Friday, May 31, 2019

Whats Love Got To Do With It? :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Whats Love Got To Do With It?Whats love got to do with it? Whats love, but a second hand emotion?-Tina TurnerTina Turner, along many artists before and aft(prenominal) her, has written songs about love, but what is love? Why do people say they see fireworks when they fall in love? Why do your knees go weak, your palms sweat, your stomach does flip-flops and you begin to stammer when you fall in love? What is it about emotions, including love that seems to effect your entire body, both mentally and physically? Everyday, people rebuke about feeling happy, feeling sad, feeling anxious...and so on, but what causes emotions, in particular, what causes someone to say they are in love?Yes, even a naive sentence such as I love you has to be encoded in a specific neurochemical process to exert its effect on the person who gets to get wind it. Much of the control mechanism for our emotions rests with neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that act at the points where nerve cel ls connect with each other. The prevalence, or the presence or absence of specific amounts of neurotransmitters, as well as the density of receptor sites for specific neurotransmitters at nerve endings, will control to a wide extend the emotions to which we are subject (6).Pheromones are natural scents, which play an important role in sexual communication. Animals and humans release masses of biological chemicals in tears, saliva and perspiration. These aromas convey signals relating to mood, status, drive and health to the subconscious awareness of the female. The dominant male will exude more of these biological attractants than his submissive counterpart, consequently he inevitably attracts more females and enjoys more conquests. This philosophy holds well in the animal world, pheromones are consciously detected over considerable distances and serve at times in place of spoken communication. They protagonist animals mark territory, recognize mates, and signal sexual interest. For example, female dogs in heat leave their pheromone and can attract male dogs over a mile forth (5).Also, involved in chemistry are dopamine and norepinephrine, chemical cousins of amphetamines. Dopamine, a neurochemical released by PEA, makes us feel good.(1) A recent study done at Emory University shows that female voles (small rodents) choose their mates in response to dopamine being released in their brains. When injected with dopamine in a male voles presence, the female will pick him out of a crowd later.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Magnet Therapy Essay -- essays research papers fc

A. Introduction and Definition     Magnet therapy is an alternative treatment which has been gaining ground in recent days. Magnet therapy is link to biomagnetism which is a branch of biology that studies the effects of magnetism in living beings as well as magnetism and electromagnetism. Many experiments have been conducted in the world. e realplace time, practitioners have kept records of what has and has not worked. Precautionary measures are now known to use with magnet therapy. It has been known to promote magnet therapy as a very safe and effective treatment when used correctly. B. Historical Aspects and Background     The origin of biomagnetism started centuries ago by the people of India, China, the eastern Mediterranean basin, and Australian aborigines and native Africans. almost 200 B.C., the Greek physician Galen noted magnetism was being used for its purgative powers. A persian physician named Ali Abbas was using magnetism to treat "spasms" and "gout" around A.D. 1000. Also, in the 16th century, Paracelsus, an innovative Swiss physician claimed to cure "hernias, gout, and jaundice" through the use of magnets. To understand the history of biomagnetism, it is necessary to canvass the earlier history of magnetism and electromagnetism. Only a few hundred years ago did electromagnetism emerge, but the knowledge of magnetism goes back to superannuated times. Legends say that a shepard named Magus discovered a mineral that attracted the nails of his sandals as he crossed Mount Ida in Asia Minor about twenty-five hundred years ago. The mineral today is known as magnetite. Some sources say that the word "magnetism" comes from Magnesia, a city in Asia Minor where the stone can be found. It has been observed when a magnet is left free to spin, it always rests in the same position. In 1269, Pierre de Maricourt had differentiated the two poles. He called the poles "north" and "south." " jointure" was the pole that points to the geographic north pole and "South" the pole that points to the geographic south pole. Later, it was observed that opposite poles attract and same type poles repel. In this case, " due north" the pole of magnet pointing to the geographic south and "South" the pole pointing to the geographic north. ... ...essages to the brain when stimulated. Nerve cells have a negative internal charge and a positive external charge unlike blood cells. When the north pole of a magnet is applied to the skin next to the nerve endings, the negative muscularity of the magnet and positive energy of the nerve cells attract each other. There are many more positive effects of magnet therapy that relate to the endocrine gland system, joints, muscles, and the blood. Personally, I have gone to massage therapy, for my back, as long as 6 months or so. I have had little to no relief at all. I have though about the use of magnet therapy quite a bit. If magnet therapy could be an alternative in treatment of my back, I would definitely have to say yes Magnet therapy has many positive effects and more and more research is being conducted to this day. F. Bibliography1. Healing With Magnets, Gary Null, Ph.D. Carroll and Graf Publishers, Inc. 1998.2. Magnet Therapy The Gentle and Effective government agency to Balance Body Systems, Ghanshyam Singh Birla and Colette Hemlin, Healing Arts Press, 1999.3. Magnet Therapy The Pain Cure Alternative, Ron Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D., Paul J. Rosch, M.D., F.A.C.P., and Judith Plowden

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Legacy of Communist Leaders Essay -- Papers

Legacy of Communist Leaders The History of modern Russia (twentieth century) is the period of communist government. After the revolution in 1917 Russia became the first communist state, which survived until 1991. cardinal years of rapid changes left an enormous mark in the history of Russia. This period of history introduced us to the greatest communist leaders. History doesnt happen by itself. There moldiness be Individuals who make it. And in our history those individuals are Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev and Yeltsin. To understand how this period of history affected the present and then future we must look at each leader at a time to see what were his purposes and actions and make an opinion. Before 1917 Russia was an empire with tsars from Romanov dynasty. It was a powerful Empire with some(a) weaknesses, which each empire has. Before the revolution in 1917 there was the First Russian Revolution in 1905 knows as the Bloody Sunday. There were three parties - Social-Democratic ram Party (1898), Party Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Constitutional-Democratic Party. The Social-Democratic Labour Party split into two half The Bolsheviks (Majority) led by Vladimir Lenin and The Mensheviks (Minority) led by Martov. Vladimir Lenin (born in 1840) began his political career already in University from which he was expelled as a radical troublemaker. In 1890 he went abroad and joined The Marxists - Plekhanov and Martov. He traveled a lot and had a rule to talk to well educated people. Abroad he wrote his books and after he returned in 1917 he started to realize his ideas. He was the leader of the October revolution... ... happen next. Beginning from Khrushchevs eon and Brezhnevs the terra firma started to move away from the communism system. It happened very slowly but the fact that it started is obvious. The mentality of Soviet people will remain for some time. Our country will not accept individualities because they are afraid of them. And I think it is not only in Russia. It is everywhere. The Communist system stopped the natural increase of our country. We are far away behind the European countries. The Ideology of communism is amazing but it cannot work on such huge territory as Russia. Utopia is not possible in our world and it is strange how the communist leaders could even think of realizing their dreams. Individuals rule world and you cannot admit it. You cannot force history. No consider what it will go its own way, direction.

It Is Contagious :: essays papers

It Is ContagiousTraces of the Stealth_c Virus have been found in memory. Re squawk to aclean system saucer before continuing with this installation. This was themessage staring back at me from one of the information processing system monitors at my office.Questions raced through my mind. Stealth_c? Whats a system disk? Howam I supposed to install anti- computer virus software if the computer systemalready has a virus? As a discouraging feeling of helplessness came overme, I thought of all the people who had loaded something from disk on thisbox or who had used this box to access the Internet. Because there was novirus rampart in the first place, it was going to be very difficult todetermine how many floppy disks and hard drives had been infected. Iwished I had learned about computer viruses a long time ago. What is acomputer virus, anyway? Is it a computer with a cold? A computer virusis called a virus because of three distinct similarities to a biologicalvirus. They are ? They m ust have the ability to make copies of, orreplicate, itself. ? They must have a need for a host, or functionalprogram to which it can attach. ? The virus must do some kind of harm tothe computer system or at least(prenominal) cause some kind of unexpected or unwantedbehavior. Sometimes computer viruses just eat up memory or display bother messages, but the more dangerous ones can destroy data, givefalse information, or completely freeze up a computer. The Stealth_c virusis a boot sector virus, meaning that it resides in the boot sectors of acomputer disk and loads into memory with the normal boot-up programs. Thestealth in the name comes from the capability of this virus to possiblyhide from anti-virus software. Virtually any media that can carrycomputer data can carry a virus. Computer viruses are usually give bydata diskettes, but can be downloaded from the Internet, private bulletinboards, or over a local area network. This makes it extremely easy for avirus to spread once it has infected a system. The aforementionedStealth_c virus was transported by the least likely avenue it waspackaged with commercial software. This is an extremely uncommon occurrence,as most software companies go to great lengths to provide cleansoftware. There is a huge commercial interest in keeping computersvirus-free. Companies home to lose literally thousands of dollars if theylose computer data to a virus. An immense amount of time can be lost frommore productive endeavors if soul has to check or clean each computer

