Thursday, August 22, 2019

Poverty In The United States Essay Example for Free

Poverty In The United States Essay Abstract This paper discusses the articles, percentages and researches conducted on online (internet) about the United States (U.S) and the issues with poverty in America. The typical ‘poor American lives in an air conditioning home with cable, televisions, and computers and among other luxurious purchases. While some of the poor face severe hardship, like finding nutriment and housing. This paper also explores the history, healthcare, and low income of the U.S., and allowing the opportunity for discussing how and who could make a change in the future of American’s. Poverty in the United States and the Research of Where We Are Today A record number of Americans are living in poverty, about 46 million. That’s more than at any time since the Census Bureau begun tracking poverty data Marisol, Bello (2011).Why is this such a problem? Would you say it’s because of political factors and history, or lack of healthcare, low incomes, and better yet the choices we make and what we spend as Americans? The â€Å"official poverty level† first seeped into government parlance in 1961 when the Social Security Administration needed an objective measure of poverty for statistical purposes David, Hilfiker (2010) writes in his article. Cuts in Federal assistance for housing programs and social services have corresponded, with the rise in homelessness in the U.S. , during the 1950’s and 1960’s. Federal housing programs and services nearly eliminated homelessness: however, during the 1980’s till now housing   programs were slashed by half and the homelessness population in the U.S. began to grow and is still growing. In 2013 fifteen percent of our population lives in poverty Marisol, Bello (2011). They say that the share of children living in high poverty neighborhoods and those with poverty rates of thirty percent or more has increased by one in ten, putting children at a higher risk than teen pregnancy or dropping out of school. (Associated Press 2013), also exclaims by 2030 based on the current trend of loss of income close to eight five percent of all working age adults in the U.S. will experience attacks of financial anxiety. The (National Center for Children in Poverty, 2013) says research is clear that poverty is the single greatest threat to children’s well-being. Is this what are young inspires have to look forward to? A life that is set up to fail before our children has a chance to succeed. We need to act fast and change these numbers, before it’s too late! The combination of the low jobs, extraordinary cost of living and outrageous unemployment rates only intensify these problems and force numerous Americans to choose between food, housing, and other expenses. Studies show that money devoted to food is typically the first to be sacrificed, and families will often pay their fixed payments first, such as rent, utilities, and a car payment, rather than pay for food(Associated Press 2013). Even lack of reasonable medical care is a far reach for the poverty. The cost of health care and insurance has escalated dramatically over the past years and can cost families up to eight thousand dollars a year for families or individuals that lack health insurance. If an accident, rapid illness, or chronic disease arise this can be financially overwhelming. Welfare procedure needs to address the root of poverty not simply the system (Robert Rector, Rachel Sheffield 2011). Between families with kids the failure of marriages and loss of the work ethic are the primary long term reasons of poverty. Maybe if we could get some durable well established programs to instill are community on how not to plummet into poverty or get out, we could dramatically alter are future as Americans. For most the term â€Å"poverty† suggest near deprivation, which means an inability to provide nutritious nourishment, clothing, and sensible housing for one’s household. So how are people managing in a world of increasing economical insecurity? How poor is poor? Did you know based on a survey done by the Census Bureau written by Rector et al.’s (2011) â€Å"Eighty percent of poor households have air conditioning, in 1970’s only Thirty six percent of the entire U.S. population got to enjoy air conditioning. Ninety percent of the poor households have a microwave. Nearly three fourths have a car or truck and thirty one percent have two or vehicles. Two thirds have cable or satellite television. One halve of the poor population have a personal computer and one out of seven have two or more computers. More than half of poor families with children have a video game system, like the Xbox or PlayStation, and forty percent can afford internet access. One third has a widescreen plasma or LCD television†. It seems to me that the luxuries or significant purchases for the middle class a few decades ago have become a common place in poor households. With this said the letter by Dr. Roger Starner Jones was recognized by his frustration, as a tax payer by the stereo typical sentences he wrote. However; this Doctor as frustrated as he seemed, had little to know knowledge of the patients background or struggle of being unable to shake a life of poverty and help from the government. Nearly by the belongings she has. Why does the Doctor judge the Patient? Did he give her the medical attention that an American Citizen should receive? Or did he get so angry about the material things, she could of received as gifts or before her hard times, I believe he forgot the reason he became a Doctor. With one impossible choice after another between food, medicine, getting to work, and paying the heating bill. â€Å"Poverty is no longer an issue of ‘them’, but an issue of ‘us’,† says Mark Rank, a professor at Washington University in St. Louis Hi et al. (2010). We need to come together and discovery better resources to help our American people survive in hard times, and overcome our needs. We could possibly lower poverty by tackling its root causes, like low incomes and lack of reasonable housing, and by refining support services, like improving paying jobs, healthcare and housing. You never can predict the future, but you could be the next individual or family in crisis needing a helping hand. References Hilfiker, D., Tippett, K. (2010). A history of poverty in America. Onbeing.Org Bello, M. (2011). The poverty affects 46 million Americans. USA today Weekley,C., Associated Press.(2013). Four in five in the United States face near poverty, no work. Fox Lawrence, S., National Center for Children in Poverty. (2013). Policies on welfare, marriage, and child well-being research. www nccp org. Rank, M The Associated Press. (2013). Poverty in America. www wjla com. Rector, R., Sheffield, R. (2011). Understanding poverty in the United States: surprising facts about America’s poor.

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