Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Legacy of Communist Leaders Essay -- Papers

Legacy of Communist Leaders The History of modern Russia (twentieth century) is the period of communist government. After the revolution in 1917 Russia became the first communist state, which survived until 1991. cardinal years of rapid changes left an enormous mark in the history of Russia. This period of history introduced us to the greatest communist leaders. History doesnt happen by itself. There moldiness be Individuals who make it. And in our history those individuals are Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev and Yeltsin. To understand how this period of history affected the present and then future we must look at each leader at a time to see what were his purposes and actions and make an opinion. Before 1917 Russia was an empire with tsars from Romanov dynasty. It was a powerful Empire with some(a) weaknesses, which each empire has. Before the revolution in 1917 there was the First Russian Revolution in 1905 knows as the Bloody Sunday. There were three parties - Social-Democratic ram Party (1898), Party Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Constitutional-Democratic Party. The Social-Democratic Labour Party split into two half The Bolsheviks (Majority) led by Vladimir Lenin and The Mensheviks (Minority) led by Martov. Vladimir Lenin (born in 1840) began his political career already in University from which he was expelled as a radical troublemaker. In 1890 he went abroad and joined The Marxists - Plekhanov and Martov. He traveled a lot and had a rule to talk to well educated people. Abroad he wrote his books and after he returned in 1917 he started to realize his ideas. He was the leader of the October revolution... ... happen next. Beginning from Khrushchevs eon and Brezhnevs the terra firma started to move away from the communism system. It happened very slowly but the fact that it started is obvious. The mentality of Soviet people will remain for some time. Our country will not accept individualities because they are afraid of them. And I think it is not only in Russia. It is everywhere. The Communist system stopped the natural increase of our country. We are far away behind the European countries. The Ideology of communism is amazing but it cannot work on such huge territory as Russia. Utopia is not possible in our world and it is strange how the communist leaders could even think of realizing their dreams. Individuals rule world and you cannot admit it. You cannot force history. No consider what it will go its own way, direction.

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