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Student Organizations :: Education Clubs Career Essays

Student OrganizationsStudent organizations have been established to support and enhance teaching in many career-technical fields Future Farmers of America (FFA), agriculture Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), business Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA), trade Technology Student Association (TSA), technology and Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), allied health. These organizations provide opportunities for leadership development, service learning, and career exploration. Students, teachers, and parents expect that membership in these organizations willing result in learning and enhanced skills as well as the development of positive values, social skills, and an ability to work independently and collaboratively (Vaughn, Kieth, and Lockaby 1999 Williams 2001). It is the anticipation of these academic, professional, and career-related benefits, as well as opportunities for friendship and belonging, that lead many young people to become members of career and technical education (CTE) student organizations. Intended for CTE educators, this Digest reviews look for on outcomes students have realized from membership in these organizations and describes how the organizations are changing as CTE evolves. Outcomes of Participation in CTE Student OrganizationsA major research scan was conducted by Purdue University comparing agricultural education students to the typical high school student identified by the Horatio Alger Association (Communicating the Good News 2000). The Purdue need showed outcomes for students who participated in FFA, a CTE student organization with about 450,000 members (Stagg and Stuller 1999). Because all career-technical student organizations share similar goals for membership and participation, the outcomes of the Purdue study serve as the basis for this discussion, centre on four major outcome areas scholarship, motivation, professional development, and citizenship. ScholarshipKey findings of the Purdue study showed that students involved in FFA are more enthusiastic about and pound greater value to their school studies than do ordinary students. The FFA students also are more actively engaged in school activities, more likely than the average student to relate personal effort to success, and more likely to prepare for postsecondary studies and attend two-year and four-year colleges (Reese 2001). One reason CTE student organizations inspire scholarship is that the school-business partnerships that condition these organizations connect school learning to its application in the workplace. Minorities in Agriculture, National Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS) is one such national student organization that is committed to facts of life partnerships between minority students in agriculture and national resources and professionals from academia, government, and business. Through MANRRS membership, students are able to network with more than 50 governmental, private industry, and educ ational entities.

Student Organizations :: Education Clubs Career Essays

Student OrganizationsStudent organizations have been established to support and enhance attainment in many career-technical palm Future Farmers of America (FFA), agriculture Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), business Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA), marketing Technology Student tie beam (TSA), technology and Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), allied health. These organizations provide opportunities for leadership development, service study, and career exploration. Students, teachers, and parents expect that membership in these organizations will result in learning and enhanced skills as well as the development of positive values, social skills, and an ability to work independently and collaboratively (Vaughn, Kieth, and Lockaby 1999 Williams 2001). It is the anticipation of these academic, professional, and career-related benefits, as well as opportunities for acquaintance and belonging, that lead many young people to become members of career a nd technical education (CTE) scholarly person organizations. Intended for CTE educators, this Digest reviews research on outcomes students have recognise from membership in these organizations and describes how the organizations are changing as CTE evolves. Outcomes of Participation in CTE Student OrganizationsA major research study was conducted by Purdue University comparing coarse education students to the typical high inform student identified by the Horatio Alger Association (Communicating the Good News 2000). The Purdue study showed outcomes for students who participated in FFA, a CTE student organization with about 450,000 members (Stagg and Stuller 1999). Because all career-technical student organizations share similar goals for membership and participation, the outcomes of the Purdue study serve as the basis for this discussion, focusing on four major outcome areas scholarship, motivation, professional development, and citizenship. ScholarshipKey findings of the Purdue study showed that students involved in FFA are more enthusiastic about and attach greater value to their school studies than do average students. The FFA students also are more actively engaged in school activities, more likely than the average student to relate ad hominem effort to success, and more likely to prepare for postsecondary studies and attend two-year and four-year colleges (Reese 2001). One reason CTE student organizations inspire scholarship is that the school-business partnerships that characterize these organizations connect school learning to its application in the workplace. Minorities in Agriculture, National Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS) is one such national student organization that is committed to fostering partnerships between minority students in agriculture and national resources and professionals from academia, government, and business. Through MANRRS membership, students are able to network with more than 50 governmental, private industry, and educational entities.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Disorder of Society in Twelfth Night

Your lord does know my mind I can non admire him Yet I suppose him virtuous, know him noble, of great estate, of fresh and chromium steel youth in voices well divulged, free, learned, and valiant and in dimension and the shape of nature a gracious person but yet I cannot love him (Greenbelts, 1. 5. 234-239). Olivia defies the unstained role of women- marriage. A marriage to the count would be most prosperous to her, as she will have the higher status and respect of universe a married woman. He is a man most women would love to belong to, and yet, she continu bothy refuses his attempts to win her over.She is a literary foil, In many respects, for the queen, who as well as refused margin calls of love and adoration. Olav did not want to be ruled. After the death of her male relations, she found a new sort of freedom In the realization that she could get hold of It on her own. Her social rank allowed her the chance to remain single and maintain a high standard of living. However, her position was not one that all women could claim for themselves. Single women of the time were the ones who were singled out as witches, and held as suspicious in the event of strange occurrences.Acts of desperation ensue in the maintenance of independence in a knowledge domain dominated by men. In an attempt to gain the love of Cesarean, who is in reality Viola, Olivia says to him, By maidenhood, honor, truth, and everything, I love thee so, that, meager all thy pride, not wit nor reason can my passion hide (3. 1 . 147-149). She has overstepped the boundaries of being a demure, quietly submissive woman, as she charges forward In her passions. She has throw all caution to the wind as she sets out to woo the man her egotism.The role of wooing, traditionally a mans Job, was upset by the forcefulness of this woman. In mammy ways she could be considered an early feminist, as she strove to maintain her independence and identity a subprogram from male dominance. She no longer cares what anyone may think of her rash reveal of passions, as she fulfills the typically male stereotypes. Olivia wanted Cesarean because he was, as Viola had put it, her servant. Cesarean was not above her in any way. Olivia power saw he was different, as he didnt pine after her for her beauty, as others did.He was young and entertaining to her way of life, and desire for freedom. Fear can cause one to caput his personal decisions. When faced with the supposed wrath of Sir Andrew, and his sword, Viola said, l shall be much bound to you fort I am one that had sooner go with sir priest than sir knight I care not who knows so much of my mettle (3. 4. 247-249). Viola upended her role as a man by giving up the head of valor and courage. She showed weakness In her society, where men are praised for courage and strength, all marks of manliness.In her desire for peace rather than inflammation and triumph, she adheres to her being one or the other, but wavers in her ways. She does not fe el a need to prove herself in any way that would needlessly clothe her in the face of danger. In taking on the role of a man, she has failed in respect of living up to the stereotypical male standard of courage. She would rather have revealed herself for who she really was in order to retain her life. And yet, she was not completely devoid of courage, as she was willing to face the uncertainties that could be in the event that she confessed.Cross-dressing in Elizabethan society was taboo. King Henry VIII had established a law that people were to dress within their rank, as in his mind it was the clothes that made the man, which, in Violas case, the clothes did make the man. The act of a woman dressing as a man caused people to question her character. She was often considered to be a prostitute, and when discovered, the sin was punishable with whipping, before she would be locked away in a hospital where she would be forced into hard labor. Even with this thought in mind, Violas des ire to undergo the change and take on a manly fade won out. O that I served that lady, and might not be delivered to the world till I had made mine own occasion mellow, what my estate is (1. 2. 40-43) With her male relations presumably dead, she, as a lower ranking Oman than the wench Olivia, knew that women had no place in society, and no ability to inherit anything. She was, by law, left destitute. She admired Olives ability to remain single, even in accepting the mockery of an intolerant society. Viola represents in many ways, the women followers who worshipped the queens ability and desire to withstand the pressures of society.Accepted societal norms can lead to intolerance toward new ideas. O, she that hath a heart of that fine frame to pay this debt of love but to a brother, how will she love, when the rich golden shaft hath killed the flock of al affections else that live in her when liver, brain, and heart, these sovereign thrones, are all supplied, and filled her sweet p erfections, with one self king (1. 1. 33-39) Olivia is considered noble to give up a supposed desire to adopt out of love for her deceased brother. These thoughts toward her devotion are in stark contrast to the thoughts toward Elizabeth l.Because Elizabethan passion was to lead her country to peace and maintain the power, she was considered grotesque, as any woman who handleed power would have been. Had Olivia expressed an inclination award power rather than grief, she would likely have been received in a corresponding manner. Yet because she attributed her desire for singleness to the womanly traits of devotion and love, and in the resembling manner, grief, she was considered the epitome of womanly graces. Her true desire was, however, to maintain a sense of self beyond the dependence on a lording male figure.Shakespeare seems to be praising Elizabethan desire for chastity in the same way that the count praises Olives love, as everything she felt was brought under the power o f a single passion. Extremist attitudes attempt to permeate the high social ranks in order to gain ground. Maillot portrays the classic image of a Puritan. As Olives servant, he dreams of greatness, and wants nothing else than to get married his mistress. The notion is in itself absurd, as there are societal norms that would prevent such an downtrodden marriage.Although social mobility was beginning to take place, there was still a division among the classes. It would have been quite out of place for a woman of Olives status to marry one so far beneath her. Yet, imagining how it would be between him and her uncle, Sir Toby and so, quenching my familiar smile with an austere regard of control You must indemnify your drunkenness (2. 5. 9-60, 66). The puritan church was considered quite prudish by many. Its legalism and disregard for all things not solemn caused such things as the closing of the theaters in capital of the United Kingdom in 1596.Maillots desire to gain the admirati on of Olivia correlates to the desire by the Puritan leaders to gain the admiration of the brilliance. In this way they hoped to gain control and wield their influence over society, including the aristocracy. For if it was on an equal level within the hierarchy, it could not be so easily disregarded as the Catholic Church had been at time, such as when Henry VIII proclaimed himself head of the church. The upset in the social hierarchy led to Million being deemed insane for thinking that he could reach these ends.The supposed order of hierarchy can be upset through logic. Mourning the death of her brother, Olivia finds herself in a mental headlock with Fest the Fool. fix the fool away Do not hear, fellows? Take away the lady (1 Fest has challenged the respected status of the aristocracy, by turning the tables and claiming Olivia is the fool. In this way he has pose himself above her, taking on the role of wisdom that was reserved for the educated church and nobility. He has esse ntially placed her at the bottom of the hierarchy, as a commoner unable to reason for herself.This upheaval to the order of societal norms takes place in a caravansaries pageant. Caravansaries behavior usually ensued before an ordained church pass from a desire to break out of the cloister of decency expected in daily living and therefore breach the social barriers. Mockery of religion and the nobility took place through costume, lewdness, and focus on the negative aspects of human behavior. Such behavior was protected under the realm of carnival, Just as the fools behavior, at times disrespectful, was deemed appropriate under the safety of his title.This attack on Olives wisdom proves to be truer than when it was first made, as she meets and falls for a woman, thinking her to be a man, and thus completing the idea that she is a fool. Titles are futile unless they are backed by the support of an equal mind. Not understanding the meaning of Sir Taboos words, Sir Andrew ignorantly sa ys, Nay, by my troth, I know not but I know, to be up late is to be up late (3. 2. 4-5). Andrew is an unlikely knight. He acquired the title, and yet, he does not live p to it in the traditional sense of knighthood, nor does he abide by any codes.He himself said that he dislikes policy (3. 2. 27). A knight, as part of the aristocracy, was groomed and educated to high standards, expected to fulfill his destiny in the circles of nobility. Andrew bears no marks of fine-breeding, groveling in the shadow of Sir Toby Belch, a ugly specimen to hold as nobility. The notion of entropy plays into this tale of a society dominated by age old ideals, yet attacked by passions, brains, and whims. The idea claims that a closed system left to itself will become more chaotic as time passes.Interestingly enough, Shakespearean setting of Lariat is, in itself, a closed system, cut off from reality by the sea, and further isolated from life by the fact that it was a fictitious place. Violas deception w as but a single act, caused by the disorder and unbalance of the sea, and in effect, the unfairness of life. It leads to more confusion as the story unfolds, until a body finally steps in and puts a stop to it. The chaos and disorder of accepted norms and modes of life creates a dysfunctional world where nothing is as it seems. Things thought to be good in lose their value and Belch for example.By doing this Shakespeare was making a statement that the high- born are, in reality, not so different from anyone else. They have the same tendencies, minds, and underneath the titles and finery, is essentially, the same man. Order is but a fade for Shakespeare, who had seen it upturned in a second through the Reformation, disease, wars, hunger, and difficulties of life. He had seen both parts of life, the low classes, and also experient the life of a gentleman. He could relate to various aspects of life, which was in itself an effect of disorder, as the Elizabethan ideal was to maintain a static class construction and avoid social mobility.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Phoniness and Innocence in The Catcher in the Rye Essay

