Thursday, October 17, 2019

Set of laws governing public and private security agencies Essay

Set of laws governing public and private security agencies - Essay Example The rate of fatal crimes like homicides and cold blooded murders rose to an unacceptable level for the public. On the other hand the governments around the world blamed persistent economic recession, for their inability to invest in the betterment of the security setup. This above mentioned problem gave rise to the development of privately owned security companies, which worked for the last two decades to provide adequately acceptable security, with the help of latest technology. They are also fairly successful in fulfilling their promises, which compelled the general public to trust them more often. This trend led to the higher level of acceptability of these agencies in the society. According to some famous researchers, this fashion led to cause the shift of power needed to manage the security setup from federal agencies to general public and organizations, thus resulting in the decentralization of authority among civilians (Benson, 2007), who possess the money to hire their own ar my. This phenomenon caused the sense of inequity and insecurity among those who are weak. As a consequence, the prevalence of fear increased in the community. This practice also fueled the cold war for the authority among private and public security agencies, which impacted negatively on the standards of the already decaying security setup. However, the roots of these private security providers could be found in the large scale layoffs in military, after the end of cold war. This left, many highly skilled militants out of job. Due to this reason, they formed collations with each other and started robbing the government’s military facilities in the beginning (Schreier & Caparini, 2005). Thus with the passage of time these organizations formalized their existence and structure. Another important facet of this phenomenon is the consistent collaboration, between the government and private weapons producers, through which the former entity is getting war equipment from the latter one (Avant, 2003). This trend is playing a significant role in strengthening the weapon producers in terms of influence. These non-government security organizations are also used for the following purposes The employees of privately managed security companies are often sent on the harmony preserving missions of UN, because of the fact, that most of the developed nations do not deploy their military forces on these type of missions, due to their political reasons (Schreier & Caparini, 2005) These forces are also deployed in the case of large scale calamity effecting any nation, with the mission of helping humanity (Schreier & Caparini, 2005) They can also be used in support capacity in cooperation with other federal law enforcement agencies (Schreier & Caparini, 2005) Governing Laws for Public Reinforcement Agencies The major purpose of these organizations is to protect the citizens of the country from any kind of loss, due to theft, murder, fraud and other similar activities. They a re under strict monitoring of the government, which results in highly formalized chain of command structure (Glover, 2012). Following are the laws governing formal security operations in US implicated. The police officers cannot investigate any citizen without legitimate reasons They cannot arrest anyone without permission from government officials They cannot search anyone without

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