Saturday, October 19, 2019

Applied Financial Analysis and Management Research Paper

Applied Financial Analysis and Management - Research Paper Example Question 2: Paul Thompson is the chairman of the company who has an extensive industry experience of 30 years. He was the president of SCA Australasia which is part of the SCA Group. He has also held director position at the Food & Grocery Council and councilor position at the Australian Industry Group. Presently, he is also member of the Audit and Risk Committee, Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee. Michael Iwaniw is the company’s CEO who joined the board in 2011 and holds a Bachelor of Science and a graduate diploma in business administration. He is a vast experience at director position at the Australia Barley Board (ABB) and non-executive director for various companies in the Australian foods industry. The company has 3,227 shareholders at the year end 30/6/2012. Question 3: a Market Capitalization Number of Outstanding Shares 56,810,000.00 64,763,400.00 Â   Â   Price per share as of 21/9/2012 1.14 Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   b PE Multiple Price per share a s of 21/9/2012 1.14 6.79 Â   Â   Underlying EPS as of 30/6/2012 0.17 Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   c Dividend Yield Divided per share as of 30/6/2012 0.08 (Full Yr) 7.02% Â   Â   Price per share as of 21/9/2012 1.14 Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   d Bid Ask Spread Bid 1.13 0.01 Â   Â   Ask 1.14 Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   e Enterprise Value Market Capitalization 64,763,400.00 131,363,400.00 Â   Â   Net Debt as of 30/6/2012 66,600,000.00 Â   Â   Â   Interest Bearing Debt as of 30/6/2012 68,000,000.00 Â   Â   Â   Less Cash as of 30/6/2012 1,400,000.00 Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   f EV/EBIT EV 131,363,400.00 (57.11) Â   Â   EBIT (Underlying) (2,300,000.00) Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   g EV/EBITDA EV 131,363,400.00 33.68 Â   Â   EBITDA 3,900,000.00 Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   h P/NTA Price per share as of 21/9/2012 1.14 0.52 Â   Â   NTA per share 2.19 Â   Â   Â   Net Total Assets (NTA) as of 30/6/2012 160,300,0 00.00 Â   Â   Â   Less: Intangible Assets as of 30/6/2012 35,700,000.00 Â   Â   Â   Outstanding Shares 56,810,000.00 Â   Source for Financial Information: (ASX, 2012) Question 4: Days inventory 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Select Harvests Limited

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