There comes a time when everybody has to say good-bye to their teenage years and become an adult. The carefree childhood will be challenged by strains and expectations. Those unwilling to saying them are doomed to fail. Holden Caulfield, the 16-year-old protagonist of J.D. Salingers novel The Catcher in the Rye, is one of the adolescents who question the attr work onion of being an adult. Shortly before Christmas vacation, Holden has been expelled from an elite prep school in Pennsylvania. Disinclined to stay at the school whatsoever longer or return home, Holden decides to spend a few days in New York City. During his tour, he meets different people that he calls phonies. The frequent ingestion of the word has a deeper meaning than it might appear at first look. Holdens obsession with phoniness demonstrates his conflict with the hypocritical adult foundation.The word phony has a unique meaning for Holden. He uses it to describe people that pretend to be someone else in order to feel superior. They lie to themselves and to others. This deception does not incessantly happen consciously. For example, the first so-called phony that Holden mentions is Mr. Ossenburger, who made a lot of money by burying people with cheap funerals. He says that this man came up to school in this big goddam Cadillac, and we all had to stand up in the grandstand and give him a locomotive thats a ginger up (16). Holden calls him a phony because Ossenburger talks about integrity and praying to Jesus in his speech to the students while he takes advantage of mourning families. Furthermore, the school is phony because they welcomed him and named a dorm after him only because he gave the school money. This hypocrisy bothers Holden very much. Whether it is a stereotype presented in a movie, or the expression grand, he classifies them into the category phony.Holdens hatred towards phoniness is closely connected with his protecting nature. In his mind, phoniness is an element of adultho od. Being an adult means being forced to face problems and make compromises. Grown-ups need to hide their weaknesses in order to survive. Therefore, growing up inevitably means being phony. Opposite to that, children do not have to act a certain way to achieve something. Consequently, innocence is the opposite of phoniness, and growing up means to lose your innocence and become phony.Thus, Holden wants to protect the innocence and honesty of young children, hoping that they would never be confronted with the ugliness of the adult world. This protective instinct leads to an admiration and idealization of children, especially his younger sister Phoebe and his dead blood brother Allie. Holden wants to be the catcher in the rye, someone who catches children that fall over the edge of an imaginary field of rye down the cliff into the corrupt adulthood. When he sees whap you written on the walls in his sisters school and in the museum, he tries to edit it but eventually realizes that he cant erase all the curses in the world. Children will always, at some point, be confronted with sexuality.This pessimistic view of the world affects him in a harmful way that ultimately leads to his breakdown. Holden sees the world in black and white. Some people are phony, others are not. However, he fears that he is slowly becoming a phony himself. Im the about terrific liar you ever saw (9), he admits. Alone his judgemental re kissers show how confused and insecure he is. On one hand, he tries to act experienced and mature when talking to adults, but on the other hand, he desperately tries to maintain the innocence of himself and others. He tries to protect himself by using a cynical voice throughout the novel, but this only keeps him alienated from his environment. With every disappointment, his denial grows, and a mental breakdown is unavoidable. He walks around in New York, let out out his dead brothers name. Only Phoebe, his younger sister, can show him his real situatio n and keep him from escaping reality and becoming mad. Still, he ends up in a mental institution in California.Holden struggles between the phoniness of adulthood and the innocence of childhood. He is trapped between the two worlds. His refusal to grow up keeps him isolated. His former English teacher, Mr Antollini, advises him to start applying himself in the next school. He tells him that Wilhelm Stekel once said, The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one (). Finally, Holden understands that giving up isnt the solution to his problem, and he indicates that he might try harder in the future. Maybe Holden isnt so much of an outsider after all.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Friday, May 24, 2019

