Thursday, May 2, 2019

Reasons Why Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Essay

Reasons Why Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized - Essay role modelTherefore, wouldnt it make more sense to simply redefine mating as a union of cardinal single people who, regardless of gender, have chosen to live their lives to go farher as bound by the rules and laws of man (if non graven image as well)? Through this paper, I plan to prove that there ar legal, valid, and acceptable reasons as to why same depend on hymeneals should be legalized in our country. The main pedigree against same sex marriage seems to always be based upon a religious bias. An outmoded tactual sensation that states that marriage was defined by God as being between a man and a woman. In their minds, same sex unions are an abomination because there is nothing in the bible that makes name and address to a union between the same sex as being blessed by God. however isnt the God of man supposed to be understanding? The religious often say that God does not judge any man or woman for who they are f or we are all equal in his eyes. Equal in his eyes. There is no passage in the bible that states that God views a gay, lesbian, or transgender being as anything less than his child as well. So where exactly does that religious argument get its biblical and religious backing? It seems more believable that it was the human beings who chose to put words into the mouth of their God in order to support their own selfish agenda on the matter of same sex marriage. Marriage is a privilege provided by the state. Therefore, couples have the honorable to marry the person they wish to marry. This intervention should never have any religious leanings because of the separation between church and state. Nobody can king the religious to legalize a same sex union using a religious ceremony. tho the religious should not be allowed to trample upon the First amendment rights that were accorded over 20 million Americans either (Hawkins, magic trick Five Reasons to Oppose Gay Marriage). If anything, the constant ban on same sex marriage can be likened to the ban on inter-racial marriage that existed in America back in the 1950s. In her report Points in Defense of Gay Marriage, Leah Moore quoted Andrew Jackson as having once explained that the ban on interracial marriage The right to marry whoever one wishes is an elementary human right compared to which the right to get wind an integrated school, the right to sit where one pleases on a bus, the right to go into any hotel or recreation area or place of amusement, regardless of ones skin or color or line of achievement are minor indeed. Even political rights, like the right to vote, and nearly all other rights enumerated in the Constitution, are secondary to the inalienable human rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness ... and to this category the right to home and marriage unquestionably belong (Moore, Leah Points in Defense of Gay Marriage). Think about it, we all prevail our right and freedom to choose. That is a basic human right that is guaranteed by our constitution. This law also covers our right to marry anyone we choose. Therefore, same sex marriage should be considered a sacred right of every American citizen under our constitution. In the same report, Moore continues to argue in support of gay marriage based

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