Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Students Absenteeism

INTRODUCTION Absenteeism, according to Merriam- Webster dictionary means chronic absence seizure. In the context of the school it is the wonted(prenominal) or intentional failure from going to school. It arouse non be denied that e precise now and then, scholarly persons may miss some school activities and lessons. But it becomes a riddle if the educatee go forth be a fashion from school for many days. Chronic absentee school-age childs argon propd at a disadvantage both societally and academically. They miss break on critical stages of social interaction and development with their peers and at the same time impacts negatively on their academic progress.This bottom of the inning result to low self-esteem, social isolation, and dissatisfaction that could well have precipitated non-attendance in the first place. School absenteeism is an alarming problem for administrators, teachers, parents, and the society in general, as well as for the pupils in particular. Unaccepted abs ence has a negative effect on peer affinity which could cause absence. Also, prolonged absence can have deleterious effects for the child in later life. Students who are absent from the school are at the risk of dropping out of school early.Absenteeism also affects the teachers ability break class work in sequential and organized way. This can have an effect on the progress of all the students attending the class. One way of addressing this problem is to identify the causes why students become truant from school. Once they are singled out, understood and analyzed, specific actions and measures can be undertaken. This willing eventually redound to the better effect of the students, teachers, and the school in general. II. Background of the study Jason Caringal is a student who belongs to heteroclass.He is already third year and he is not a shy type and unplumbed student. He tends to sleep when he wants, and commit absences without informing his teachers. He have been absent two days in a week and though he will come to school he seldom participate in school activities. III. Review of Related Literature A child or students interest is the intimately basic element that makes a collection learning system work in an organize way. From the head to the base members of this organization, the power of one may affect the others.This kind of educational system is comparable to a series light connection where in the state of one greatly affect the others. Population and percentage within that population which causes negative feedbacks can be primary reason of a poor product. The group or schoolroom type of organized way of learning has given that impact to the community of interests being the commonly used system. Its effectiveness has been proven and has never been out of fashion. The relationship between the students physical presence on the class discussions and their learning performance are greatly relative.Class participation is just one way of measuring a childs learning ability. In a class, the teacher-student relationship is one of the most fundamental units in students learning. When a student misses a day of school he/she must have wooly the chance to hear others, interpret and analyzing the lessons or joins the interaction within the class. This lost is being rooted to two different courses and varying factors under these courses. The inquiry might be a family situation or an individual problem. Then, under these courses are the factors that contribute to a childs regular truancy.These may be finance concerns, disability, psychotic imbalance, poor school climate, family health, transportation problems, drug and alcohol use, and differing community attitude towards education, (Savers, D. et al, 2005). Absenteeism in one angle view point is one of the most common causes of degrading performances of the students. Especially to those who are included in the enhance intelligence curriculum, absenteeism causes a great lose and may result to giving up an aimed position. It can also cause social repletion especially when a class is composed of a great number of students.This habit causes a dilemma to the school administration when big figures are involve and may abate the schools performance. On the other hand, contamination of sickness and disease can be avoidable because of the absences of a person (Marburger, D. ,2001) A students attendance may be the grounds of the results of his or her learning performance. School administration and faculty may also affect the absenteeism rate of their student, and so as the population of those who practice absenteeism affect the administration and the school itself.Absenteeism in students affects their school performances especially when they are in a group or teamwork for their assignments and projects. Since grouping will admirer develops the students cooperative and ability to share and gain knowledge from their group mates will also miss the opportunity of gaining k nowledge from the absent student (Koppernhaver, 2003). According to Schmidt in 1983, absenteesm affects the students ability to get high scores in examinations which can cause the decreasing of grades or the student may fail and will cause him/her to repeat the same year level.Students who have spent time attending lectures or classes have a significant, positive effect on students performance. Students that participated exhibited high grades and scores in examinations of the student. Marburger states tat the difficulty inferring the effect of absenteeism on performance because, once a student is absent in a class, he or she may miss the opportunity of learning other techniques. He found out that missing in class progresses the likelihood of missing examination