Globalization in retailing

In the past ten years, the worlds economy has experienced accelerated levels. Saturation and suppressive planning let the developed markets have prompted operators to look abroad for growth opportunities.In format to gain the uttermost profit form foreign markets, it is infixed for orbicular retailers to understand their consumer behaviour as well as the economic and political environments in their orbital markets.4.1 Global consumingAt the end of 2001, global retailers were grappling with significant changes in consumer fundamentals. In todays global consumer markets, there are varies elements of commonalities and differences exist. On the global scale, trends influencing the consumption behaviour can be cited as maintain increase in GNP in capita per capita steady rises in life expectancy rapid increase of literacy and education levels growth in industrialization and urbanisation among developing countries increase in share of manufactured exports by newly industrialized co untries advances in transportation and expansion in world travel.Leading global retailing companies such as Carrefour, Ahold, Auchan, Wal-Mart have to identify and meet the needs of the global segmented consumer market.By the increase of purchasing power alone oer the world, and the establish of the EU, both traditional supermarkets and department stores were non able to meet the consumers requirements, a more convenient way for shopping, a one-stop shopping and shopping as leisure. Consequently, huge mass retailers emerged by providing customers with high buying quantity at low cost, the hypermarket format.Today, most spark advance international retailers consider hypermarket as it key strategic format for their worldwide expansion. In the past five years, the total repress of food related stores developed by international operators has increased by 23%. Since 1997, the number of hypermarkets / warehouse club has increased almost double, form 2788 to 4190 worldwide. (see Append ix?)What are the secrets to success, there is no single formula. Use time as a critical strategic component and the flexibility of their strategy during implementation.When Carrefour entered the US, they did not achieve their high expectation. One of the reason is the biggest competitor Wal-Mart, another reason is that they did not understand the consuming format in US, they did not topical anaestheticize their strategy. Americans were used not only to a wide merchandise, and low prices, but also the dodge of shopping without having to drive distances for making their purchases. Whereas, in Asia, Carrefour achieved big success, they adopt the localization strategy.In China, firstly they localized their name from Carrefour to . Similar pronunciation, it means, a cheerful lucky family, which has a huge impact on consumers. They segmented the Chinese market geographically. They understood the local consumers price sensitivity, they lowered their price in order to achieve much more q uantity of purchasing. In Indonesia, Carrefour has put it as a key management positions and give them intensive training, and localize their stores display, astute that local consumer like eating fresh seafood instead of the frozenness.As for Wal-Mart, they expand their market in Mexico, which is a market with huge capableness, they build large pose space only to realise that many consumers do not drive cars. They normally travel by bus and had to walk across the large position space with heavy packages, Wal-Mart responded by introducing bus shuttles for customers.Localization is the key factor for acceptance and success of an international company/brand. It is important to speak to the customers and clients in their throw language and culture. The particular concept has developed by leading global brand Think Local, Act Local. Going Global, has to be going local.4.2 Regional market place (Europe, Asia)AsiaThe greatest opportunities for Wal-Mart, Carrefour, Ahold, Metro, Aucha n and all the other global retailers come from Asia.Asia with 3 gazillion consumers and some of the most populous countries in the world, Asia remains an attractive region for 2003.China, with 1.25 billion people, GDP growth of 10% and nearly 13% per year increase in retail space, continues to attract global retailers. Particularly mainland China. As it is a emerging nation, with its unique features of its economics structure, more than 300 global retailers have invested in the market. In one of the major economic events in 2001, China was voted into the world craftiness organization. This should eventually lead to strong increase in trade for worlds economies, which benefit many global retailers.Carrefour is consolidating its positions by setting up purchasing centers in 11 Chinese cities. Ikea opened in Beijing May 2003, and Tesco is planning to expand in the market.However, there are certain issues that foreign investors are facing, is that evince owned local players are gain ing strength. The Shanhai local government pressured 3 shanghai based retailers Yibai, Lianhua, and the Huanlian, into forming a joint holding company, the Bailing Group. The holding companys ambitious objectives include leading industry consolidation and enabling sustainable leadership of local state-owned retailers. Such move will raise entry barriers for private and foreign investors and create potential advantages for local state-owned retailers.South Korea has recovered economically for its 1998 crisis GDP growth by 6% in 2002. Wal-Mat almost doubled its store count from 6 to 11 and plans to open even more stores in 2004.Japan, the worlds second biggest market after the US tremendous oppourtunities of global companies to penetrate it . Although entering Japan is not easy, callable to the restrictive plan which complicated supply chain structure and lack of Japanese 10 years recession is no doubt deterring a number of operators.EuropeEastern Europe, a fast growing region with r egional output growth of more than 3%, and most countries are on enshroud to join the Europe Union by 2010. The top ranked country, and the one commanding the highest score increase this year is Russia. With a inflation forcast at 16% for 2003, versus 84% in 1998. and GDP growth of 4 to 5% a year, Russia has become economically stronger. As a emerging market, the retail density is very(prenominal) low, only 6 international players have settled there. This region has a huge potential for global retailers. In Russia, there are 143 million population, gibe to official Russian statistics, Russians spend up to 80% of their income on consumer good. Auchan an Metro has already settled their expansion in Russia, Wal-Mart which sent a delegation to Russia in 2002 to check out the possibilities. However, foreign retailer still face many issues in Russia, Metro and Auchan have been accused of unfair competition by local retailers.Hungry is the most prosperous economy in the region after Pol and and Czech Republic. The country will join the EU in 2004. which make the region more attractive to global retailers.As the merger of European Union, the biggest single market in the world. All the global retailers are try to gain maximum profit, In 1997, Wal-Mart completed of Wertkauf a 21-store German hypermarket chain. In 1999, Wal-Mart announce a $10.8 billion turnover in EU. Britains third largest super market chain, Asda with 232 stores in England, Scotland and Wales.As Carrefour, it is already became the biggest grocery retailer in EU. Ahold recently has began their expansion in Spain. In Italy, with just seven top 30 retailers operating in its territory, all of which are constitutes the exception between the major countries of Europe, due to restricted government policy and onerous bureaucracy impeding store development.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Importance of data security and data safety Essay

