Friday, September 27, 2019

Summary of IS Roles Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summary of IS Roles - Research Paper Example The CIO plays a vital role of virtual information organizer therefore it needs to coordinate the sources regarding information service providers in order to widespread these services throughout the organization. The CIO has to deal with a number of issues as compared to other managers because as the Chief Information Systems Strategist a major responsibility evolves constantly along with corporate information necessities of information technology. The role of Chief Information Officer (CIO) is divided into two parts according to organizational requirements. The primary role is to enhance accountability regarding particular executive manager formation for the organizations procedures needs. The final creation of the CIO includes the positions that need to facilitate the closing â€Å"gap† among organization and IT strategies that are considered as the core measures for business concerns. The alliance between Information Technology and business not only provides limitless advant ages but it is also necessary for organizations survival in competitive environment. Moreover, the benefits of IT in every field have been accepted globally therefore, it is also beneficial for the fast IT implementation in less cost. The IS organizations plays a vital role in understanding the potential of IT. ... The primary architecture incorporates Data centers, networking, systems, database, servers, storage devices and desktop workstations. Moreover, secondary architecture incorporates email configuration and application administration deployed on desktops. The core applications play a critical role in running the organization’s business for example as Entity Resource Planning and Core banking Applications in a Banking System, Crew Management information System in any Airline are integrated in Enterprise Applications. The Business Intelligence products can be purchased from any Business Intelligence vendor. They will provide executive services in order to build a outsource platform for better services. The Data Centers can be relocating along with third party according to your needs and can obtain an Infrastructure Services from any company to manage the applications. If we consider that the CIO has outsourced all the IT functions, what will the staff do then from 9am to 5 pm? This is not considered a good idea, as the procurement group is in coordination at all times. There is a variety of advanced approaches in the field of IT applications. The application can be obtained via development in-house, outsource or lease or any mixture of these two. For instance, website can be developed in-house of any company by utilizing HTML, JAVA or other web programming languages available. The core reason for the IT applications acquisition is to provide an effective and efficient support to any organization and their businesses procedures. In order to start the process of acquisition, the detailed related to the whole procedure must be defined previously (Information Resources Management Association, International Conference & Khosrowpour, 2001). In addition, the

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