Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Reaction Paper: Film About Life The Forest Has Essay

The film that we watched showed what kind of life the forest has and how large diversity of life inhabits in it. The trees are not only the living things that exist in it but many kinds of animals and insects as well. Life in the forest is so rich and there are many biotic forces that strive hard just to survive. Trees for example, need light for making food and getting energy but since they are too many in numbers, only the oldest and the strongest get to grow. Even so, since life is a cycle, a death of a powerful tree sheds birth to small plants and a new cycle or generation comes about. Animals have their way of surviving too. They usually go or live in large numbers so as to get a strategic territory. Chimpanzees for example live in colony and protect their habitat from other chimpanzees and other animals as well. They love fig trees too. Since many other animals like birds and squirrels like fig trees, the chimpanzees ward off their territories by creating noisy screams or sounds to frighten their enemies. Survival is the most important thing in the forest. One has to be strong to be alive and to keep their species reproducing. One also has to be wise and strong but it is not insurance to life. Many species became extinct and many reproduce a lot. I really like the film because it showed how diverse the biotic forces in the forest. It gave the viewers the glimpse of life in the forest and the never before seen happenings in it that lay people do not know or have no knowledge about. I learned how important our forest and the ecosystem in our life and how we should take good care of it. We should ensure it is healthy because if it dies, all the living organisms living in it will die. And surely, not long afterwards, the human race will die with it. Therefore, we should start conserving our forest. We should not wait until it is fully destroyed beyond repair because all the living forces will suffer the consequence, including us.

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