satisfying covered that day compared to the students who were present in the class (2001).It indicates that persistent absentees at an inner-city school in South Wales had significantly lower self concept self-esteem, much deprived socioeconomic backgrounds, lower intelligence level, and more educational problems to control groups. Suggest that remedial measures for absenteeism should focus on raising self-concepts and changing attitudes toward school (Reid K. , 1982). Absenteeism is the most significant factor to affect the functioning of assembly lines in the development of the School Administration.Those high level of absenteeism have negative repression colleges effect to the production of woodland levels of well trained students because of work specialization. The analysis of hundred absentees reveals hundred of instances of negative effect of building well discipline students for the future. In contrast to the empirical narrate it confirms that absenteeism produce higher level of problems, that value specialization among student has been significant reduced in the students achievements (Mateo R, 1998). Here are some causes of absenteeism . Lack of Subject spare-time activity 2. Lack of Perso nal Interest in studies. 3. Available opportunities for entertainment like malls, movie halls etc. 4. The mental capacity of a students does not matches with the the course opted. 5. in like manner much Pamperness from family. 6. The poor teaching skills of a teacher also keep off student from the school. 7. Lack of confidence 8. Ragging also cause absenteeism 9. Lack of consort activities also causes absenteeism like no sports program, no freshers or farewell parties ,no annual day celebration etc. 10.Poor food of canteen may also be consider as one of the reason for absenteeism. 11. Poor infrastructure facility in school such as no place in a library to sit is also one of the reason of absenteeism. 12 Excess of homework and sometimes fear from examination keep away students from school/college. 13 conceptualisation for the participation in TV shows in dance musical or acting,G. K. contest programs also increase the percentage of absenteeism. 14. Preparation for examination cau ses absenteeism. 15. If school or college is far off the percentage of absenteeism may increase. 16.Over expectation of parents also deteriorate the attendance of a student when s/he is unable to cope with parent nature of making comparison among their own children of with the friends of their child. 17. Too much socialization causes absenteeism. It mostly happens during teen age and college when the students forms a group to freak out . 18. Inferiority complex within student causes absenteeism. V. Solutions made by the Teacher to remedy the cause of the problem A. Counselling approaches As a subject teacherer I talk to him and gave some advices in regards with his attitudes.I explained to him that it is not good to be always absent because it will affect his performance. It will be very hard for him to cope up with different activities. B. Parental involvement programs Parents know everything that happened to their child, with this as a solution I seek an advice from our guidance a nd from my CT. I shared that there is a need to talk with the parents of the child. I told to my student who is related to him that Im going to talk with his guardians, and if they can able to visit the schools during their save time.During the visitation we talk the problem of his son, it became clear to us real reason of his always being absent and I asked also for their help in bless to minimize his absenteeism. C. Student Centered Agreements My student and I made an agreement, that though he made absences he should make sure that he will fare all the outputs and requirements upon submission in order for him not to be late an all his task or responsibilities. We also agreed that he will not commit absences unless he cannot carry himself in school. VI. Results or FindingsAfter adopting several solutions, I came up with this result. Students attendance is always affected by the health condition. Once the student is not feeling well the tendency of it is to absent on their clas s. If the teacher did not give any concern with the problem of the student, definitely the performance of the student will fail. Otherwise if the parents did not coordinate to the school in regards with their son, problem may really occur. VII. Recommendations Having the basis from the findings the researchers offer the following recommendations that can be taken into considerations . The school administration with the parents of the concerned students must conduct and effective conference dialogue with the help of findings of the study. 2. Solutions to the different areas of difficulty due to absenteeism can be taken action by individuals in their respective fields. 3. Orientation and briefing on these students might be conducted to all least they would commit to absenteeism with the help of the study. 4. Removing Sickness Parents, teachers, can control sickness by emphasizing upon school students to maintain a high standard of cleanliness and health.Physical check up must be carr ied out as programme. These measures will not only check the absences but will improve the overall health of the school pupils. BIBLIOGRAPHY Internet Resources http /Q/What_are_the_causes_of_absenteeism_of_students http//www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/absenteeism http//www. studymode. com/essays/Absenteeism-3-898789. hypertext mark-up language ACTION RESEARCH IN SOCIAL DIMENSION Submitted by Kimberly Mae D. Rosales Jethro H. Salvan Sharmaine D. Fiedalan Angeli Rose E. Robles Shenalyn I. Ilagan Rolando L. Tampucao (ENGLISH MAJORS)

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