To prevent companies from utilize or expending on confidential information to other companies without the permission of the psyche who the entropy is about, companies entrust need to protect the data. With the popularity of the Internet there be opportunities for thieves to steal their personal data. So the government set a law (data vindication act) which is riding habitd to protect multitudes rights concerning how data is used and you also dumbfound the right to see such information and have whatsoever errors corrected. overly system will want to hold back data confidential because it will not want its competitors to know how the business is going.List the 8 principles of the Data protective cover Act The Data Protection Act says the personal data should 1. Be adequate, relevant and not excessive. For example college should keep students expound and details must be just what is needed and nothing more. 2. Be processed in accordance with the data subject right. For e xample the person that the data refers to have the right to admit the information about him/her and the organisation should provide hem/her with information they need. 3. Be accurate and be kept up to date. There is a duty to keep it up to date, for example to change an address when people move.4. Not be kept longer than necessary. For example it is alright to keep information for certain continuance of time just it would be wrong to keep information about past nodes longer than a few years at most 5. Be obtained and processed for limited purposes. For example the government activity must use the data that in the way it is described and it must not use it for any other purpose. 6. Be secure. This involves keeping the information backed up and away from any unauthorised main course. It would be wrong to leave personal data dissipate to be viewed by just anyone. 7.Not be transferred to countries outside Europe without adequate protection. Unless the country that the data is be ing sent to has a suit satisfactory data protection law 8. Be processed fairly and lawfully. For example if you put your bullion at bank no one can transfer your silver without your permission. (a) What is the difference between the Internet, Intranet and Extranet? (P8) Internet Are public networks that allow the user to use any of its facilities. Intranet and Extranet is like a private internet. It is like a website that is only accessible to the members of a business or keep companion.The different between Intranets and Extranet is Intranet Allow the members of organisation to access the access the organisation with an organisation. Extranet Allow the members of organisation to access the system from different location but only by the users who have been given access rights. (b) * What is a browser? Is programme that can read web pages, by downloading HTML code and that allows the browser to interpret the code to the web page. A browser displays web pages, keeps track of whe re youve been, and remembers the places you want to return to, the most used browsers atomic number 18 Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.Describe the role of a browser when using the Internet, Intranet and Extranet Browser allows the people to access information, view images, hear music and watch video, in the term of intranet and extranet the browser allows user to shargon documents, access databases and allow group work. * Describe the role of e-mail when using internet communications. You can send email to an individual or to a group of people at the same time, you can create mailing list so that you can write a message and send it automatically to number of people.Also you can send files such as pictures, word document and sound as attachments to your message. (a) List study threats to an organisation that could happen while using the Internet. (P9) 1. Hacking (use to steal the personal details and private files of company) 2. The spreading of viruses (use to destroy or damage the important files of company) 3. Internet malingerer (taking credit card details from customers) 4. Spay ware (is biggest threat in the computer system which allows someone to log into your computer and use it for their own purpose) 5. junk e-mail ( sending unwanted messages especially commercial advertising)Purpose of assignment In this assignment, I have to do research and get information on the splendor of data security and data safety. M research must be from ICT sources and non ICT sources and by using the evidence that I collect I should explain the immenseness of keeping customer information confidential, the main provision of data protection act, the role of browsers and email in internet communications, the difference between internet, intranet and extranet, the major threats to organization from internet and finally a poster that explains the importance of data safety and data security.The assignment will also gather key skills portfolio evidence. M5 Physical auspices Use of security guards, locks, reinforced doors, windows and walls depending on what is being protected. Use of ICT to enforce security entry on doors, and protected areas of buildings i. e. swipe cards, fingerprint ID, voice recognition. Firewall This is a security device, which acts as a single entry/exit point for information and access to a computer system. All traffic must pass through the firewall and therefore a system is secure from external threats.A firewall usually sits between the internal network of an organisation and access by the internet. virus Protection It is usual for systems to have some form of anti-virus software installed and running in the background. All files and devices introduced to the system would be scanned, any attempts to alter system files would be blocked, and notification made to the user/system administrator. Preventing the use of floppy disks is a good method of eliminating one source of potential virus problems. Identification of U sers A system of user IDs and passwords is a simple method of preventing unauthorised personnel accessing the system.These should be managed by the system administrator. With this, only some users will have access to certain programmes and data therefore increasing the level of security on sensitive data. In addition, some users whitethorn only be able to read the data and not write the data. Other users may not have the ability to delete or even to access certain files. encoding software the data may be encrypted (coded) into a form, which can only then be decoded by the intended user. If the data falls into the wrong hands, it will be meaningless.Backups To guard against the loss of data, backups should be regularly made. These backups should be stored in a separate place, preferably in a fireproof environment. passwords software Password protection usually involves a person typing in A User Name to identify the person. A Password to identify the person. He should be the only one to know what it is. Computer viruses which are programs that destroy the way computer operates without the knowledge of the user, there are huge numbers of viruses some are extremely malicious with the ability to delete or damage files and programs.Some of the threats that they cause to computer systems include Deleting data on the hard disk of the organisation computer system. Enabling hackers to hijack the organisation system and use it for their own purposes. How do viruses spread CDs and floppy disks containing infected documents. Emails containing infected attachments. Hackers who gain unauthorised access to computer systems for the purpose of stealing and corrupting data, also gaining access to financial information about the organisation business or their customers for the purposes of fraud.Security measures may include Each user should be given a user name and a password. Computer usage may be logged. Computers should be disconnected from a network when not in use. Use a firewall a computer running software, which detects hackers dialling in to a network. Spam authorised users downloading a web page or receiving an email with hidden active content that attacks the organisation system or send sensitive information to unauthorised people. Organisation can shutdown spreading of spam by using spam filtering software.Spy ware is software that is placed on organisation computer when the employee visits certain websites, it is used to secretly gather information about the organisation usage and sends it back to advertiser or other interested company to tracking the organisation system use . it can also slow down or crashes the organisation computer Pop up Many company advertisers on the Internet by using windows that pop up in the middle of computer screen to display a message. They might also open when you click a link or button on a Web site, and they might open either over or under the window, you wish to view.Some pop-up windows can contain inappro priate content or can be a way for employee of organisation to accidentally download dangerous software (called spyware or adware) onto organisation computer. Infringement of secure Internet users are not allowed to copy or print some internet materials such as video, music, files and photos without the permission of copyright holder and sometimes they may have to pay a licence to do so. Theft and fraud credits card fraud for example people can steal the details on credits card and using them il levelheadedly to buy goods.Sole trader A sole trader is the actual owner of a business, a sole trader also has unlimited liability. All the debts of the business are the debts of the owner. They can not issues shares . The whole meaning behind Sole means that she/he does not have partners. (e. g. electrical repair, picture framing, photography, diving instruction, retail shops, and hotels) Partnership A Partnership can be liable for all debts, it is easy to setup, but is also inexpensive t o form.Forming partnership requires an agreement that is some times called partnership agreement between two to twenty individuals which entitles them to reciprocally own and carry on a trader business together. A partnership is a contract between two or more persons who agree to pool talent and money and share lolly or loss. Private limited company A Private limited company has limited liability (the shareholders cannot loose more than their authoritative shareholdings), and a minimum of two shareholders and a maximum of fifty shareholders. It cannot offer its shares to the public.A private limited company is treated as a legal entity. Public limited company A company which may have an unlimited number of shareholders and offer its shares to the wider public. (e. g. Cadbury and Tesco) Multi-National company A company that does business in more than one country, usually by setting up branch offices. Tesco Characteristics Type of company Tesco is an international retailer and is a publicly owned company (Public Limited Company Plc). Products including food and non-food business, personal finance, internet shopping, electrical items, home entertainment, toys, sports equipment, and many more.Profit / loss Tescos Profit and Loss 2005 2004 Sales at net selling prices 37,070 33,557 Turnover including share of joint ventures 34,353 31,050 Less share of joint ventures turnover (379) (236) Operating profit/(loss) 1,949 1,735 Share of operating profit/(loss) of joint ventures and associates 130 97 Net profit/(loss) on disposal of fixed assets 53 (9) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 1,962 1,600 Underlying profit before net profit/(loss) on disposal of fixed assets, integration costs and goodwill amortisation 2,0291,708.Size of company Tesco operates 923 stores and employs 240,000 people , there are 639 branches in Great Britain and 182 in the rest of Europe .Location they operate in UK, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Thailand, South Kore a, Taiwan and the Republic of Ireland Purpose of company to create jimmy for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty. Aims Built good non-food sales expanded into retailing services and exploited e-commerce successfully. Objective 1. To deliver a consistently strong customer offer. 2.Making their shopping trip as easy as possible. 3. Constantly seeking to reduce their prices to help customer spend less. Logo Cadbury Characteristics Type of company is an international retailer and is a publicly owned company (Public Limited Company Plc).Products chocolate and drinks brands. Profit / loss Cadbury Profit and Loss i (Millions) 2006 i (Millions) 2005 Turnover 6,508. 00 6,085. 00 Operating Profit / (Loss) 1,003. 00 825. 00 Net Interest (188. 00) (205. 00) Pretax Profit 843. 00 642. 00 Post Tax Profits 703. 00 497. 00 Total Dividend Paid n/a n/a. retain Profit / (Loss) for the financial year n/a n/a Size of company they operate in more than 35 countries and they employs over 55,000 peopl e Location Americas, Europe, Middle East and Africa and Asia Pacific. Purpose of company the organization work together to create brands people love. Aims 1. Deliver shareowner performance. 2. Ensure their capabilities are outdo in class. 3. Reinforce reputation with employees and society objective 1. Responding to consumer needs quickly. 2. Grow shareowner value. 3. Attract and develop the best kind of people.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Last night at the regent theatre in Hanley Essay

Last night at the Regent Theatre in Hanley, Stoke-upon-Trent , I witnessed a spectacular surgery of Romeo and Juliet, scripted by William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare is regarded as a avowedly great among modern poets and playwrights alike. The play began with a masterfully written battle scene between the two feuding families, the Capulets and the Montagues, both of similar social status. This primary scene soon evolved into a story of two teens, bust between their spot for each other and fear of betraying their families.The highlight of the performance was the balcony scene it was very dramatic and romantic. The show was stolen by the make outor, Los Angeles, who played Lord Capulet (Juliets dad). He showed the audience how harsh provided valuable to the storyline this character is, adding sparks to the performance with lines such as Hang thee, young baggage disobedient poor devil (act three scene five) The end of the performance showed how parental combat can interfere with lives of others and end in tragedy with the death of both the families youngest offspring.After the performance I interviewed Mr Jones and his teen son Bradley about their eyeshots and feelings about the superb reproduction of the original Shakespeare romance. Interview with return Journalist Mr Joe Bloggs Father Mr Jones Journalist What do you cogitate of attitudes of starts in William Shakespeares time? Father Control of teens is a lot more relaxed than when it was back then. I know myself receives in 2002 are struggling to acquire respect from their teen children now and then patriarchal control was more or less one hundred percent.I r all(prenominal)y the attitude of fathers in William Shakespeares time was unnecessarily fastidious and forceful, for example Act 3 facet 5 master key Capulet says Go with Paris to Saint Peters church or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither I mean, strict is always good from a parents point of view but sometimes it can be a little ov er the top. Kids still need to be responsible for their own life and actions although parents cant be too overruling, especially in my opinion, in marital circumstances.Still I can sympathise, being a father myself, he probably just cherished the best for Juliet but like you said, sometimes being too strict can contract tragic consequences. Journalist In Act 3 Scene 5, do you think lord Capulet was being fair to assume Juliet would accept the marriage proposal? Father I think that lord Capulet was doing what he thought was best for Juliet in that day and age. Keeping Juliet in a good family, making sure enough she would be back outn care of was patently important to lord Capulet, so yes, I dont think it was fair for Lord Capulet to expect Juliet to marry someone she wasnt in love with.He obviously thought he was doing his best, but this would be frowned on nowadays. I think he could of prevented his daughters by severe to get to know Juliet better and discussing the marital pr oblems with her. I could tell they were not close when Lord Capulet said Graze where you will, you shall not house with me Journalist In act 1 Scene 1, Lord Capulet enters an assembly line between servants of both families, he is seen as being keen to deem his family and to be faithful to them, but in Act 1 Scene 5 at the Capulets ball, he denies Tybalt his revenge and stops him from fighting Romeo.What do you think this says about his character? Father His character shows that he is eager to defend his family honour, but he also sees these arguments as pointless, and he decides his family are worth all the hassle. At the Capulets party, I think he stops a fight occurring just to keep the peace, especially seeing as Romeo is not causing any harm. He wants his party to stay unspoilt. This covers up his usual brainish personality. Journalist Do you think Capulet was thinking of his daughter when he set up the marriage to Paris?Father I can be sympathetic here, but because looking deeper into it, and upon phrases such as She is the hopeful lady of my earth, it seems that Capulet only wants the best for his daughter Juliet, and wants her in a stable marriage with a flush(p) man. Although, as the scene develops it becomes clear that Capulet wants a husband for Juliet to keep the families high status and to increase Lord Capulets riches, he does not see love as part of the equation. So, when Juliet meets Juliet meets Romeo I think she say it as a way out, a window or maybe just as an act of rebellion.Journalist Overall, What do you think William Shakespeare is trying to show us through Capulets character and about parental conflict through his play? Father I think William Shakespeare is trying to put across the sheer futility of parental conflict and that you cant force anybody into your way of thinking and most importantly, that true love conquers all Interview with daughter Journalist Joe Bloggs Son Bradley Journalist What do you think of the attitudes of tee ns towards their parents in William Shakespeares time, compared to now?Daughter I think modern day parents are a lot more easy going than they were back then, and because of this, I know my father for one thinks we run to take advantage of this still, nowadays this lovable of equal ranking between parent and teens, means a closer relationship forms, and I personally think we tend to discuss things more as a family. Journalist In act 3 scene 5, what do you think about Juliets attitude towards the arranged marriage based on her first impressions? Daughter In my opinion Juliet was absolutely in the right here.I realise in some religions this kind of thing is completely normal, but if my father introduced a man I hardly knew to me, only to tell me I was to spend the rest of my life with him, I would be thoroughly disgusted and certainly rebel against it Journalist Do you think Juliet was wrong to go behind her fathers back with Romeo even after she knew he was a Montague? Daughter Ye s, I think she should have told her parents of the situation and if they would prefer to lose a daughter than to live with it then Juliet would have to decide whether it is all really worth the fuss.After all, love is such a strong emotion and can a girl of her age really be sure what she is feeling? In spite of everything even her father thought she was too young at first as he says She hath not yet seen the counterchange of fourteen years Journalist How much do you think Juliets parents are responsible for Juliets death? Daughter If anyone is responsible for her death it is her father He almost drove her to the brink of insanity and depression he shouldnt have been so persistent about marrying someone she didnt love.However I do not feel he is entirely to blame. Journalist What do you think William Shakespeare is trying to show us about parental conflict and true love through his play? Daughter Parental conflict interferes with things but true love will always come out best, zip po can stand in the way of people being together, not even the grim reaper, as shown in this tragic play of love and romance. demonstration It seems as a whole both father and daughter feel that parenting in the time of William Shakespeare was kept quite tight knit and strict.Also both see that William Shakespeare is trying to express his feelings of futility towards parental conflict. It can affect the lives dramatically and most importantly he feels that love conquers all. David seems to feel that Lord Capulet was only trying to help by finding a partner for his daughter although he thinks Lord Capulet is too strict a parent. In a complete ancestry Isabel disagrees with David and thinks Lord Capulet was wrong to assume he could arrange a marriage but she also believes parenting was too strict then.Conclusion- well it is agreed that parenting was very strict in those days although no-one seems to agree on whether Lord Capulet was in the right when arranging the marriage but in th ose days maybe a father being this forceful about marital situations was normal. Also the Capulets do seem partly responsible for their daughters death. Maybe they shouldnt have tried to get to know their child better and the tragedy that followed might have been prevented? Who will ever know? Its up to you, the reader to decide now.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Students Absenteeism

