment while providing very high quality treatment to the patient. Another new system that is gaining popularity in health care system is patient centered medical homes, this system has not only changed the previous method s of providing care, and it has even increased the required amount of nurses and their competencies (Haney, 2012, p.5). Medical homes comprise of providing health care services in teams, the leader of this team is a physician and his task is to provide health care services to patients on an ongoing and continuous basis with the main aim of achieving higher quality health care for patients. This approach specializes in providing health care services to the youth, kids and adults. An important component of this system is care coordination and for the purpose of care ordination, highly trained staff is required who know how to use technological advancements and they should have the ability to work in teams. Surveys have shown that people have started giving importance to prevention of diseases and well being of individuals over healing diseases, this issue has even been addressed in legislative and funding for prevention has been increased by the government (HelathCare, 2012). The shif t from treatment to prevention and wellbeing of patients and individuals has been given great importance by Nurse Managed Health Care Centers. These facilities charge less than what physician led health care centers charge and there is an increase in demand for such centers because of the continuous increase in cost of health care services. The focus is on care systems that are community based has been increased and more people have been covered through health care insurance

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Ause and Effect on Rhabdomyosarcoma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ause and Effect on Rhabdomyosarcoma - Essay Example Such genetic problems cause very quick development of the new cells and also cause the old cells to live for a very long period. The number of cells keeps increasing as a result of this, thus creating tumors. Certain genetic disorders can also cause damage to the DNA. However, in a vast majority of cases, doctors are unaware of the exact causes of abnormalities of the DNA which cause rhabdomyosarcoma in an individual. â€Å"There are no known lifestyle-related or environmental causes of RMS, so it is important to know that there is nothing these children or their parents could have done to prevent these cancers† (â€Å"Rhabdomyosarcoma† a). Risk Factors Although there is a lot of subjectivity about the real causes of rhabdomyosarcoma, yet there are certain risk factors that increase an individual’s susceptibility to acquiring rhabdomyosarcoma. These risk factors include but are not limited to age, gender, and inherited conditions. The population that is most freq uently affected by rhabdomyosarcoma is of children below ten years of age, though rhabdomyosarcoma may also be observed in adolescents, teenagers, and adults. Rhabdomyosarcoma is more frequently seen in boys or men as compared to girls or women. People inherit their risk to fall prey to different kinds of cancer. The DNA inherited by an individual from the parents may have some changes to cause this tendency. The risk of rhabdomyosarcoma is increased by some inherited conditions, though they are generally very rare. For example, people with a family history of Li-Fraumeni syndrome have increased risk of acquiring different kinds of sacromas including rhabdomyosarcoma. Patients of Beckwith-Wierdemann syndrome are at great risk of development of the Wilms tumor. Effects There are a lot of effects of rhabdomyosarcoma, some of which are discussed here. Rhabdomyosarcoma creates a mass inside the body which at times is painful while at other times, is not painful. Rhabdomyosarcoma causes development of tumors in the throat or nose. The development of tumors is accompanied with the symptoms of congestion, bleeding. Or neurological problems upon extension into brain. In some cases, the patient may experience problems in the process of swallowing. Sometimes, rhabdomyosarcoma in the patient causes the development of tumors around the eyes which can cause such harmful effects as the eye’s bulging, and swelling. In a vast majority of cases when this happens, the individual experiences problems with vision. Rhabdomyosarcoma causes development of tumors inside the ears due to which, the patient suffers from a loss of hearing ability and also experiences swelling inside the ear. Rhabdomyosarcoma also causes the tumors to develop inside the vagina, and they may be visible from the vagina’s opening. Tumors in such regions as vagina and bladder not only decline an individual’s control over urine, but also affect the sexual life of the individual. Tumors in the muscles are also a great source of pain. Owing to this, many patients interpret the muscle tumors as injuries. Treatment Treatment of rhabdomyosarcoma is complicated. It requires mutual effort of several nurses, doctors, and physicians. The most effective treatment option is worked out jointly by the pediatric oncologists, oncology nurses, surgeons, and radiation oncologists. â€Å"