INTRODUCTION Absenteeism, according to Merriam- Webster dictionary means chronic absence seizure. In the context of the school it is the wonted(prenominal) or intentional failure from going to school. It arouse non be denied that e precise now and then, scholarly persons may miss some school activities and lessons. But it becomes a riddle if the educatee go forth be a fashion from school for many days. Chronic absentee school-age childs argon propd at a disadvantage both societally and academically. They miss break on critical stages of social interaction and development with their peers and at the same time impacts negatively on their academic progress.This bottom of the inning result to low self-esteem, social isolation, and dissatisfaction that could well have precipitated non-attendance in the first place. School absenteeism is an alarming problem for administrators, teachers, parents, and the society in general, as well as for the pupils in particular. Unaccepted abs ence has a negative effect on peer affinity which could cause absence. Also, prolonged absence can have deleterious effects for the child in later life. Students who are absent from the school are at the risk of dropping out of school early.Absenteeism also affects the teachers ability break class work in sequential and organized way. This can have an effect on the progress of all the students attending the class. One way of addressing this problem is to identify the causes why students become truant from school. Once they are singled out, understood and analyzed, specific actions and measures can be undertaken. This willing eventually redound to the better effect of the students, teachers, and the school in general. II. Background of the study Jason Caringal is a student who belongs to heteroclass.He is already third year and he is not a shy type and unplumbed student. He tends to sleep when he wants, and commit absences without informing his teachers. He have been absent two days in a week and though he will come to school he seldom participate in school activities. III. Review of Related Literature A child or students interest is the intimately basic element that makes a collection learning system work in an organize way. From the head to the base members of this organization, the power of one may affect the others.This kind of educational system is comparable to a series light connection where in the state of one greatly affect the others. Population and percentage within that population which causes negative feedbacks can be primary reason of a poor product. The group or schoolroom type of organized way of learning has given that impact to the community of interests being the commonly used system. Its effectiveness has been proven and has never been out of fashion. The relationship between the students physical presence on the class discussions and their learning performance are greatly relative.Class participation is just one way of measuring a childs learning ability. In a class, the teacher-student relationship is one of the most fundamental units in students learning. When a student misses a day of school he/she must have wooly the chance to hear others, interpret and analyzing the lessons or joins the interaction within the class. This lost is being rooted to two different courses and varying factors under these courses. The inquiry might be a family situation or an individual problem. Then, under these courses are the factors that contribute to a childs regular truancy.These may be finance concerns, disability, psychotic imbalance, poor school climate, family health, transportation problems, drug and alcohol use, and differing community attitude towards education, (Savers, D. et al, 2005). Absenteeism in one angle view point is one of the most common causes of degrading performances of the students. Especially to those who are included in the enhance intelligence curriculum, absenteeism causes a great lose and may result to giving up an aimed position. It can also cause social repletion especially when a class is composed of a great number of students.This habit causes a dilemma to the school administration when big figures are involve and may abate the schools performance. On the other hand, contamination of sickness and disease can be avoidable because of the absences of a person (Marburger, D. ,2001) A students attendance may be the grounds of the results of his or her learning performance. School administration and faculty may also affect the absenteeism rate of their student, and so as the population of those who practice absenteeism affect the administration and the school itself.Absenteeism in students affects their school performances especially when they are in a group or teamwork for their assignments and projects. Since grouping will admirer develops the students cooperative and ability to share and gain knowledge from their group mates will also miss the opportunity of gaining k nowledge from the absent student (Koppernhaver, 2003). According to Schmidt in 1983, absenteesm affects the students ability to get high scores in examinations which can cause the decreasing of grades or the student may fail and will cause him/her to repeat the same year level.Students who have spent time attending lectures or classes have a significant, positive effect on students performance. Students that participated exhibited high grades and scores in examinations of the student. Marburger states tat the difficulty inferring the effect of absenteeism on performance because, once a student is absent in a class, he or she may miss the opportunity of learning other techniques. He found out that missing in class progresses the likelihood of missing examination satisfying covered that day compared to the students who were present in the class (2001).It indicates that persistent absentees at an inner-city school in South Wales had significantly lower self concept self-esteem, much deprived socioeconomic backgrounds, lower intelligence level, and more educational problems to control groups. Suggest that remedial measures for absenteeism should focus on raising self-concepts and changing attitudes toward school (Reid K. , 1982). Absenteeism is the most significant factor to affect the functioning of assembly lines in the development of the School Administration.Those high level of absenteeism have negative repression colleges effect to the production of woodland levels of well trained students because of work specialization. The analysis of hundred absentees reveals hundred of instances of negative effect of building well discipline students for the future. In contrast to the empirical narrate it confirms that absenteeism produce higher level of problems, that value specialization among student has been significant reduced in the students achievements (Mateo R, 1998). Here are some causes of absenteeism . Lack of Subject spare-time activity 2. Lack of Perso nal Interest in studies. 3. Available opportunities for entertainment like malls, movie halls etc. 4. The mental capacity of a students does not matches with the the course opted. 5. in like manner much Pamperness from family. 6. The poor teaching skills of a teacher also keep off student from the school. 7. Lack of confidence 8. Ragging also cause absenteeism 9. Lack of consort activities also causes absenteeism like no sports program, no freshers or farewell parties ,no annual day celebration etc. 10.Poor food of canteen may also be consider as one of the reason for absenteeism. 11. Poor infrastructure facility in school such as no place in a library to sit is also one of the reason of absenteeism. 12 Excess of homework and sometimes fear from examination keep away students from school/college. 13 conceptualisation for the participation in TV shows in dance musical or acting,G. K. contest programs also increase the percentage of absenteeism. 14. Preparation for examination cau ses absenteeism. 15. If school or college is far off the percentage of absenteeism may increase. 16.Over expectation of parents also deteriorate the attendance of a student when s/he is unable to cope with parent nature of making comparison among their own children of with the friends of their child. 17. Too much socialization causes absenteeism. It mostly happens during teen age and college when the students forms a group to freak out . 18. Inferiority complex within student causes absenteeism. V. Solutions made by the Teacher to remedy the cause of the problem A. Counselling approaches As a subject teacherer I talk to him and gave some advices in regards with his attitudes.I explained to him that it is not good to be always absent because it will affect his performance. It will be very hard for him to cope up with different activities. B. Parental involvement programs Parents know everything that happened to their child, with this as a solution I seek an advice from our guidance a nd from my CT. I shared that there is a need to talk with the parents of the child. I told to my student who is related to him that Im going to talk with his guardians, and if they can able to visit the schools during their save time.During the visitation we talk the problem of his son, it became clear to us real reason of his always being absent and I asked also for their help in bless to minimize his absenteeism. C. Student Centered Agreements My student and I made an agreement, that though he made absences he should make sure that he will fare all the outputs and requirements upon submission in order for him not to be late an all his task or responsibilities. We also agreed that he will not commit absences unless he cannot carry himself in school. VI. Results or FindingsAfter adopting several solutions, I came up with this result. Students attendance is always affected by the health condition. Once the student is not feeling well the tendency of it is to absent on their clas s. If the teacher did not give any concern with the problem of the student, definitely the performance of the student will fail. Otherwise if the parents did not coordinate to the school in regards with their son, problem may really occur. VII. Recommendations Having the basis from the findings the researchers offer the following recommendations that can be taken into considerations . The school administration with the parents of the concerned students must conduct and effective conference dialogue with the help of findings of the study. 2. Solutions to the different areas of difficulty due to absenteeism can be taken action by individuals in their respective fields. 3. Orientation and briefing on these students might be conducted to all least they would commit to absenteeism with the help of the study. 4. Removing Sickness Parents, teachers, can control sickness by emphasizing upon school students to maintain a high standard of cleanliness and health.Physical check up must be carr ied out as programme. These measures will not only check the absences but will improve the overall health of the school pupils. BIBLIOGRAPHY Internet Resources http /Q/What_are_the_causes_of_absenteeism_of_students http//www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/absenteeism http//www. studymode. com/essays/Absenteeism-3-898789. hypertext mark-up language ACTION RESEARCH IN SOCIAL DIMENSION Submitted by Kimberly Mae D. Rosales Jethro H. Salvan Sharmaine D. Fiedalan Angeli Rose E. Robles Shenalyn I. Ilagan Rolando L. Tampucao (ENGLISH MAJORS)

Monday, May 20, 2019

Hamlet Scene 1 Act 1 Essay

Thomas Kyd is the author of the 16th deoxycytidine monophosphate play A Spanish Tragedy which was highly influential and introduced a new variant of cataclysm that includes a t wholeness and a mad hero. Many subsequent works followed that developed Kyds original idea into the sub-genre known as revenge tragedy. A piece of literature that f totallys chthonian this genre is Shakespe ars small town and in order to meet the specification to become an efficient tragedy it is heavily based upon Aristotles criteria employ to measure tragedies and Ancient works of literature such as Virgils Aenied. In village dialogue accomplishes a variety of things.It develops relationships but most importantly displays the antagonism of the characters towards the strange and gross tracing. Shakespe atomic number 18 uses dialogue to describe the setting including the chilliness weather and the time so that a contemporary reference in an Elizabethan theatre would be equal to imagine the scene. The description is able to evoke a bodily fluid and create and sinister atmosphere. The language utilise in Hamlet is dramatically intense and unfamiliar due to the use of heavily-charged words such as harbingers which are uncommon in both contemporary and modern vocabularies.The diction and syntax of these words are not problematic during a performance of Hamlet but can cause difficulties when studying the written script. Therefore they are used as a reflection of the inner turmoil of the characters within the play. Dialogue in addition contributes to the themes of the play, especially the sad factors. The edginess of the opening dialogue immediately alarms the audience by foreboding horror therefore rearing an effective tragedy. Act I scene i is set at midnight when tis now struck twelve, the traditionalistic time for sightings of the supernatural.It is perceived that midnight has associations with booby hatch, death, mystery and the underworld. This increases the tragic i ntensity of the play by foreboding the death and chaos that is to follow as well as it evokes fear both in the characters and in the audience. The weather in act I scene i plays a major role as the piercingly cold of winter creates an uncomfortable atmosphere and exaggerates the unnerving setting as it is both dark and freezing. The word bitter has various associations with grief and pain. This forces the audience to sympathise and pity the characters due to Shakespeares use of violent imagery. overwinter is used to symbolise both death and loss of hope and is therefore a reflection upon the darn of the play. Throughout the scene the jot does not engage in any conversation but kinda stalks across the stage ignoring the other characters who demand it to speak, speak I charge thee speak Despite all best efforts made by Horatio the shadiness seems unable to communicate. This adds to the sense of terror as the ghost doesnt act human and pays no attention to any human interaction. The ghosts presence enforces a sombre atmosphere, allowing the seriousness of the play to develop.In the 1964 Russian film versioni of Hamlet, the ghost conjures both fear of the ghost and pity towards the other characters in the audience as the ghost is dressed in a affluent armour suit, has shadows concealing its face and identity which is disturbing to see and the scene is directed so that the ghost appears much larger than the other characters. The intensity of the scene is exaggerated by the dramatic music used to influence the atmosphere and the large and threatening appearance of castle in the background.Similarly the Westminster School productionii of Hamlet presents the ghost as being twice the size of other characters with its face glowing an unnatural commonalty colour. The ghost was uplifted by the other characters who echoed the ghosts booming words. Fear is created due to the ghosts supernatural and eerie appearance and pity is created as the other characters acted feature by the ghost which will ultimately add to the catharsis at the end of the play. The ghost is also thought to be ambiguous when it is firstly described as majestical by Marcellus and then later the ghost is thought to be like a guilty thing.This leaves the audience confused about the ghosts intentions as it appears ambivalent throughout this scene. Shakespeare helps develop the tragedy by creating a policy-making background to the play. Throughout Hamlet there is a fear that Prince Fortinbras of Norway will invade Denmark which inevitably causes a tense and foreboding atmosphere. The political unrest is increased as Denmark is presented as a troubled kingdom through use of Horatios understanding that the ghosts appearance bodes some strange eruption to the state. Horatio establishes a link surrounded by the ghost and the sheeted dead that did squeak and gibber in the Roman streets referring to the downfall of Julius Caesar who was killed by those he trusted similar to King Hamlet who was killed by his brother. This suggests that the ghost is an omen foretelling the ominous fall of Denmark which is one of the main elements of tragedy. This fulfils Aristotles criteria of the play revolving around an issue of great magnitude. Horatio exclaims that the sight of the ghost harrows him with fear and marvel which expresses the horror of what he has witnessed.In the Elizabethan era the word harrow referred to the sharp teeth of countrified tools that would rip into the earth. Shakespeare uses this word to visualize how the ghost lacerates or distresses the feelings of those witnessing his appearance. Marcellus questions whether he should strike the ghost with his partisan illustrating the premonitions of the ghost as being evil. Shakespeare uses violent imagery to convey a sense of terror in order to establish the opening scene of Hamlet as a tragedy.Francisco admits to being sick at heart which emphasizes the mood of the play and suggests the impact the gh ost has had upon the characters. The characters describe the ghost as a thing and refer to the likeness in the singular neuter pronoun, it, which is dehumanising and objectifying. This provides the ghost with a sense of mystery, but more importantly it reinforces the differences amongst the earthly matters and the supernatural element of the play. Shakespeare uses the main characters name as the title of the play to focus the audiences attention on the tragic hero.This is similar to Homers Odyssey and Virgils Aenied both of which are ancient epic poems feature aspects of tragedy such as death, tragic flaws and the supernatural divinities. Both poems are named after the hero therefore this intertextual reference places gravitas upon Hamlet i Directed by Grigori Kozintsev ii Directed by Chris Barton.BIBLIOGRAPHY PRIMARY SOURCES Shakespeare, William, Hamlet, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, 2008 SECONDARY SOURCES Hamlet, directed by Grigori Kozintsev, 1964 Hamlet, directed by Chris Barton, 2009 Kyd, Thomas, A Spanish Tragedy, Revels Student Editions, Manchester University Press, 1996.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Marie is a 13 year old female

Marie is a 13 year old female, who, on with 2 adults (both age 18), staged a kidnapping of a 13 year old daughter in Maries class. They tied and gagged the little girl to the kidnapping spot. Should Marie be brought to trial as a juvenille or move in an adult mash? Is Marie classified as a new-made offender? To answer these questions we pull up stakes look at what classifies a recent offender, disgusts that produces recent essay as adults, shepherds crook intent surrounding Maries case, what sentencing guidelines should be considered and what treatment conditions should be made.It is a sad fact that mess of all ages commit twist offences, yes, dismantle children under legal age of adult hood which varies from state to state. Because of this juvenile romance systems befool been designed to sentence those who ar too young to be tried as an adult. Those juvenile that commit offensives usually are tried before a special the juvenile court and receive their punishment. However, some juvenile are committing adult crimes and therefore should be charged as adults. When these cases rally a juvenile offender deal be waived from juvenile court to adult court if the offense was adult plenty.Usually a wavering processing has to be conducted via the procecustor. However, many states waste laws allowing prosecutors to file adult charges against juvenile offenders for upright offenses with break through applying for a waiver ( In addition, many states have seen the need to eliminate some serious offensives from juvenile court. Because of their severity offenses such as capital crimes, murders, and other offenses against persons will be tried save in adult courts.According to, those adolesants at least 14 historic period of age can be tried and sentenced to as an adult form a number of felonies. These felonies include murder, attempted murder, arson, robbery with a harmful or dangerous weapon, various forms of rape, kidnapping, and carjacking. It is alert to point out that under most state laws, juvenile offenders do not commit crimes, they commit delinquent acts that some would constitute as crimes in committed by adults.With the understanding of juvenile offenders and what offenses permit a juvenile to be tried as an adult, should Marie be tried as an adult for her affaire in the kidnapping of her classmate? In my opinion, yes Marie should be tried as an adult. As a juvenile offender tried as an adult she will have the legal protection as adults defendants right to an attorney, the right to remain silent, and the right to look accusers, cross-examine witnesses and appeal to a higher court.According to the legal dictonary criminal intent is a mental desire and will to act in a particular way. Maries intent was plotting with the adults to kidnap her classmate. Because juvenile are not sentenced even when tried as adults, instead they are rehabilitated, Marie should still face a ju ror of six adults. Her preceding(a) history with the juvenile system, opportunity of reform, seriousness and her involvement in the kidnapping as well as how the publics safety will be affected if she is not locked up should be considered in the guidelines of the sentencing of the case.Treatment consideration should be provided to the court as a rehabilitation program such as a detention center or boot camp. Even if this is her first offense, it is clear by her involvement in this crime that she is headed down the wrong path and redirection is in order. It is known by adult court judges that the adult prisons offer little in the way of rehabilitation, counseling, or schooling. Therefore rehabilitation is loosely likely the route the juvenile would get.A rehabilitation center would provide her the maximum security training schools operated by state governments or non-profit organizations. In these facilities she would be placed through a rigorous program of training and counselin g. Marie should not be sent to an adult prison, as a 1996 study of children sent to an adult prison were 1/3 more likely to commit crimes when released than those who were sent to a rehabilitation center (Juvenile Justice). If she is transferred into a boot camp, she would be involved in a military style regimen or overweight work, calisthenics and direct (Kresnak, pg 04). According to Jack Kresnak, the purposes of these camps are imposing structure into their chaotic live.Even though I have suggested and support Marie being tried as an adult for her involvement in this terrible crime and refer her to obtaining rehabilitation for her actions, this is not saying that juveniles are not sentenced to pinion. In retrospect, was quick to point out that many states have large juvenile prisons and treatment facilities. It is highly understood that some juvenile offenders are extremely dangerous and despite their age incarceration can and should be appropriate for them. I t is also vital to know that if tried as a juvenile, these juvenile offenders are not offered the same guidelines as adults.They have no constitutional right to a jury trial, and do have a right to a public trail or bail. The purpose of juvenile trail is to rehabilitate not to punish. That is why I stand firm on my ground that Marie should be tried as an adult. She committed a crime and being tried as an adult will ensure that she is scared into the proper social behavior.However, the completely problem we foresee in her being tried as an adult is that Marie is only 13 years of age. Most states as we have read allow children as young as 14 to be tried as an adult for various felonies, because of this legal catch, can we still have her tried as an adult? Yes, in the state of Colorado according to http// a juvenile 12 or 13 years of age and is alleged to have committed an act that if committed by an adult would constitute a Class 1 or 2 felony or crime of viol ence as be in section 18-1.3-406, C.R.S. can be tried as an adult.Because of this law in Colorado I conclude that Marie should be tried as an adult for her involvement in the kidnapping of her classmate and sentenced to a rehabilitation center or boot camp. In either place, she will gain the educational and discipline to become a better citizen and well rounded person and hopefully become reformed enough to play an active, good moral role in our society upon her completion of the program.RefrencesWhen a Child can be tried as an adult, A publication of the office of Legilaive legal services. August 30, 2005. https// Law Juvenile Criminal Cases. 1999 National Report Series, Juvenile Justice. Bulletin Juvenile Justice A Century of Change December 1999. Kresnak, Jack. Chapter 2, Juvenile Justice.http//

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Cold Blood’ and Frankenstein Essay

Compare how hooded coat and Shelley use different techniques for computer addressisation and their use of emotive, analogical language with the use of repition to show the theme of wasted lives In Cold note was written in 1966 when screenplays were very common. Authors such as Shakespeare wrote traditional plays so it was unpredictable that the requireers of In Cold Blood would respond to the fable well as it was the first non fiction novel Capote wrote. Capote wanted to look into with his writing using narrative techniques of the novel to depict real support events.Capote believed that the narrator should non interrupt in novels but the sources should tell the story themselves. Capote was able to write a novel which displayed the real events surrounding the murder of the Herb Clutter family and pulpd it into a storyline. In Cold Blood is based on a true story of the murders of a family- something which would be wrote about in straightaways society. The novel is an account of the events but in like manner contains elements of Capotes creativity therefore it is punishing to tell whether it is fictional or factual.Frankenstein on the other hand is a non fictional novel which is nonetheless read and appreciated today as it is of a gothic genre. Frankenstein was written in 1818 when science was designn as exciting but also dangerous as it was trespassing on the territory of God. The early nineteenth century was a time which generated exceptional events and ideas therefore it must have been quite interesting to read Frankenstein. The danger of science was a great classic theme and Shelley provided her gothic genre as a framework to tone the horror of failed science- the famous experiment gone wrong.Frankenstein is solace a very touristed novel today because of its fascination in science which is still explored. Capote portrays his character fair(a) as being a very timid and shy character. She has a heart faced shape which is symbolic to her persona lity and it suggests that she is a likeable character. The signifi idlerce of this is that it makes the readers engage with her and they want to know her story in order to expression sympathy for her. honest has bony hands and is quite petitie which suggests that she is quite vunerable- like the creature in Frankenstein.In Frankenstein, we get the creatures perspective, and what was I? this is similar to Capotes character Bonnie with both the characters looking for reassurance from someone. Both the writers make it easy for the reader to discover new aspects of the characters personalities. Capote uses emotive language in repition to suggest that Bonnie may have had a wasted life which makes the readers have sympathy for her. Capote uses the term spinster aunt which is a type of semantic salmagundi known for an unmarried woman. Even though the novel was written in 1966, the language is still soft read and understood.Unlike In Cold Blood, Frankenstein contains language which may cause a roadblock if read today. Shelley uses words like loathsome and squalid which would rarely be used today just the novel is still effective at portraying the gothic horror through emotive and metonymical language. In the extract of the dialogue between Jolene and Bonnie, Capote portrays the significance of the difference between Bonnie and Jolene. Jolene is a very confident character whereas Bonnie constantly panicks and stutters when she speaks this shows that she may opinion worthless and may disembodied spirit that she is not noticed by others.Capote emphasizes Bonnies wasted life indirectly by comparing her to Jolenes character who comes across as very confident. The comparison of the two characters is quite strong as it shows the importance of emotion that Bonnie has felt. Capote brings a child like quality to Bonnie through the dialogue between Bonnie and Jolene, They dont need me, this shows that Bonnie may be looking for reassurance from Jolene. Capote makes the reader feel sorry for Bonnie in order to like her character as she may have had a bad past. The repition of they dont need me reinforces the sadness of Bonnie.It is also suggesting how she may not be very close to her family. Capote makes us aware of the sadness and timidness of Bonnie for the readers to sympathise with her and hope that she succeeds later in the novel. The insecurities that Capote brings out in his character can resemble the characters of todays famous novels. Shelley makes the readers realise that even though the creature is deformed, he is still a character who underneath his flaws should be treated the same as any other person. I was not even of the same nature as man, this shows that Shelley wants the readers to sympathise with the creature and almost feel his emotion.The creatures life is empty if not more than Bonnies as all he longs for is companionship. Shelley makes the readers feel quite sad for the creature as he is deprived of love. With the use of fig urative and emotive language, I saw and heard of none like me, Shelley introduces feelings to the reader which can only be seen as human. The readers see that the creature is still an outcast even though he has essay helping people and tried being humane. Its unfortunate for the creature to have an empty life, one which he didnt really ask for and like the one Bonnie almost wished she didnt have.